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Show ity Loan, and County committees will be expanded. Using the slogan "AMERICA'S SECURITY VIS . YOUR SECURITY", SECUR-ITY", the nationwide campaign against inflation will have the active support of the American Bankers Association, State Bankers Bank-ers Associations, the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Labor Unions, the Farm Bureau, Life Underwriters Associations, service clubs, fraternal and patriotic pat-riotic organizations, women's clubs and many other organizations. WAGES, PRICES ARE HIGH IN VENEZUELA Oil has made Venezuela the Alice-in-Wonderland country of j the .world where drillers are paid ! as high as $150 a day, are driven ! to work in their own limousines, : and their wives pay as much as $15 a pair for nylons. Highest paid group of expatriates ex-patriates in the world are the 8,000 ' Americans who work for the oil and aviation companies in the South American Republic, which has the highest per capita income in the world, according to an article in the April issue of Cosmopolitan Cos-mopolitan magazine. "The high wages are deceptive though, because the cost of living in Caracas, is even higher than in the United States, if you can imagine such a thing," the article points out. "About ninety percent of the necessities are imported. The markup on canned and fresh food is three hundred percent. Bread is seventy-five cents a loaf. A home in the swanky country club district, where most Americans Ameri-cans feel they must live, costs $500 a month, without furniture or light fixtures. "Each family hires at least two servants at $100 a month each, and it is very difficult to fire them. To discharge a domestic servant, you must give her one month's severance pay for each year that she has been in your employ. ."Office workers do even better. Their representatives audit the books of the firm at the end of the year and see to it that a certain cer-tain share of the profits is distributed dis-tributed among the employes." But it is at the baseball games that the Venezuelan fans really let go, and it is a fairly common sight to see an enraged fan whip out a pistol and take a pot shot from the grandstand at a pitcher who is not doing too well on the mound, according to the article. |