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Show OF II RUE, DERIVATION OF NAME3 FORESTS niinun, IN OF UTAH. L and Box Elder Weber, Davie, Morgen Counties to Unite In Moneter Fair to be Held at Ogden. Four Coun-- f Ogden. Utah. The Big In which In held be Ogden, Fair, to Box Elder, of Davis, counties the Morgan and Webor are Interested, In will be one of the biggest events Utah this fall. The livestock exhibits of the fair are open to the whole Intermonntaln to country, and the races are open in offered $1,600 being world. the races. purses alone for professional Also, races are given on the last day of the fair for the native stock of No professional northern Utah. horses will be permitted to enter the t atlve races. The railroads have granted rates In northern Utah of one and one-thir-d price for the round trip, and the rates from the four counties are 28 to Ocgood going from September tober 3. and good returning until October 12, but the rates from Malad, Idaho, and from Cache county are the same, only they are good returning np to October 4. Those attending the Big Four County Fair at Ogden can buy a ticket from Ogden to Salt Lake at $1.10 the round trip and can attend the conference and the state fair, and use their return ticket from Ogden to their homes, thus get-tin- g a rate about the same as the conference rate direct from their ,homes to Salt Lake. , In addition to the regular fair, the has Nat Reiss Carnival . company This company will been engaged. furnish ten free shows on the grounds, besides a regular circus, carrying one of the greatest aggregations of trained animals on the road. All of the shows on the fair grounds will be well worth seeing. Price of admission to grounds will be 25 cents; children under 12 years of age. 10 cents. For premium lists and entry blanks address William Glas-niandirector general Big Four 'County Fair, Ogden, Utah. on Account of OVSTEB BIF New Name Chosen NaTheir Importance In Local and tional Hletory. Forests In Utah, with National The or Three Thousand People Homeless, Man Is Believed to be Ineane the significance and derivation Score Injured and a Property Wae and Weak Minded, their names are as follows: Easily But Loss of $750,000. The Ashley National Forest en-Secret by Overpowered for William H. Ashleysn ramed Session in Grand at vice Men, Special Jury ot In 18 rprlslng fur trader, who, men wh ch of 300 a Springfield Causes Sensation company ganlzod thousand Mo,'nta!" Rawhide, Nev. Three penetrated to the Rocky with the by Its Findings. armed with relations people homeless, a score or more la A crank trading' formed Bay. and Oyster jured and a property loss of over an antiquated bulldog revolver was several Indian tribes, lie was Beaten-en- t and $750,000, Is the result of a disastrous caught near the presidents house at governor of Illinois In 18.0 fire which started at 9:30 Friday Sagamore 1II11 on Monday by tboi se- ...presented Missouri In Congress In has an, Officers Accused of Neglecting to morning In Dr. Garner's office, loThe man de- the early thlrtes. This Forest cret service guards. Is In charge, Make Any Effort to Suppress Riot, cated In the Rawhide Drug com- scribed himself as John Coughlin, a area of 894, 5C0 acres andM. Anderson,, Supervisor William Declaring That Their Sympa-thle- s panys building, which spread quick- detective, and when stopped by the of Vernal. j at with hendqunrters Were with Rioters. ly to the Ross hotel, and from there secret service men, presented a card Cache National Forest takes; The south was its sweep uninterrupted upon which was Inscribed his name Its name from the county stream and; and cast to Balloon avenue and up and the word "officer.' He said that In northern! alley of the same name Springfield, 111. After being In al- Rawhide avenue to within fifty yards he had come to ask the president to Utah. The name Is of French origin,! most constant session since the riots of the People's hospital. Over a ton order 10,000 troops to catch ypgg-me- meaning "biding place and was! exwhich held away In Springfield, the and a halt of dynamite was used In who had been terrorizing Bos-to- probably applied because of the explor-- ; the which in early of demolition the one buildings, cellent have opportunity to of la supposed Coughlin special grand Jury returned treasurer down; tne most sensational reports of all a measure stayed the flames' prog- reached Oyster Bay on