Show carbon condensations A low number of price paop went 0 o the capital to attend conference and the eisteddfod was it judge kings purpose la reducing brownlee s bonds to a long community with a prolongation lon gation of the advocates eliat ecco judge king may be n good lawyer but as a judge is at a discount whoever heard afan offense offence such sa brownlee and bia ilk are with bailog designated aa arson in the degree ant then will kiai is original in hi ideas fortunately under a state government we aru assured of the election of a judge who will prove that be knows toa delectable delecta cle trio will be disposed of by a republican judge and that too right here in price A very strung petition waa bent in from here to washington protesting against the appointment of the gotori cm cur smith to the postmaster ater general it waa signed by 95 per cent of the of price the only ones refu aine ta sign were the followers the news hagere a years tion against a tooth pick smith never qualifies howa that dex the advocate crew claim to know abero the man is who bad bia left bad cut on the morning of the fire and who wears a number six shoe and they will bring him forth when the time comes ane newa know where a man ia who had a cut in his left foot on the mornine of the fire and wears a number aix shoe nd who also had a rubber on that morning anat do aba Damo crata now think of their county chairman who will claim the reward s tha blaa fida Damo crata of carbon and emery counties are in no mood just now lo 10 tha ticket headed by john T caine for governor bince it is reported that he is responsible for coiet ing an adventurer upon the price people for postmaster where oh where 13 the much lauded doctrin e of the party of the aple connected with this outrageous imposition of foisting a man upon a community who abhor him some of the most underhanded poli work was done in the appointment of das smith to the poet offic ft john T gaine will feel the results of his part of the bame on nov three fourths of the democrats of carbon county will scratch hia name off iba ticket will king the boy judge at provo made an exhibition of himself in ruling that Brown leeB alleged crime of netting fire to bis own shanty vib only arson in the second dearah fortunately judge jacob johnbson John Bon a man of more learning and experience will eel tie this question somewhat differently M oct 9 |