Show SALE whereas benjamin kirkham and james kirk ham both unmarried by their dt yd of mat dated may duly and recorded in the office of tha county recorder of utah county utah territory on the day of may in book 15 ol 01 mortgages on 53 conveyed to the nn der signed as trustee the following described land and premises situate in provo city utah ed and described aa follow to wit I 1 commencing Comm encinO rods west of the northeast cornar oi block plat A provo city survey of building lots chenco benth 6 rods thence west 3 rods thence noth 6 rods thence aass 3 rods I 1 to place of beginning of description se as be lot 6 block plat A aforesaid in the county and territory of utah I 1 containing contain inc an area of 18 square ro da of 1 ground m trust fecere the ent of a certain note for foul hun dred dollars dated may 1892 and delivered by james Kirk babi and Bu njamin kirkbak to provo commercial and and payable at the corame and bank in provo city utah one year after date with interest there on at tin rate of 1 per cent per month aiom date until paid and whereas said trust dead provided ded that in atye donult be madaio the oay mont of any of the there by Be cured either principal or interest then caid deed to remain in force and tha aard party oi lh second part or in the ebent of tatt dath disability or absence from provo city or refusing to act or other of the parly of the second part anen the j sheriff of utah county utah or adv of bia deputies then acting may as abc of the oarth of the secund part proceed to sell said described property or adv part thereof at public to the highest bidder for cach either of tha parties to aard deed being at liberty to become the pu chaset at euch sale at the banko ir house f said provo commercial end savings provo city utah first giving twenty daya public notice of abe time and place of said sale and th property to be bold bv advertisement in somo newspaper printed in tha englich and published public hed in naad aroyo city and auch bale the bald party of tha aaa mi put or bla ahu and deliver a deed or deeds la fee of loathe thereof and bus oi ahe pro beeda of sale first the af said Maeo nabla at torney anu and campen aarion to abid tor said in services Ber vices paid arthe aid party 0 o ha third part ita or for taxes i ander the in laid trust deed chont pen Benth chetri from date ofphy meat thereof pay tha fhaid noto abbt principal and reat interest up to jn the avont ot their oeung a of euch procedda proc esda ah en to pay of iho first part their calof the deficit ency ot rach proceeds to abate an ac couns credit tha paid on baid nott and certify alq 1 Where ashe said note is past duo imd remain except th earn ol 01 tae inter eat on the balance bf is in laid t note provid fed sinco tha dt et july all to the buia ol 01 65 bh d Where iatha bolder of field athe d trustee to proceed to bell baid premises according to lbs couta ned in eald deed of now therefore public notice ia har by ibal the ID with sioni of eaid deed of arnst to which rc ference is hereby arid at the ra and ho bodero dero thaid coto mi det drib asland at bublic to tha for baab hou be prota S iri B an ih utah on the r la of oc tober 1895 af 01 ol for the ha ex of aam the grosue andria attorney aad for principal ine oat aba in t of trait jated st babb fumoo fi i for arote |