Show Sc biff kally at scofield HOD F J cannon wednesday evening to the largest gather ing ever seen here fully people were turned away unable to get within hearing distance from winter quarters a mile distant everybody came to hear the little giant A torch light procession was formed at winter quarters which marched to scofield where they joined in with those ot scofield A shot gun club was in line and made the air fairly ring with volleys red fire was burned in abundance and every thing was ablaze with enthusiasm the meeting was held in tha school house JOB sharp wa chairman and made a beautiful in presenting mr cagnon introducing him as tha senators from the state of utah mr cannon was given a perfect ovation and talked to the people for two hours on the issues of the day col A D gash of provo was billed to speak to the people of winter quarters at the same time but alas for poor abe he was not in it abe had just five persons in the house including himself when the people en mass formed in their groces eion and started for scofield a mile distant poor abe looked like he wa lost in the wilderness |