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Show Springville Garden Expert Asked To Write Article Mrs. Charles Franks, whose garden gar-den is famous throughout Utah and the west, has beeTi invited to write an article on gardening in the in-termountain in-termountain area for the magazine "The Home Garden," published in New York City. The letter from the editors asked Mrs. Franks to deal with the subject, "The Parade of Flowers from Spring to Fall," telling what plants are especially adapted to this region to get the earliest blooms in the spring, and a continuous con-tinuous show of blooming flowers through the summer months until the snow comes in the late fall. Mrs. Franks is an authority on this subject since that is exactly what she has succeeded in doing in her own garden, concentrating on large masses of bloom to follow each other through the entire season. sea-son. She has also tried to favor the plants which take the least amount of individual attention, and niaintain their beauty year after year. Those who have visited the garden gar-den will remember the effect produced, pro-duced, no matter at what month in the year he has seen it, with its restful charm and beauty, reflecting reflect-ing the personality of its owner. Even this early in the year, visitors visit-ors have been coming, one lady from as far away as Monterey, California. Mrs. Franks, knowing how many people would like to have starts from her wonderful plants, has decided de-cided to sell them at a small charge, for the benefit of the mis-. mis-. sionary fund of her church. Now i is the time when she is trimming out the small starts and gotting i rid of them. |