Show DAILY maidat rai DAT janea blote olote Ol oTe manager bomber ia 27 mention in ania column 30 cents per line each insertion and chanaca cha anat b office not later than 10 a m to insertion aade day OVERWORK INDUCED nervous prostration complete recovery Se covery by the use of ayers sarsaparilla Sarsa some years ago as a result of too close attention to business my health ailed I 1 became nervous waa unable to look after my interests and manifested all the symptoms of a decline I 1 took tarco bottles of ayers sarsaparilla arilla began to improve at once SI alsy ay WS yf S and gradually increased my weight from ono hundred and twenty five to two hundred pounds since then I 1 and my family have used this medicine when needed and we are all in the best of health a fact which wo attribute to ayera sarsaparilla Sarsa I 1 believe my children would have been fatherless today to day lad it not been for ayera ot which preparation I 1 cannot aay too much H 0 hassow postmaster and planter kinards S C ayers sarsaparilla Sarsa RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLDS faitt AVERS pills savo doctors B WELL ENJOY LIFE W witti take celery he common sense of the people has lo 10 g refused to believe that rheumatism acu neuralgia were diseases hopeless of cu e edward E phelps M D L L D of dartmouth college has confirmed th ir belief there is an absolute specific for both of these diseases in paines ce ry compound thousands of men ac women are every year entirely treed arr a these two torturing disorders by pi fles celery compound neuralgia pain affects first one part of th body and then another natures re 1 sleep is sought in vain and lit s ordinary duties become burdena to heavy to be borne in this condition of sleeplessness natures call for rest nr t be regarded it unheeded co sequences are likely to ensue the ne res must be built up by a proper neve ne ve food there is nothing equal to Ps ines celery compound le body is not a machine which is aply wears out after a certain number of eare but a vital organism having the pc yer of revivifying revivify ing itself capable of be ng hard worked but demanding fr quent time of recuperation in sleep 0 o quickly furnish a freh and abend that joyful feeling with the exhilarating sense of rs iwed health and strength and interi d cleanliness which follows the use c syrup of figs is unknown to ane few tho have not saad beyond the 0 1 time medicines and the cheap suba antes offered but never t accepted by the well informed quarterly conference tha regular quarterly conference of I 1 tab stake will ba held in the stake 1 on saturday and sunday C t and OA 1895 commencing at YEARS OF INTENSE PAIN ar J ST watts f druggist and phyll artan hamboldt neb who buffered with baart disease tor tour years every amedy and all treatments treat menta known to ahlm rollow believes that eart disease la curable 1 I wish to tell what your valuable medicine has done for me for tour dearal and disease of the very worst kind bov cral physicians I 1 consulted said it wa rheumatism of the heart it was almost unendurable with shortness of breath palmita eions severe pains unable to sleep especially on the left side no pen can describe my sufferings particularly luring the last hoathi of those four weary years I 1 finally tried miles new heart cure ad was surprised at the result it put new fe into and made a bew man of me 2 avo not had a symptom of trouble blac ind I 1 am your medicine has cirei 19 for 1 have now enjoyed since three years of splendid health might add that I 1 am a draggist and har ha r sold and recommended your heart cure for T know what it has done tor ne and only elsh I 1 state more clearly my suffer aas then and the good health I 1 now enjoy i our nerrino and other remedies alao ive excellent satisfaction J H WATTS humboldt nob may 9 dr miles bicart curo Is sold on a positive will beneat 6 hlll bo sent prepaid pre paid on receipt of j too dr medical co ElUi art ur milesa heart cure restores health sl ant supply of nutriment for every tissue of the body is the purpose for which bainee celery compound was first prepared this rapid production of fresh nervous energy and pure blood was the one endeavor of prof edward E phelps long study of the cause of nervous exhaustion ha the result of his life work was pained celery compound that remarkable remedy that and speedily cures disease it is the greatest nerve regulator