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Show W Member of Utah State natkxai aovmiiuno iffitsiHTAtivi mfmberV Press Association SSv $ " PU0RFEAU NATIONAL E D I T O R lA L Ui. A. S.J $ ft (Jrculatio&S jV I I ASSOCIATION $ ' C. aJjJ "....rT, m CHICAGO SEATTLE NEW TOK 8 $ $ jjj Published Weekly By , srfrt (itty f-ubiidliing. Companij. (!j At Springville, Utah v w Entered as second class matter at the post office in Springville, Utah, under the act of March 91 Jj 3, 1879. Springville is a city of 7,000 population. It is particularly noted for its famous Art xj (V Exhibit and road-building contractors. Springville has a greater concentration of these con- $ i W tractors than any other city in the United States. Its chief industry consists of a steel plant, cast W : !j iron plant, creosote plant, canning factory, powder plant, extensive farming and fruit growing, 'V stock raising and lamb feeding. (v fjj Advertising Kates, 63 cents per column Inch. (V Subscription In Advance, Per Year $3.00; Per Copy 10c (y Springville Herald Staff: 8 ft HARRISON CONOVER Editor, Manager DEAN BIRD Compositor aj $ MANILA BROWN. .Assoc. Editor, Circulation CARLOS RIFE Compositor W to WOODROW WEIGHT Sports, Advertising WESLEY ROBEY Pressman M ; W AMY KLAUCK Proof Reading, Accounts ORVAL SINGLETON Pressman $ $ MARVIN COX Advertising Salesman NED ROBEY Pressman jfl to VERN HARDY Linotype Operator CREED WEIGHT Stereotype, Mailing to iK KEITH HENDRICKSON... .Linotype Operator LENN SINGLETON Stockroom Supervisor W WALLACE PATRICK Linotype Operator . MARTIN CONOVER Printers' Devil |