Show sy policy ori uc pioneers oar democratic neighbor not satisfied with the evidence of Whit neya history 0 utah that president ident young wa a protectionist and tho many lawa signed by first governor wants na to that special bounty layra ware for the cotton mills down in washington utah tanning in salt lake and a hundred industries which oar contemporary cant name it says they war began without bounties which is absolutely sol true oar neighbor was anat as positive about president young not bink a protectionist for it said tho that he raa a protectionist wag a lie from start to finish it ia not so positive about that now we gave a sample bounty law a few days ago wherein two thousand dollars were appropriated and placed in the bands of governor young and a committed commit teo to be paid in premiums to the producers of homemade home made booda there are other laws of the same kind can conr neighbor bay that none of these thousands thou sandi of dollars in pre giuma did not go to the cotton mills tannery and a hundred other indus speaks the general policy of aba pioneers was to encourage by wise protective or bounty laws tha of utah that policy was pursued by the mormon people without a dissenting voice antil the division movement no portion of the people ever thought of protesting against laws for tho promotion of home industries dus tries until the hores iea of democracy opposed aa thit doctrine ig to home became en grafted in the minds of some ot our people ono needs but look at the vote on the last bo anty bill before h people divided on national party liaos to convince him of the unanimity with which laws for the of home industries passed moro than halt the lamca recorded in favor of that law for the encouragement of borne afterwards democrats we this county S R H ang and wm broer who were all willing to daei laws tor the encouragement of home industries aa peoples party men but fought that prin ciple when they found out what democracy demanded of them it ia folly to say that democrat or any body elsa will invest money in manufactures that may likely fail under the competition of where pauper labor makes the goods democrats want assaba investments aa all fire alike on that score the state policy ol 01 th p ione Braot utah which ia tha policy of the party today makes reasonably safe the in of money in home enter prie that ia what we call HR ingool andI hat is why wa say Demos rata are opposed to home industries their party p olic yi opposed to the promotion of homo so far aa individuals are concerned there may be democrats as laicans wearing home mada gooda we do not atmaa democrats ou their ot individual support we attack them on account of their pernicious political principle which are opposed to the prosperity of our ft |