Show the gets two a half years the first caso to occupy tho attention of the court this morning was that of the people vs chas bradt defendant is charged with assault to commit rape upon the person of emma francom a nine year old pirl at paydon on septem her bradt is a blacksmith at payson and is about 50 years old the defense is that at the time the assault was committed bradt was very drunk so much BO that he did not know what he was doing the evidence given in the case was of a most disgusting nature arguments were made and after instructions from the court the jury retired at 11 a m after being out half an hour re-turned a verdict of guilty as charged the court sentenced him to two and a half years in the penitentiary harry king was then placed on trial on the charge of hhoouusseebbrreeaakkiinngg he is accused of breaking into a section house belonging to at sSuunnnnyyssiiddee carbon county on august two other young men thomas smith and fred littlefield were arrested at the same time as king for the same offonse A plea of guilty was made by them and they were both sentenced to imprison-ment A plea of not guilty was made by king GRANTED |