Show city and county Jot tings Barrett eon of M J barrett deceased has returned to provo OKLY via R G W to bait lake and return locia repaired and key fitted barber shears sharpened and adjusted umbrellas repaired saws filed and set at the gatea furniture go lm received n large and varied stock of benta ladies ani an i childrens ehleb at bed rock prices for cach call and be convinced 6 boora west of tay lor broa G choules Cb d BW WOOL cashmeres cash meres double width woith belling for 15 J at S 8 tones company madei uita at PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO conr flour to the elite bakery in exchange for bread opposite post office TUB A 0 smoot lumber yards want wheat eata barley and corn in exchange for lumber doors sash etc A complete new stock is carried tf and receipts ceef lly compounded at smoot drug co t next city council will be everni evem ni D L haa opened a real estate loan office in martins bank opposite the poet office go to 0 for homemade boots and shoes repairing Repair inc neatly done d sw I 1 good lucern field pasture to rent for horses by the week or month for further particulars enquire of A E Bijie low ward I 1 m do goos rooms and boad at the rate of 5 per week at mrs snyders opposite the opera house FAMILY trade solicited goods delivered promptly by the popular grocers boagard a in the city mant by attending the primaries abio evening importation of french noy eleias end a nna assortment of prevo woolen mil s beautiful ani of juat in at the 8 8 jones company paint 1 paint 1 paint 1 ready mixed dainta at warda sona 1 par gallon can FROM to feet of logs wanted immediately G W mickel provo t Bo guARDA carry all the leading brands of hoar at lowest TUB R G W id the rates to leas one cent u mile to benefit the patronize them only 75 cents to bialt lake and return TUB Tuc arrora society initiated a number of nerr members baat bight put fiem through the ritual and had a ken oral loye flait 8 L harald growers and bea keepers can get their supplies at the lowest prices rt geo W mickele mill DEALERS in building material and contractors can eave money by sending their ordera for mill work to geo W provo utah t go to the excelsior house opposite the houpe on J attner far the est 25 cent bed and the best 25 scent jn the bakery line made to order specialty at floraa T i 11 j jf UNTIL larther notice rabe R GW G W will belt tickets to salt lake and return at OVER new styles in cloaks fosi in at the S S janen company raceine in price from to Republic na clab of the first will hold its next meeting at the parlors ot arg reed smoot an excellent program is babok prepared while down in the southwestern part of the state bome time aio eang mr W editor of the chico oal enterprise 1 I an attack of dye antery ravin beard ot colic cholera and diarrhoea remedy I 1 boight a bottle A couple of dose 0 it completely cured me now I 1 am a champion of that remedy for all cb and bowel complaints for sale by smoot dang co is to hava another coal yard with L holbrook Bin A carload of the famosi diamond coil bus been and the yards at the bottom of J are being prepared pre for bini lefia naoto is to have a mail lernice to salt lake avei the R G W no 3 the mail will not cloae at the post office before 8 p m and later tha train leaves at 1010 p m service will probably begin next monday it will be a big to business men FAMILY washing 6 cents per pound at the troy steam laundry of provo t FOE rent A six roomed house enquire of the A 0 smoot lumber co tf homer formerly of the palace of city but now in the saloon balinese bai inese it Bani bine is in provo for a few dayn ans 8 8 jones company has fitted no new and Boac ions cloak department and the public can secure the handsomest hanso at the lowest ever bought in republican BE PUBLICAN primaries tonight Bouth wortha hall every friday evening tickets only 60 cents the baet of ballroom ON saturday oct IS how fe tatt will sell bugar at a sack for EVERYBODY should attend the primaries thie evening ey ening talt will rive a on ocr 13 at their lebail grocery etore 28 centre st sampled of OLD STYLE MAPLE will aleo be given away free sea for particulars everybody come do your duty attend the primaries tonight and see that boid men are put up to berva in oar city council for the next two years line of double ever brought to provo in en exhibition at the gates furniture gos store primaries tonight in all abo warda chop house ie the place exactly to get a good aquara meal open day