Show RATE REHEARING I ON GRAIN ASKED V WASHINGTON ASHINGTON Feb 23 UP- UP Railroads serving western trunk line territory petitioned the interstate inters inter state commerce commerce commission today to o vacate or postpone Its order of ot October r 22 1934 reducing freight rates ates on grain and asked for tor rehearing re re- tearing hearing of ot the commissions commission's de islon The roads held the order was wa In Invalid In valid and if it made effective on April I as scheduled would further ma ma- reduce their revenues The carriers said their net rev had declined from in n 1929 to in 1932 In 1934 they said the net operating Income for railroads In the western district w was a 8 return of oC only B per cent The railroads told the commission he the rate level on grains should have been raised rather than low ow- ow ered Bert L. L Penn of the Traffic and andRate andRate Rate Service company said the order of last October 22 would mean savings of many thousands of doU doI lars ars annually to Utah Whether the savings will wUl bo be allowed rests with the Interstate decision in the rehearing tion The case affects all grain shipments ship ship- ments west of Chicago and was part of a general Investigation of various rates on commodities made by th tha commission commissI n. n |