Show enthusiasm the order of the day KALLY AT professions processions Process ions at held ud gate their A large delegation of citizens were at ahe depot wednesday to meet beber M well P boxt governor and the ammoae frea silver glee club who arrived on no 2 they were escorted to the residence ot mr CH taylor where a grand dinner waa prepared by taylor whitmore Whit moro galliner aad hold ariy among the palca people who were present at the repast were noticed 0 H taylora Ta vlorA ballones Bal loner D W holdaway Holdaw av col wilbur J M whitmore A J led and M H graham the onla dav to describe the dinner is to aay it was grand long before the appointed boar of meeting people commenced to sll the meeting house and when the time amt for the opening there was not it audini room tn pi ice band was out and discord ed some beautiful music col wilbur acted AS master of ceremonies for the evening tie colonel aa he arose received a bin ovation he said that when mr for election reelection re he loped that pricel w uld flave a place to meet in ue hoped the democrats in the house were all seated as they needed rest applause they were chaky in the knees but the republicans cougil tand as they were already in good banding tan ding laughter the famous provo quartette waa res with cheers aad a couple 0 elections mr belh was then introduced as the gove ioor of the new state he Mapa oded in a very like asking the people to support the constitution he also spoke on home industry protection and free ail var seating that if the people did not want him as governor they would eay 0 o bv their ballots on nor 6 mr wells male many friends bv bis clear conical liitle the glee club gave another of tap r fiad campaign which was ry much appreciate ii col wilbur was tha next speaker he bad noticed that democratic re is tartt this 18 A democratic year HB agreed with them batin ta tin aney this year would eee the political funeral ever seen and hie democratic party would bj the crp seand followers lowera fol of democracy would be the mourners mour nere bo much crape would be used that they would hive to take the off of it as they had wool henry G mathia wan next called on and m hia maiden telling why he was a follower of the party of protection the glee club gave two more selections the tuli ence was invited to chalce hands with governor bellfl and most every one in the hail responded aba meeting then adjourned where waa brownlee was a question asked he was afraid to come oat filone J B meek of huntington occupied n place on th bland A large number of good come over from wellington geoa aileon a food republican of wellington was heard to remark 1 I have six flona and three ut I 1 hold the bal ance ci bower it wae r that cannon and alien were not in aUen dence the club was pronounced thy beat thing yet aba price brass hand rendered very valuable services eer vices by their line pl avine just another earh meeting and there wont bu democrat left aba glae club aerna ded bishop frandeen Fran daen price oct 9 |