and night basement of excelsior block center estreet wm oneill Il 0 lambert jr of the lambert paper co salt lake city ia in provo IF napolean and trilby coald have had as much advertising done for them while they were on earth they would not havo had to sell elegant wrap at tho remarkable low prices vou can bet them for at the S 5 jone co THE lake city republican con bention yesterday named the following ticket mayor james recorder david 8 emery treasurer john L may city Jc itice D H wen eer ONLY 75 cents to salt lake and return via U P railway THI dennis club ie the latest terpsichorean society organized in for pleasure and pastime t giyei its first bell at the opera house on thursday evening the inet we acknowledge n invitation maneini han eini lamps your own prices at tle furniture co store are the places the republican primaries tonight first ward cauntay court house second and third warde franklin chool hauae fourth ad ditth wards at tb school bobae and millinery batth bat the elegant trimmed hata at the 8 S jones company hava more charms than music because you can get the handsomest bat in abo territory at very low figure WOOL worth 20 at genuine scotch plaids worth 25 changeable boc atod brilliantz brilliants brilli ants worth 25 alinz at Q call and secure some at S S jones corns pany go to the hardware iron J for hay orchard ig famous for choice fruits constatine consi atine of bartlett pears orange peaches prunes plums traces etc situated 2 milea from post office would be pleased to fill conr orders W 0 beekley Be ealey A boap we offer for bale residence property formerly owned by james E west of aba railroad depot at to butt par chaser address western loan company P 0 BOY 1537 salt lake city D tab the a S goat reports show royal baking powder superior to alt others WABD fi SONS will take GRAIN in part payment for materiel tt D L DJIAN baa borne fine improved farms in otah county and choice residence properties in city listed for sale price and terms cheap and rpsa anable office in swaney martine bank opposite poat office t encyclopedia britannica agency at skelton gos free to the public for examination 2 aks for fishing bachle at provo hardware and iron company t LUNCH at howe and tafta saturday oct arery one invited licenses have been to joseph G jones agaj 21 and pearl M beasey aed 18 both of brovo also to eliaha E edwards aged 35 and irena clemenes CI emenes aged 20 both ol 01 salem UW hall was scans of enjoyment last evening eve nini ahe meni bera of that local lodge with their wives and sweethearts indulged in a moat high five party lunch waa Berred and the time was whiled away with various IT was 6 happy throne at relatives and frienda who attended atten dad abo reception of rollo hardial and bis ch armias wife lat evancoe evan ioe A most delightful time was and man were the for happiness for the young couple should turn oat in bom at tha primaries ahr ebenia ey enia moo trill be to nerve our cita council for the coming two amra and it is abi duty of evary republican to see ahn ffoyd mn are put up salt lake is in the city aa in the harry king co have led oat in afie way of improvement by bavius sidewalk plated with rock labi dext will ba a danca at the south worth ball this evening has been received of the death 0 at salt lake night mr brieby is an old resident of abia city and baa many frienda herp ahe wiil aft brought down fron salt lake at tomorrow morning foi interment in the cemetery popular youna people ol 01 were entertained lat evanine mr ben schwab at the hom of hi brother it was en ale it anair ni aleh flye farmed the even daisy floora won crt ladys prise and alf aley tho fon anze john 0 graham jr wf n the first prize and E E the consolation when the hair has fallen out tin head bald if aba boap ia not a chance 0 b baing halla kabo aut rates lake 75 centa for otla the U P railway go to flora for tha best ice cream b ead caked and candy opposite poat 0 rice ALL kinds of produce wanted in ex chango for woolen goods PROVO V MILLS CO go and aea the new line nf carlata at tbt gata furniture store A W pre oi tha r imore stake ia visiting in provo AT tea of the bobae break ii catao all will be c lelh 20 for BOLIO OAK bedroom suit of tl reo at gates furniture co S jre A y earold ear old eon of elder 0 harper who is filline a in europa was thrown from hia horae at fanfant Fana ant grove hia ankle some boya had stretched a are across the road which caused tha h aret to trip and fall rith above results |