Show Veteran Civic Church Leader Dies at Home iJ A I. Mrs helen A. A Harvey PLEASANT GROVE GROVE Mrs Helen Alexander Harvey 81 61 or organizer of the first M M. I. I A. A public library in Provo and at one time president of the M. M I I. I A A. A at Pleasant Grove Greve died Friday at her home here after an illness of several months Mrs Harvey Harve W was vas lS born in Parowan January 16 1854 a daughter of Horace Horace Horace Hor Hor- ace Morton and Houston Alexander She had taken an active part in L. L D. D S S. S church and civic affairs affairs af af- fairs during durin her childhood and was wasa a former Salt Lake City and Provo school teacher Following her marriage to Johnathan Johna Johna- than L L. Harvey in December 1880 in the old Salt Lake City endowment house douse the couple moved to Pleasant Grove where they had lived since ince Mrs Harve Harvey had served in the presidency dency of the Third L. L D D. S. S ward Relief Relief Relief Re Re- lief society was chairman of the li library Ii- Ii board and was one of the organizers or or- of the Daughters of oC Pioneers in Pleasant Grove She at one time was president of the Utah L. L D. D S. S stake Relief Relic society when it comprised com corn prized all of Utah count county She is survived by her husband three sons Dr Dean A. A Harvey Salt Lake City William C C. Harvey California Cali Call fornia Cornia L. L P. P Harvey Pleasant Grove and five daught daughters rs Mrs Effie Effe Chipman Chipman Chipman Chip- Chip man Salt Lake City Mrs Kather Kather- aine Paragonah Mrs Helen Kellerman California Mrs 1 Florence Tyler Oregon on City Cit Ore and Mrs Lucille H. H Wallace Pleasant Grove Also AIo surviving are arc 20 grandchildren Funeral services will be conducted Monday at 2 p. p m m. in the I L L. D. D S. S stake tabernacle at Mount Pleasant Burial will take place in inthe inthe inthe the City cemetery |