the 12:19 ers had to hide theirForest comprises This In the valley. fire volunteer ress. The miles walked department three end afternoon He o'clock train. Its returns Thursday and Is under; acres 636,960 of area an account of on worked heroically, but to Sagamore Hill. adjourned. the supervision of W. W. Clark, with The most sensational part of the Inflammable construction of the buildCoughlin was stopped by secret ser- headquarters at Logan. Unlike vice men, and when told the presireport of Thursday te the Indictment ings they were swept away Southwestern Utah was locally callcf four policemen, Oscar Dahlkamp, der. At 11 oclock the business por- dent was not seeing visitors, attempt- ed the "Dixie Country" because of the Joseph Fernanmcs, George Pohlman tion of Rawhide was a smouldering ed to pass the officials. When they similarity of Its climate to that of the and George W. Dawson, for failure to mass of ruins, the flames, being final- laid hands on him, Coughlin attempt- southern states, or "Dixie Land" and do their duty during the riots. The ly checked south of Balloon avenue. ed to draw a revolver, but was over- because of the facts that In the early for A famine threatens now, as all the powered and disarmed, The weapon days this region produced cotton The policemen are auld to have grossly settlers. deMormon the were of use The secret the proved to be unloaded. neglected any effort to suppress the grocery and supply houses Its the Dixie national forest receives conservice men, without alarming riot, and It Is understood that wit stroyed. Forest This In this way. name one of called the and The newspapers, Press, Times presidents family, nesses were produced who testified the and carried tains 1.091.120 acres. Including addithat they had stated that their sym- Rustler, were saved, although the governmentto automobiles and th-- Shlwltz Trumbull Mt. town the Bay Oyster Coughlin dewas conmachinery of the News plant pathies were with the rioters. hall, where he was arraigned before tion In Mohave county. Arizona, on the north stroyed. acres C'S.ROO of on a Peace Franklin sisting of the Wild excitement prevailed, the citi- Justice of of the Colorado. BRUTAL, REVOLTING MURDER. carrying concealed weap- cf the Grand Canyon zens enacting the same scenes that charge committed The headquarters remain at St. GeorgeFranklin ons. Justice Actor Kills Wife and Dismembers prevailed at Goldfield In July, 1906, at Coughlin to the county Jail at Mine-el- end C. I. Huddle is the acting superthe fire of Cripple Creek lu April, Body In Order to Conceal Crime. Coughlin will be examined as visor. Forest National The Fillmore to his sanity, as it Is believed he ta Boston. A brutal crime was dis- 1S96, and during other big conflagra-UonMillard Fillafter named was which Insane. or minded weak cither In discovclosed Thursday night by the mining camps. more, the thirteenth president of the The buildings destroyed will result ery of the torso of Mrs. Honors JorUnited States. Is one of the six naARMY. TO INCREASE alone In a financial loss of $750,000, dan, an actres, aged 23 years, of Somforests named after presidents.' tional The contents of with no Insurance. erville, In a trunk la a boarding the buildings are a complete loss and Roosevelt Will Recommend an Addi- The other Forests are the Madison! house at No. 7 Hancock street, on Bea- will swell the total considerably and Jefferson, In Montana; Lineoln.1 tion of 40.000 Men. In New Mexico; Washington, In Wash-- ! con Hill, this city. Later the bead more. President Jtoosevnlt Ington: and Cleveland, In Csllfornla.j Washington. and bones of the limbs were found la Many people were sllghUy injured has an area of: the furnace of the Jordan home at by flying debris, but none are re- in his final annual message to con- The Fillmore Forest Is the super-- l under acres and an recommend 82.