Show UNIVERSITY SOCIAL i J 1 GROUPS SCHEDULE EVENTS FOR WEEK By FRANCES PATTERSON P I IThe The Kappa Sigma Mothers Mothers' club entertained at luncheon Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- honoring pledge mothers at the chapter house on Thirteenth East street The guests were seated at one Cne table attractively centered centered centered cen cen- with a bowl of crimson white and green spring flowers The he fraternity colors of crimson white and green were also used in room decorations Tables were arranged for far bridge during the afternoon Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority will give an initiation dinner Saturday evening at Dick Gunn's Gunns cafe The honored guests are the n now new Initiates Miss Frances Wilson Miss Elaine Elg EIg- ten ren Miss Mw Dorothea Moree Miss Betty Pinkerton and Miss MisA Edythe Edyth Gephart Miss Margaret willbe will willbe willbe be toastmistress and responses will willbe willbe willbe be made by Miss Helen Woolley and Miss Vera Vcra Ray Delta Gamma sorority pledges will entertain at an informal dancing party March 8 at Fort Douglas clubhouse clubhouse club club- house in honor of ot the active members members' mem mem- bers bers' Miss Margaret and Miss Katherine Welter are in charge o of arrangements Mrs Adele Taylor Alfred of Coronado Coronado Coronado Coro Coro- nado Cal Cat grand officer and editor of ot the Arrow magazine of the Pi Beta Phi sorority arrived Friday for lor fora lora a brief Inspection of the I local al chapter chap ter and Is a a. guest of the Pi Beta PI sorority Several interesting affairs have been planned In her honor Friday Friday Friday Fri Fri- day evening the sorority entertained at an Informal dinner party at the chapter house on South Wolcott avenue avenue ave ave nue Saturday evening the ex executive co council of ot the sorority will honor Mrs Alfred at a dinner at the chapter chapter chapter chap chap- ter house Miss Frances Purt Purton n is in charge of ot general arrangements ments The officers of ot the alumnae association asso asso- elation will give a breakfast for the visitors Sunday at 11 a. a a. a m. m at the Beau Brummel cafe cae A dinner will be given at the Alta club by the alumnae association Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day evening with Mrs Alfred Alred as special special cial guest of honor Miss Mim Virginia Par Par- sons is chairman for the affair A musical program will be presented Thursday evening the R O. O T T. T C. C entertained at a dancing party in inthe inthe inthe the ballroom of ot the Union building The patrons and patronesses were Governor and Mrs Mr Henry H. H Blood Mayor Maor and Mrs Louis Marcus President Pres Pru- ident and Mrs George Thomas Gen Cen eral and tr 1 Mrs Pegram Whitworth A General and Mrs W. W G. G Williams Colonel and Mrs A. A J. J Dougherty Dougherty- Colonel and Mrs A. A F. F Colonel and Mrs Mis Hamilton Gardner Colonel and Mrs Carl Ca 1 A. A Badger Colonel and Mrs Fredric Fredrie Jorgensen Colonel and Mrs Howard P. P Kirtley Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs J. J A. A Johnston Lieutenant J. J W. W Palmer Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs Mra Maurice Anderson Mrs F. F A. A Richardson Richardson Richardson Rich Rich- ardson and Major and Mrs C C. H. H He Harrison t r The regular monthly dinner meeting meeting meet- meet J in ing of ot the Theta Upsilon sorority will be given Monday evening at atthe atthe the chapter house on Federal way ML Miss sMary Mary Allen AUen will act as hostess 1 Announcement is s 3 made of ot the initiation initiation ini ini- ml- ml of ot the following to the Sigma t tChi Chi fraternity Anton Lund Morris Rees Hyrum Duckworth and Barman Harman Harman Har- Har man Williams Friday evening pledge members of ot the fraternity entertained the active chapter at an Informal dancing party at the home of Dr and Mrs George GeorgeA A Allen on Thirteenth East street street- A Thursday at p. p m m. the Chi Omega sorority will h hold ld its annual birthday banquet in the Newhouse hotel in fri celebration ot the twenty twenty- first anniversary o of the Xi Alpha chapter of the national sorority Members of the Dames' Dames club at the University of Utah will wiIl hold its regular regular reg reg- t ular meeting Thursday at 8 p. p In m. in room 34 in the Union building Announcement is made made by the ther r University Art guild of the election of the following officers for the cn- cn ensuIng j en-j suing year Miss Hope Ingols president president dent Miss 1 Tyler vice president president pres pres- ident Mont Sudbury secretary and Miss Lois Jenkins treasurer Members of the Beta Theta Pi Plura- Plura fraternity fraternity fra fra- will entertain at an informal dancing party Saturday evening a athe at atthe atthe the Covenant ho house hoe e on East South Temple street The patrons and patronesses patronesses pa pa- for the occasion include Mr and Mrs Joseph H. H Rayburn Raburn and Professor or and Mrs Mervin B. B Ho Ho- gan Howard Burton is in charge of ct arrangements a. a assisted by Craig Bogers Rogers Rogers Rog Bog ers Dale Anderson and Robert Seal- Seal ley Icy Saturday evening the Officers Officers' c club clui of the R. R O. O T. T C C. C at the University of ot Utah at their winter win win- ter formal dancing party in the th ball room of the Union building The The The-pa pa pa- Irons trans and patronesses for lor the affair Include Major and Mrs James A A. Gil- Gil Gillispie lispie Captain and Mrs M. M I L L. Craig Lieutenant and Mrs C C. A. A Lieutenant and Mr Mrs Rob Robert ert Cannon and Professor ProCessor and Mrs A. A L. L Jensen Irvin Stevenson is In charge charie of ot the evening a. a assisted by p Paul ul Rigby RIby arid and Lynn Stockman If Announcement rit Li Is made of oL th the pledging of ot the following following- girls into the n Fine Arts society at it the University Miss MiS Ruth Hansen MIss Jeannette Clawson Miss Marjorie Marjoria Rich Miss Beth Papworth Miss Dorothea Doro Dora thea Moree Miss Dorothy Miller r Miss Mss Audrey Randle Miss Bobbe Nichols Miss Betty Ramsey Miss MIs Beth Spencer Miss Evelyn Daly Miss Maxine Cro Crookston Miss MIMi June McDonald Miss Bothwell Miss Mis Janet Porter and Miss l-fiss B Betty tty W Walker Initiation take lac Mi March 3 i in iii m the hotel with wih Mia Patricia In ii charge chaie I t |