Show Scouts Ready to Launch District Drive for Funds S S. S P j S Kir f tt ir I V frS 4 4 A Ai i Y C 4 S n n r m. m Mayor laor A A. O. O Smoot of or Provo right presenting first contribution of the annual Provo Boy Bo- Scout district drive for funds to Rulon Van district finance chairman and director of the drive PROVO With PROVO With 1940 as as- their goal officials of the Provo Boy Scout district will vilI l launch lunch the districts district's annual drive for funds Monday Last Directed by Rulon Van fin finance chairman ln of the district years year's cars car's dr drive e netted 1470 forces will concentrate throughout t the week in an effort to end the drive as quickly as po possible will receive last minute Instructions Monay Monday Monday Mon- Mon day ay at a a. a m m. at a breakfast in the Hotel otel Roberts Oscar A. A Kirkham of Salt alt Lake City regional executive w will Jl Mr Kirkham will also address a district court of honor Sunday eve eve- ning ing in the thc Utah L. L D. D S. S stake tabernacle tabernacle taber- taber nacle acle at which nearly scouts will wilt receive awards The first contribution to the drive w was made Saturday by Mayor A A. 0 O. Smoot Mr Van said Captains of the drive for the varus varIous var varI- adous ous us districts are arc Maurice Harding and nd Jacob Coleman lawyers Orson Slack and Clayton Claton Jenkins chain stores tores Dr M. M W W. Merrill and Dr W W. D. D dentists Dr J. J J. J Weight and nd Dr W W. Woolf physicians physicians- Clar Clar- ence Vacher and Walter F. F Whitehead While While- head neighborhood grocery stores Frank Earl and Heber C C. C Johnson service stations Dwight A. A Packard A. A O O. O Spear Paul D. D Vincent and J. J M. M Killpack industrial and miscellaneous laneous Ed Stein Stem and Walter Jensen garages garages Jesse N. N Ellertson and George S. S Ballif city Mayor May May- or Smoot and Leroy W. W Harding federal federal fed fed- eral Ed Shriver Andrew Victor Headquist Alton J. J Ander Anderson on Sol Jacob VerI Van Wag Wag- Denzil Brown William Christensen Chris- Chris Lensen Jr A A. C. C Hatch and A. A U U. Merrill business and residential are areas Fred C. C Strate Provo city cily schools B B. F. F Cummings and Carl FEyring F F. Eyring Brigham Young university |