(199 Debs Attacks Taft will of gress, acts probably Somerville, and the scalp, hair and ported seriously hurt. Many Hurst, with bead- other remains were taken from the heroism were enacted and were It not increase in the numerical stength of vision of atWilliam Lake Salt City. Eugene V. Debs, j Beaver. ones among the the army to at least 100,000 men. At quarters for the ldtchen range of the house. Socialist candidate for president, the from name Its Flshlake Forest gets anxious fire fighters, several fatalities present the army Is on a footing of 'lu an address in Kennedys hall Mon Chester Jordan, aged 29 years, an would lake This name. same of the lake the Frenzied resulted. have men, actor, of Somerville, la held by the whose fortunes were going up la 60.000 men, the number provided for received Its name on account of the .day evening. Invited hla 2,500 audipolice, charged with the murder, and, flame, rushed madly forward In their In time of peace. large amount of fish to be found there. tors to visit, him at the White House To the general staff ty has become This Forest Is under supervision of next according to the officers, he made save to their year. In his address, he attackbelongings, attempts at ed both complete confession of the crime. and would have perished had not re- evident In the laBt two years that N. E. Snell, with headquarters the Democrats and RepubAccording to Jordans confession to Sallna. Its area Is 637.233 acres. 60.000 men ar too few properly hands detained them. licans. In Mr. Bryana character Debs he accidentally killed his wife Tues- straining named la National Forest La Salle garrison the posts at which it la necday night In a quarrel at their home, SALT LAKE GETS ENCAMPMENT. essary to maintain an army force. after the famous French explorer found nothing to criticise, but be de over pounced Judge Taft as the tool ef the what and, becoming desperate The posts Include the garrisons Robert Chevalier de la Salle, who he had done, be attempted to conceal corporations and the founder of the A. R. Veterans Will Journey to in the Insular possessions of America. In 1669 set out upon a tour of westhla crime by dismembering the body. ern exploration In the course of which Injunction which took from labor 1U the law that The 1909. in may Zion army' provides Intending to take a steamer tor New be Increased to 100,000 men In time lie discovered the Ohio river, and a constitutional rights, York and throw the parts of the body Toledo, O. Salt Lake City won of need. This provision, In the opin- year or two later explored the .upper i "I wish I had time to tell yon ol overboard. The discovery of the over Washington for the forty-thirof ion experts. Is likely to part of Illinois. Later he led a band Tafts record, he said. "I know It military crime waa due to the suspicions of a annual encampment of the G. AL R. to the army of colonlBts from France, Intending It was from the Injunction that he a serious handicap prove hackmsn, who thought the trunk next year, by a vote of 461 to 104. if absolute necessity should arise for to found a settlement at the mouth his fame, and It wa sfrom It that stolen silverware. Bight contain of the Mississippi. He landed at got Atlanta, Ga., some time ago extend a larger force. I got my Infamy. The difference bemiswhich be ed an Invitation to the G. A. IL to In the remote event of a war be- Matagorda Bay, Texas, Standard OH Case Resumed. tween ua Is that we were on opposite hold the next encampment there, but tween America and Japan, and some took for a western outlet of the river, New York. The government's suit by some of his sides. He was on the side of eapltaL the Invitation was not pushed. A other power which Japan Is on friend- tut was assassinated followers near a branch I was on the side of labor. The capitto dissolve the Standard Oil company disappointed for be would It terms. Impossible ly In east the that Atlanta printed Unit-e- d of the Trinity River, Texas. This alists stick by Mr. Taft Win yon of New Jersey under the Sherman sfory was turned down because It was a the comparatively small force of anti-trus- t Forest comprises an area of 471.13d workers stick by me? In Hawaiian now the States law which was begun over confederate troops city had created great island to prevent landing of arms and acres and is In charge of Acting Supa year ago, and adjourned In July, indignation among the Influential G. ammunition to supply the Japanese in ervisor John Rlls, with headquarters Woman Involved In Omaha Physl waa resumed here on Thursday be- A. R. delegates here, who for many the Islands. It Is expected that the at Moab. clan's Death. fore Special Examiner Franklin Fer- years have been working to bridge The Mantl Forest Is so named from will recommend In his mesNeb. Omaha, ries. Frank B. Kellogg, special coun the gulf between the north and south. president Friday afternoon the sage an Increase In the army by the the town of Mantl, the capital of San eel for the