Show Do Wow Think For YaurMlff Or da ion open your mouth like a 7oan Ird and gulp down wbalerer food or ae4 lIIe ma be offered you Tin + + 6 in Intelligent thinking woman In need orwjief I from weaknclI5t nervousness ptln and ithuVlpff tben It meant much to you that tbfiVAnt tried anfl Trifl I d 1la fur the cure of woman + i db 4 > + + The makers of Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription Pre-scription for the cure of weak nervous run down overworked debilitated palnracktd women knowing this medicine to be mad up of Ingredients every one of which has the strongest possible Indorsement of tbe leadlpr and standard authorities of tbe several schools of practice are perfectly willing and In fact are only too gird to print as they do the formula or Hit of Ingredients of which It Is composed in plain English on every bottlewrapper I yT Jf tf jf The formula of Dr Pierce Favorite Prescription Pre-scription will bear the most critical examination examina-tion of medical experts for It contains no alcohol narcotics harmful or bablttormm drug and no agent enters Into it that Is not highly recommended by tbe moat advanced and leading medical teachers and author hiss of their several schools of practices practice-s Tli etj authorities rffommend the Inmd nOr n-Or LG lTil e error Ie Prescription for ttili coreot ex clly the acme ailments f ° f whjfll thli worldfumed medicine Is advised 4 1ft ii l i No other medicine for womans Ills has any such professional endorsement u Dr Plaices Favorite Prescription has received In the unqualified un-qualified recommendation of each of Its several ingredients by scores of leading medical medi-cal men of all the school of practice It such an endorsement not worthy of your consideration I I fyf ff 1t lt A booklet of Ingredients with numerous tuthoratlvo professional endorsement by the leading medical authorities of this country will be mailedru to any ono sending Dame and address with request for same Address Dr K V Ilcrcr Buffalo N Y A Pioneer at Rest Last Friday night Mrs Horace King of Leland died of Brights desease from which she had been sick about eight weeks Mrs King was sixty years of age she leaves a husband and large family to mourn her death the children are all grown up The funeral services were held in the Palmyra meeting house last Sunday afternoon at which there was a large attendance of friends and relatives to pay their last respects to one of the good old settlers Half Lot for sale 0x12 rods in 3rd ward Enquire of Chris Larsen FOR RENTFirst class land joining sugar factory Easy terms See David Prior James Jensen leaves Saturday for Spring Lake where he has secured the position of principal of the public schools I I Milan the 4monthsotd son of Milan I and Annie Thompson died at the home of Lars Lawrence last Tuesday having I been sick about three weeks The bur ial took place at Provo Wednesday I NEW BABIES To Mrs Jessee Ludlow Sept 3 a girlAny Any one wanting gravel from Monk beds must see B J Johnson tf Johnson Braithwaite E S JESSE Contractors and Builders of Complete Com-plete Homes ESTIMATES GIVEN FREE Miss Agnes Engberg Teacher of PIANO ORGAN AND THEORY OF MUSIC For particulars apply at the home of MRS THOMAS CREER I Ul i For FirstClass Watch Repairing SEE I a J o Solfs Al City Drug Store Spanish Fork Utah a Proper Glasses L Accurately Prescribed L 1 M JONES Home Optician Any Lense Duplicated Office at Hotel Charlotte Spanish Fork NTU a WHISKEY ro ° Quality For Sale by BOYACK HUGHES j > r j 1 J i f = 11 I Go With the Biggest Crowd ito i-to the FARMERS CASH MEBQANTIIFj Co L SPANISH FORK HAPLETOR SALE I and LAKE SEORE Doth Phones 1 I Small Profits and Quick Returns Quickest Delivery Produce Bought and Sold 1 No Credit No Bad Debts Means Lowest Prices to Buyers One Price to All I Never Undersold Consolidated Wagon Machine Coo < Co-o I Leading Implement Dealers In Utah and Idaho GEO T ODELL General Manager J SPANISH FORK AGENCY i t Deere Beet Pullers Deere Prows j Superior Drills Bain Cooper Wagons I etattas Optimism is a Boost We can judge the future only by the past Three years of successful business has placed us beyond the EX PERIMENTAL STAGE WATCH OUR REPORTS Consideration to patrons conservative business methods coupled with a keen interest in our mutual financial welfare THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF SPANISH FORK le A B ROCKHILL JOHN J BANKS SPANISH FORK MINING BROKERAGE t Members Salt Lake Stock Mining Exchange 1 For Quotations and Serrice Phone or write us WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS Mines Mining Stocks and Real Estate Office in Basement Commercial Bank Building Spanish Fork Utah Order your Trees NOW for Spring Planting If you wait until spring you get unassiftned inferior stock We represent the largest Nursery House in the State and can save you from 3c to 5c per Tree if you order from us by wire letter or call Bell Phone 144 HOME INDUSTRIAL PROMOTION Go INCORPORATED SPRINGVILLE UTAH lI1IL ivr 1 rELB Pay 25c a pound for Butter Fat Chris Ferguson will call for milk each morning Honest Weights and Tests Guaranteed Elgin Creamery r Co o SPRINGVILLE I I v WE HAVE SOMETHING a fcTO CROW ABOUT onl10nr your when buildIngs e sill other fully roofiog Fllatkote 10 fum Rooflu buUdinL and l Yosepal protected from beat and cold rain Ino fire and 1Ialer 101lboo1d lISe and 3jJI ftin9J 111V tYA l keeps the poultry and Itock in summer t does not poli wane and dfT In winter and cool lening it a ollabl fo 1 blch II comes Incontact each roll Ispackedenoughcap eusu ii mmesradto lay andlnslda II ceUent tor = tar mils aodeemeotsuadenttor5aytng halldi o lining the feed buzes In for It buUdinrlDdnt ° drerminwill 11 poultry houses and aU other tock so any one eau lay le Scsd for n w our n olatutkll book Full cu1aucctnza 1oVtI and tree sample 0 i AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE LOGAN UTAH I School year begins Sept 15th 1908 Degree and certificate courses In Agriculture Domestic Science Commerce Com-merce Mechanic Arts General Science > Courses Muic in Music Circulars and Catalogue free upon application t t |