and blood purifier of this present century for men and women out of health paines celery compound should be tried without fail it has meant health in place of sickness in thousands of basea that seemed hopeless the fact that this is the season when rheumatism most painfully shows itself makes the following communication from mr J M tobias of south omaha neb of special interest mr tobias writes 1 I suffered for years with rheumatism in the joints of my hands and arms so that I 1 could perform my work only with the greatest difficulty I 1 used all kinds of medicines without result finally I 1 secured a bottle of paines calary compound and it benefited me at once paines celery compound certainly cures rheumatism ten a m bishope of bardl will please eee that their quarterly reports are lent to the stake birk immediately EDWARD lad REED staffe Preal dancy when baby nia rick we gave hor jhb waa a cand she cried for when ea became miss she clung to cantoria Ca atoria when eha had caudron Ch she ewe them Castori fk rac worlds showed no baking powder so pure or so great la leav balag power as the CUT RATES via U P E E hll b aai LIMITED TO OCT trains go at p m and 8 a na G W CRAIG TRUSTEES BALE having been made anth payment of interest on a promissory note dated january 1891 by albert hagan karan hagan bis wife kele Kason kosetta Yo reason bis wife and norman 8 holladay unmarried for Fou itean hundred dollars payable to the columbia building aud loan association af den bt a deed of trust to clyde J EaB trustee abd afi fuse of bis death removal or irom the coun tv of utah territory of utah or refusal rel or failure or inability to act aheu to the acting utah coon tv as in dated january 1891 recorded february in book 8 pages sl to 34 of utah county records and whereas said J eastman hai resi bf position aa trustee now at the request of the bezal older of cid botu and under and by of alit ower cd authority in ma esteil by ead deed of treat I 1 will on ne day of november A i 85 fit TF am aall at pub c eairl iii at tl 6 front door of the alie of utah oi atad all aba itle bed equity nf rede if the paid albert babaa karen haban nela caBon romelta YorKa aon and norman S holladay in and to the fol lawanz described landa and premia of situate ie abe county of utah territory of utah beginning at the ner thweat corner of lot six 6 block seven 7 fist A survey thence baat lorta 40 feet thence bouth 62 feet thence west forty 40 fret thence north sixty two to place i of onion ing for the bighead and beat I 1 price the bama will bring in ceab for the aea of paving eaid note and I 1 the thereon and tho of thia arnat i JOHH A sheriff acting sheriff of utah county ind BUG ceasor in by j apt bab dated i Oct j OUR MOTTO STILL IS si 99 wbk A fc V HB arad juittle ittle JC altot y i blaise ON SATURDAY SEPT 7 WE SHALL MAKE A SPECIAL SALE ON NECKWEAR 1000 at 25 cents each pairs ko 1 pants shades ard colors at each A SINGLETON bupt supt H SINGLETON CO aaa plaid silks 1 will sell tor all wool cashmere W tor ladles honse wrappers imbed worth for childrens school sail 3 for ac all wool serges in wide III black ml hastoy worth will sell for r a n e mill e demember em ember saturday oc until S A atar ask JL clothing stores have come and gone and still we continue to grow in sales in popularity in everyday Every way season after season a larger and larger portion of male population jurjis its Schwa bward for what eyes is best best in every possible ia way ready to wear clothes and after season season we continue to furnish it at prices that are simply competition proof THE FALL AND OF ia will find us another notch higher on the ladder of fame our assortment will be the largest ever shown by any clothing store our styles workmanship fit and finish with the lowest price will satisfy you coupled ON THIS our business methods have stood the scrutiny of thousands of customers and we solicit your patronage this fall we give you an ingling of what splendid things have we in briefly mention store for you we AT mens strictly all wool black chevi chevious cheviots and less than 1200 grey casi meres never before equalled equal led for AT mans dickey casimere suits in lave less than 15 00 variety of colors not old fold f anywhere for AT 10 OOs the famous beaver dam tricot lawn suits in black our stock with values never equalled equal led and gray and so we go on all through y i kpa W fc i y |