department of justice, Pete County, Utah. The name Is tak- police arrested Miss Leona Bonnell, ot ten addition of least at regiments will personally continue to direct the Thirty-twor Mrs. A. Rice, and will detain her Thousand Carmen May Infantry, five regiments of cavalry en from that of the old ruined city of at despite the numerous ruthe city Jail In connection with the The Venezula. near Caracas. Strike. Mantl. arcoast of several and companies mors that he was appointed western Forest embraces 786,080 acres and Is murder at midnight. Tuesday last, 0 tillery. I. The executive R. Providence, treasurer of the Republican national In charge of Supervisor A. W. Jensen, Dr. Frederick Rustln. No charge board of the Amalgamated Assoclv committee, which he denied. with headnuarters at Ephraim. was placed against the woman, SOCIALISTS GROW VIOLENT. but tlon of Street and Electric Railway The Minidoka National Forest de- she has admitted she was the last Dropped Hammer From Tenth Floor Employees of America has declared name a Sioux from Indian Its rives Attempt to Invade Cathedral During person In the Itself la favor of a general strike ot and Crushed Girl's Skull. wmd, possibly a contraction of mini, sician before hecompany of the phyServices. reached hla home on "Water and Tokaheya, "the first, the fatal New York Dropped from the band the 32,000 members of the association night, and she will be held thousand Two Socialists Glasgow. or first the a New In water, toka, to according "enemy, for England, of a workman on the tenth floor of In a statement. and unemployed, after an open-ai- r "water of the enemy." This Forest Is Miss developments. Bonnell told the chief of the Flatiron building, a hammer statement made by General Organizer meeting Mcpolled In charge of Supervisor William Sunday, at which violent 8 crushed the skull of Rose Levine, 23 William J. Walsh of Quincy, Mass. ccomPanlpd Mr. Rustln at with were Coy, forheadquarters Oakley. made, speeches within tw blocks of his home attempted after years old, of Brooklyn. She waa Mr. Walsh said that delegates from to Invade the cathedral during Idaho, and covers an area of 736.407 midnight on ' Tuesday. taken to the hospital, where she can fifteen divisions of the street railway cibly acres. A large body of services. pollre not recover. The young woman had system under the control of the New frustrated the designs of the mob by "Nebos Lonely Mountain In Palescrossed Twenty-thirstreet and waa York, New Haven & Hartford rail- charging It with their batons. Sev- tine Is prepetuated In the mountain Eig Trees of California Saved From Flames. starting down Broadway when the way have been Instructed, to gather eral rioters were and the of that name in the Wasatch range hammer dropped on her head. The at New Haven, Conn., to receive In- mob dispersed. The injured, Sonora, Cal. The forest fire which Socialists threat- in Utah. From this mountain the foreman of the gang was arrested structions regarding their future con- en to meet on Thursday, 60.000 Nebo National Forest Is named. It rince Monday has threatened the fabut later discharged by the magis- duct and attack the municipal comprises an area of 353,600 acres. mous big tree grove In this strong, trate. county, Supervisor Dan 8. Pack Is In charge, kas been buildings. brought under control, and Banker Accuses Girl of Blackmail. with headquarters at Payson. the Rich Young Woman Leapt to Death. great trees are safe. After an The great Indian Chief, Pocatello, Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Mary E. Deadwood Threatened by Fire. role fight for three San Francisco. Evading the vigi- Evans, an attractive trained nurse, name has his to the scat of given days and nights Deadwood, S. D. Fifty men spent Fannock lance of her nurse on Thursday, Mlsa who filed a breach of promise suit on the Port a county, Idaho, by chane ,n Saturday and Saturday night fighting Helen Cullen, a young woman of better of the flames. Dr. W. S. McEnery In Salt a forest fire which threatened to Neuf River, From this city, the Pocaagainst 1ms been ill for some tello National Forest derives Its name. wealth, who ftre 8tfn working In Isolated City shout a year ago, brought sweep down the gulch Into the town. The Forest covers an area of 304 308 time, swallowed the contents of f n on similar 8rVe extln83ilshlng W. suit The fire reached a point within half Seres, and Is nndr the management ?Z