Show NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE notice is hereby given that in pursuance of au order of the court of tha county ot utah territory of utah made on the of Sepi eai ber 1895 in the matier of the estate of and of Frdd tick lauless Wa uless minor the und crois tied of baid minors person and will beell at tale to the highest bidder lor cash and to co by aard court on the day of october at 12 AI at the private residence of baid guardian in lahi oita in ahe county of utah all liht title interest and estate ol 01 the said freden k and all the right title and that the aard mihoi haa by operation of law or otherwise in and to all those certain lota pieces or parcels of inna lying and beiji ii the said territory of rf aa und tt ra cowit be one chee ot tha E ayner of blocs 29 li abi city thence N 88 dee E 5 che y 1 deg irence N 1 deew 5 97 ci to place of beginning alao lots 1 aud 2 lu block 42 plat alchi AL city survey ul building lois also lots 3 aal 4 in block 28 plat A lehi city survey of building lote also commencing 26 ads E 61 ads N from the B wc of the 8 E quarter of csc rsc 20 tp 5 8 R 1 E N 40 adb thence E 24 ada rda thence S 40 ada rda thence W 24 ads to place of area 6 acres alao 61 ads N and 60 rdse 8 7 corner of the ae anar ter ot etc 20 tp 5 8 R IE thence N 40 el thence b 40 ada rda thence W 20 rde to place of area 6 acres aisa coni 2769 cbs N and 50 cha E of the ti V of the S W quarter 5 8 R 1 E thence E th nce N achs 5 84 do V 1 52 aha thence 8 88 dee 8 deg E 5 96 aba cba R 88 doe W ch 8 2 deg E cha W 29 cha to place of be dinnini gin nini area 7 75 acres ing 26 38 aba cba N and 50 achs E of be d W corner of te a W of sec 16 tp 5 S R 1 E thence E cbs thence N i 31 ha W 9 51 cbs thence 8 13 aba cba to place of bs ginning area 1 aj acres also a ono interest in an undivided interest in the fo euwins pice pi ce and narcel of 50 edg E of tle 8 W corner of the 8 E quarter of sec 19 8 K 1 E thence E 50 ada rda thence N 76 aln thence W 50 ada rda A afi ads to anc place of beginning arpa 17 acres also al the ina and a certain 40 acre piece of school land in sc 16 fp 5 R 1 E and occupied by william wanless at the and conditions of sale cash ten per cent of the purr laae money to be paid ou tbt day of the sale balance on confirmation of pale by said probate court at expense of THOMAS R guardian of the estate and person of freddick Fredi ick wannees Wan lees september |