Show NONE could more ardently desire bravo pravo ta be th capital of the new state than the enquirer we fought or the city in the center of lation when the question was up and there was a fighting chance of BUC ceba but when such a man us S R went back on the city of hie home and plainly told the convention while the fight was OH that he believed salt lake was the place for the ceat of government in the new state we concluded that it was of no nae to agitate the question anther until republicans should be ben to represent the county for they are always true to their platforms and the people it is bet possible that tha capital question can never be brought to the front again with halt lake made the seat of government by the constitution it is to alie credit of the republican party of provo that the police depart anti so great an expense under democratic administrations hie cost less under tha present administration than ever before aiace provo became a city of the second clasa bo far the department this year has collected in fines and drug store licenses mere than enough to pay tha running expenses of the police department chairman cannon ia waging a winning campaign hia conduct of political affairs ia giving entire satisfaction to people of the outside counties his placing of able speakers in the field in such a pleasing manner with glee clubs etc is catching the publics attention mr cannon carriea on a quiet campaign while 0 W powers is powder and pyrotechnics the provo water works were a frightful bugaboo to the last democratic city administration at nearly every session tha democratic superintendent had iu bills for repairs and connections such bills have not been een during the administration the salt balce tribune lias an article on provos coal being mined in rock canyon it is pronounced anthracite th methodist parsonage this city has bean using the coal with good results it all burns out THI democrats have about up the fight for congressman and tie state ticket their beat efforts aie now centered on legislative tickets mua coIl Qi tho aebi legislature EVERT citizen be out at the primaries mariea this evening do not let any combinations if they exist control them the enthusiasm of tho people wherever Ee publican state candidates go chow which way the political tido is flowing |