iZt Friday against bottle of iodine, made her way to so that "Parks, third story window at the Waldemar Curtiss Springer, teller of the South- a mile of the city and threatened of Supervisor C. O. Smith, with cnlderablJ at Pocatello, Idaho. apartments, and, without a word of ern Trust company, seeking $10,000 much damage unles I. was soon .becn done t the bin tires have, rSe,Ja.!: The National Is warning, leaped to the courtyard be- damages. Springer's attorney denies checked. A dozen forest namPowe'l Forest ' low. She died a few hours later from the charges, and an effort will be been started within the past week, ed after the great geologist, explorer Mmanyo most them of carelessness. The end scientist Malor J. W. In to received made by fall. show Miss the that the young banker Injuries Powell, ScSlJ if?h.fIl? th.e "rorchlnK. Cullen had had apartments at the is the victim of a blackmailing underbrush Is so dry that the flames former Director of the United States Several thf ia"!.ln9 early. 8 of the for Vbe.dra1. Waldomar for about two months, and scheme In which Miss Evans has spread with remarkable rapidity and Geological Sorvcv. His best known the closest watch Is being kept on the Works are "Exnlorntlon of the Colohas been under the constant care of a trained nurse. burning forests. rado River of the West and IntroRockefeller la of Noble Blood Wright . Makes Another Successful duction of the Studv of Indian I e Get Youthful Bank Robbers Twenty-onAccident Wright Narrowly Escapee Y-- J0bn This Forest Is under Suoer-viso- r Aeroplane Flight. D felt'iT ocke ? Years In Prison. With His Aeroplane.' George IT. Barncv. with headhf 88 ne f th0 Washington. Orville Wright made In dWlduai at Esralnnte. The area covOrville Kan. Bill Tennant and quarters Washington. Wright another flight- - over the grounds at Sedan, the h18 bI Is 726.169 seres. ered tJe?r8,ln made a flight In his aeroplane at Fort I'ort of 8 noble Myer on Friday, In which he Harry Coleman, the young bandits ocIVa? h! Sevier National Forest Is to an announcement race, Myer. Va., Thursday evening. While encircled the field five times, In ad- who robbed the Chautauqua State nom the county of that name In named madd t the annual Utah, making the second circle of the drill dition to going Its full length before hank at Chautauqua Springs, in day- which received Its name reunion of the from John Mr. the lever Wright pulled grounds c.lcr family here on the morning of April 17 last, Sevier, an American Thursday. The L. pioneer, general councement which controls the planes, la the landing directly In front of the tent light and Waterhouse Cashier Pel followed machine. Iml'an which locking and sheltered the The politician, He fichtor. was tho wrong direction, and he was comof Eesloy, a customer. In the vault, en- United States Commissioner to pelled to descend In order to avoid total time consumer In flight was tered a of the with Creek Indians In guilty here and each plea The running Into some wires. The ma- Tour minutes and fifteen seconds. Included 710,. chine encircled the grounds once and wind was blowing at the ' rate ot was sentenced to an Indeterminate 1815. In this Forest 90 acres, under the round the field when tnree and three-fifth- s supervision of was half-wamiles an hour, sentence of from ten to twenty-onthe mishap occurred. The aeroplane nnd the speed of the machine was years In the state reformatory. The T. C. Hoyt, with headquarters at w as In the air one minute and fifteen :'M Ihe family of estimated at thirty-fiv- e miles an hour. men secured $3,000 and escaped on The Uinta ronnty nnd the well horseback, but later were captured. econds. t known mountain range in Utah- elve lineage, Prominent Connecticut Politician Eccentric Millionaire Dead. Ihe name of the Uinta National Fop All Is Peace In San Francisco. Dead from Heart Failure. Drops St. Louis. Judson M. Thompson, San Franclscb. With Industrial pat. The name Is taken from a hraneh Frank P. Sargent Summoned Hew York. Alexander Troup, proof the Ute the word said t1 rged 77 years, a millionaire, and for peace for the first time in several mean "fine Indians, Death. land." New and Haven editor the of prietor Acting a Supervise conspicuous figure In Many years years prevailing In every branch of R. V. R. Reynolds is In Washington. Frank Pt. Ixitila financial BtTalrs, died at the Union and a former Democratic p labor In San Francisco, La- forest, with