Show Gardner Family Reuaiea Two hundred and fifty of the decen dents offRoburt William Mary and Archibald Gardner held a reunion in the city pavilion Wednesday of last week Some came from Wyoming twenty of the Sweeten familywith an instrumental band and others from Idaho Washington Salt Lake and Utah counties to honor their ancestors memory mem-ory There is a family likeness among those present strong sturdy and every indication of stick toitivneas in all they say and do The Gardner family came from Nauvoo to Utah landing here Oct 1 1847 A reception and handshaking was held on the first day at the home of Archibalds grandchildren Wednesday afternoon the reunion assembled 1 as-sembled in the city pavilion and was presided over by Serenus Gardner a son of Archibald The proceedings opened by an instrumental and vocal selection by the Sweeten family followed follow-ed by a song of welcomo by the grand and great grand children of Archibald Invocation by Sylvester Bradford An apology was read from President Hy rum Goff of Jordan stake a dcccndcnt by marriage President Henry Gardner of Nebo stake a son of Archibald gave a welcome wel-come to those present in which he portrayed por-trayed the life of the older Gardners lives of integrity and faith in every phase of existence President RGMillcr of Emery stake a member of Uncle Roberts family responded He said that the three eons and one daughter had 108 children born to them and 988 grand and great grandchildren all decendants of four families Bishop Egbert of West Jordan bore record of Archibald Gardners bishopric for 20 years in West Jordan He led the way when a thing had to be done requiring material aid After songs and music by the Sweeten Sweet-en family William Gardners life story was related by his son Coming from Scotland to the then back woods of Canada he married His wife and family came with the Gardners to Nau voo William Gardner having died in Canada His son was 9 years of age at that time Jacob Robertson gave an original recitation The Gardner Family Fifty Years Ago Allan Adamson spoke of the nob land e l-and unselfish life of Archibald Gardner and sang a song about Mansions Up On High I A sketch of the life and incidents of Archibald was given by his granddaughter a daughter of Henry Gardner Mary Gardner with her brothers was then reviewed by Bishop Holbrook of Idaho She came to Utah in 1847 went through all the hardships of early times and was always cheerful and happy Then followed the life character and incidents in the life of Robert Gardner by his wife Leonora Gardner A recitation reci-tation by Clenys Gardner of West Jordan Jor-dan and a concluding song by the Sweeten family ended the program A sumptuous dinner was afterwards enjoyed the children being entertained on the lawn A business meeting was held at 4 p m when it was decidedto publish the genealogies of Robert William Mary and Archibald Gardner The next reunion re-union will be held at Pine Valley Washington Wash-ington county July 24 1909 Instead of the outing at Utah Lake as was planned the Gardner family visited the works of the government rcclaimation project at the mouth of Spanish Fork canyon |