Show FRANK K BAKER BAKER- After experimenting this year with six men on some of the squads in the 20 garne state bowling tournament now in progress the state bowling association will probably probably probably ably limit t t the tie c squads next winter to only four or I five ive men mei With six men on the squad the individuals have to wait too long between th their ir turns The larger squads have a tendency to throw the men off their game and to 00 slow up the games more than necessary Scores usually are better when only enough individuals are nrc bowling to keep them in action Once a man is warmed up to his game he doesn't like to have to sit down and wait several minutes before another chance to shoot S S Size Sue of the squads is not the only lesson learned Inthis in inthis inthis this tournament which is w without doubt the most colorful colorful col col- col- col and successful classic ever held in the state Of OC chief importance is the matter of oC a rotating schedule so that one or two groups do not always have to roll at the more inconvenient hours S S S The field has increased until the the- Salt Lake City bowlers alone m make ke up p a schedule that lasts nearly all IF 93 day The first squad takes the alleys at 12 o'clock noon and the thc final group does not complete its session until untila a after ter 10 o'clock in the evening Bowlers who drew the thc last or graveyard shift have therefore had the thc more or less unpleasant task of waiting until the day is nearly over before they turn turnout turnout turnout out for their crack at the maples each Sunday for four weeks It would be far more mores pleasant all around if jf these schedules were distributed to all the groups Aside from the convenience to the bowlers there is the equally important matter of putting certain certai contestants contestants contestants con con- to a psychological disadvantage b by their places in the thc schedule Jack Ja k the present leader rolls on the thc 4 o'clock shift C. C J. J Butts nutts his nearest competitor is a member of or the 6 o'clock squad That means that so long as Quinn continues his fine pace Butts has Invariably to toe the foul line knowing hes he's got to shoot or better betterto to even stay in the race S S S Such a situation puts an individual under tremendous tremendous tremendous dous pressure Ask any golfer who ever reached the he turn only to learn he must play the last nine holes two under par to tie tic the leader who has just finished with a score It is a poor rule that doesn't work both ways of course and the present situation does On the opening day at Ogden Quinn didn't do so o well shooting only and Butts beat him by 21 pins T The e pressure wasn't on that that- day At Bingham a week later it was a far different story Quinn blasted out a 1069 total for his games A average That's what Butts was up against when it cam came his turn to try his and he had only 21 pins to fall back upon The Thc pressure was on that day Butts Butts knew before he started that he had bad 1 to average If he didn't he would fall fail behind Gallantly Butts took up the thc task He Hc got scores of and That totaled 1025 or an average average av av- av- av crage of Normally mighty good but not quite good goodenough goodr goodr r T L' L i r Ar-r 12 1 j t J enough with Quinn setting s such ch a furious pace Butts not only lost his pin 21 margin but also fell 23 pins behind the man with whom he was trying to stay even en It was the same st story ry the following week at the Ace ce alleys Quinn started out with four strikes in his game and eventually banged out a 1048 series series just two pins short of a average Butts therefore faced the necessity of averaging a little over to catch his rivaL That's making things tough Butts toppled 1031 pins of the 1071 he need needed d but that difference represents the margin he be stilt still must Bust pick up Sunday at the Orpheum alleys if he is to keep Quinn from being the first to win the title two years in in a row S S S Quinn will roll at 4 Butts will win still be bc in the precarious spot Sot of having ing to follow the leader and get his after the other fellow has already gotten his The only chance of oC a break he will have will come in the advent advent ad ad- vent Quinn slips badly Then the pressure will be le off oft but Quinn can be bc counted on pretty strongly to keep the pressure on |