Show reader did yon ever take SIMMONS LIVES REGULATOR the KINO OF LIVER MEDICINES everybody needs tike a liver remedy it ia a sluggish or diseased liver that impairs digestion and nausea constipation when the waste that should be carried off remains in the body and poisons the whole system that dull heavy feeling ia due to a torpid liver biliousness headache malaria and indigestion are all liver diseases keep the liver active by an occasional boso doso of simmons liver regulator and get rid of these troubles and give tone to the whole system for a laxative simmons levei regulator la BETTER THAN PILLS it does not gripe nor weaken but greatly refreshes and strengthens every package lias the ked Z stamp on alic wrapper J H co philadelphia lion C E alien at castle gate at castle gate the largest meeting ever held was wednesday evening to hear hon C E alien the brass band was out and a torchlight procession waa had the house was packed hon C E alien spoke for two hours to an enthusiastic audience of miners after tho meeting a dance waa given in honor of the visitors there are only three democrats left at castle gate now and before election it is thought they will join the ranks of the G 0 P carbon co is all right to remove the constipated habit the only safe treatment is a course of acerb pills followed by a laxative diet moet other cathartics do more harm than good therefore leading physicians recommend ayera pills especially aa a family physic cut via V P K E as kallows round trip regular special from fare traina L leave PM AM nephi mona santaquin San paydon Pa yeon benjamin 90 spanish fork 90 2 32 7 37 springville Spring ville 75 provo 75 lakeview Lake View 75 Pleasant Grove 50 American Fork 50 lehi CO arrive at S L 4 35 9 30 I 1 tickets sold at above rates will be good for return october trains returning leave salt lake at a m and pm G W agent provo mr J K farler secretary aa treasure of the corinne mill canal and esock corinne lutat in of chamberlains Chamberla inH cough remedy saab 1 I co it the best in the market I 1 have used many kinds but find chain most prompt and effected ia giving beliel and now keep no other in my honse when troubled with a cough or cold civi this remedy a trail and wo assure you that vou will be more nhsn with the deault for aale hv smoot D ne co did you ever arv electric bittera a remedy for your troubles if not get a bottle now aad beet relief this medicine has been found to bo peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of fill demalo corn pla inta exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to abo organs if you have loss of appetite constipation headache fainting spells or are nervous sleepless ex melancholy or troubled with dizzy apella electric bitters is the medicine you need health and strength are guarded by its use only fifty cents at the excelsior drug paint company for sale A 15 horse horizontal engine and CD rieba boiler almost new can be pur together or separately cheap bv applying to P 0 box provo city children cry far castor DR S AND Bt Buey for condren PIeA saat to toke and no in an orar dose sold everywhere boc illde by da MED co P hold by excelsior profir paint co 32 JOY both the method and results when syrup of figs is taken it ia pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colds headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of figs is the only remedy of ita kind ever produced pleasing to the taste and ac septable cep table to the stomach in its action and truly beneficial in ita effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known syrup of figs is for eale in and 81 bottles oy all leading druggists any reliable druggist who nay not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it do not accept any substitute california FIG SYRUP CO SAN FRANCISCO aw KV new nv 4 trains a day q 1 1 C JQ t i ff y ANDREW EGGERTSEN mgr OOT ni effic successor to provo L M B co WHOLESALE AND dealema IN lumber doors windows blinds and Moul dings rustic siding T and G flooring lumber sawed and dressed to order scroll sawing and tummy done utah valley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office and t ard opposite E E depot V PO box telephone no 20 f LOOK OUT LOOK OUT we have had such a bush of business that we could not prepare our regular bargain day sale for this week but will make up for it next week k by giving you extra bargains fv 7 sc 5 8 i 1 e 3 rf ast WJ dball amo 1110 1 fe t N jil 1 as aasi s ry toy baafi Bi afi i lt h T raci fe 30 AND 32 ST THAT IS WHAT THEY ALL SAY OF THE th of merchandise to be sold regardless of cost our shoe department our clothing department our dry goods department 30 yards diagonal suiting 15 cents retail 25 cents pair ot A J donola shoes for 2 and sizes 2 2 3 6 yards provo woolen milla all wool suiting and cloaking 60 cab and 6 D E B regular prica 3 and 4 75 child suite 4 to 8 years sell for and your yards veiling at 5 cents worth 20 centa cypher ginghams 10 cente retail 15 cents retail 1 A line of button ahoe 2 2 3 aud 5 at a great reduction choice for and 75 of black saxony yam at 6 cents zypher ginghams 8 cents retail 15 cents all cloth shoos and slippers belling below coat to 8 EEL A line of mens worsted backs and cutaway suits sizes 34 to 39 price 50 yards fancy novelty suiting 10 cents retail 17 centa 40 yards california plaid flannel 25 cents retail 35 cents also a line of liea dongola sizes 12 to 1 at vry low price 2200 and 2300 for 14 00 92 yards worsted suiting new colors 20 cents retail 10 cents 39 yards double width 54 in wide 50 cents retail all lading clippers in the bouse at coat A line of mens suits regular price 1300 and 1400 for 40 yards worsted suiting 30 cents retail 60 cents yards french sa teens fancy figured make excellent TIL shoes and f delling at a reduced price A line of mens euite regular prise 18 18 50 for 1050 61 yards strip mohair 35 cents retail 76 cents 15 cents retail 35 cents guilt 51 pair of mens button and congress boes at A line of mens deuits sizes 34 to 42 regular price and for 20 yards bariso 15 cents retail 30 cents j 2 dozen ladies waists regular price to 2 now 25 cent A line of mens gaits BI 34 to 36 regular price 1050 and 12 for 7 50 yards figured suiting 25 cents retail 40 centa 2 dozen ladies french flannel regular prica 2 to 1 60 our grocery department A line of mens sizes 36 to 42 regular price for 50 cents 16 plaid suiting 15 cents retail 30 cents dozen buttons regular price 15 to 75 cants now 5 centa now cus la complete in every particular to suit the baates 0 the moat dainty mens negligee shirts sizes 14 to 17 regardless 0 cost 12 yards plaid suiting 25 cants retail 45 cents ladies cloaks at a L 0 TAFT manager j jj v ta A JL err ha L is ca BRIG f ast ajr 3 av r highest of all in leavening power latest U S goat report |