hendounrterscharge of the organized at provo committeeman for Connecticut, bor day was celebrated lu this home of his son In Old Orchard, 5 city 1 Forest rovers 155.040 acres. Thursday. lie lived frugally, and It was stricken with heart failure In with two monster parados of labor or- The ""1 The WnsaMi National Forest 1g oS, 4M In was his custom to buy clothing at the waiting room of the Grand CenIn the morning and liter- named from tM Wasatch mountains .trouble, kt - So?.:mbPr 4 of 8,omach little outlay of expense and wear the tral station Friday evening and died ganizations athletic and pic- which extend from sports ary exercises, north south apparel as long as It would last after 9 oclock without having nics In the afternoon and evening. through Utah. This Is a Ute to ln or Pniute Three years ago he retired from ac- shortly consciousness. vt For Industrial of all The absence strife was He 68 regained word, the meaning of whirh 1 pot tive business. He was and with and which the quiet pence old. known. was In 249.810 ears The taken eeres are body emhraeed In of the old Continental National hank were held were In sharp this F! Forest, which Is under the charge by John W. Tomlinson, George the exercises and in the early days. In St. Louis V. to riots the turbulent contrast scenes, Presl(1cnt R. Greene of Burton ot the and John Acting Suncrvlsor C he represented the banking house of F and bloodshed of Labor day last Cooley, with tiie industrial SSmVm. B meraber ofl national Democratic committee. headquarters & at Co. Salt Morgan year. Lake City. Jfen comtolsslonergeneraJ ' of 1 thH1 since 1902. WASTE H FUMES SENSATIOU IT u a. cool-heade- d d o too1 forg lke hoad-qunrte- table No. 63 No. 6S-F- OI- Tf For Pkrtoo, Mantl 'a tad 7of"'7 S T" ll. . vice-preside- man-preme- ?? Loco-McKinle- y Ciffl' laid ora Provo. Pt.Orov. vlll. fish. right Brc UTAH COUNTY l pint J. H. half, HnnTNm. Ul.trlot N. PsTsxnnn. iepo the : airr that he a ooe fortu fio GRAHDL VE5Hpr It Ethel ,eprtur No. For No. v. . of run. ) -- For sprlnKville Frovosll? t"" 'tat , tad Sii. Clw No. term, visit fro onS 8prinvlll,Pro0,sit nil p tame racat . too. wd Sjj? 8( oJaMn.'i'."''11 Connection matt in nUtrnln. ot Southern Ptaltlo OFFERS Ft AND 1HREE TRAMiqI DISTINCT Engl! a pic her CHOICE Of FAST THROUGH SCENIC E0TTU PulmsB P1c nS ontlnur Omibft, Kinvis citf i.! ta Chicago wliliuut chance Free Reclining Chir Car,, ducted Exounlun; a perlect Dmicoiw P'iiirf vloe. He befor but t chaps one 0 the 11 Ethel Is all the E I Mr. For rates, folder, eto.. Inquire of r writ O. A. P. D.,6iltUtoc the at iVMr,,TickMi Brosi oloppi 'W1 DR. N. C. SPALDING1 VETERINARY MrslCUN AND SURGEON Offics at Pataca Dni Store, Beth Phones. latere 'Oh the yt '1st Prswtl Makes regular eslt to Sptnlih Perkeitn Thursday. . Office at World Dreg HORSE Cf INFIRMARY W 1 At the eld Oran Lewis corner, ea ville rood, Spanish Fork, Utah. X VBone Spavins and Pipes of Feeteli leaexi or no pay, Crippled and kmc honai All tiimilt exuniacdimd specialty, charge. Look well to your horete ktti, it Irom them come many dioettce. "live s lot live is my motto ). A. E0 - X X Whats the matter!) IDAHO with 1 Thousands of aorsiof lsadim' beeu reclaimed to eultlutiN J tr duig irrigation in that Ststs the past 10 years. -- Tbouult witli I J more will be reclaimed the next 10 years. This asm an opening for msnjr thonawt M 13 Ij of homes. Ethel, my co come over Have You Ixvestioated It has been truthfully termed 1 resources. to 1). E. Burley, G P. A- - or D. cer. A. G. P. A.. Salt Lake City. Cuk Fork Spanish Co-Operat- young from The Oregon Short Line Railroad kr will be pleased to sendaescriptir11-te- regarding ldahoe I Til IDAHO? Land of Opportunities! A Land of Homes ivo i Ethel light," Now that tl lag of other t declare fallen lime h 'hat h Dicbae held al there he had before on he he Lai 80 t! Institution called 'j out on things, througl Ide ai There Dealers in General Merchandise, Flour, Grain and Produce young often. And suspect ere Jt Manufacturers of Harness, c Boots nd JOHN JONES, Then cc got a s rid noons that, el ben t Shoes. SupL hey toi Spanish Fork Touag Wise Ei 8o, w oe brl y no-tlou- k Is NOKTH-BOI'ni- "eat - (or SOUTH-SOUT- s. Sh' jV ,ad Jury and KfJSJ! V Pan-pnltc- the one d &arr:;,rd oft time Best In The Bargain reading rf low matter that r money can buy is your per. It keeps you posted doings of the community. This Paper wul will tell you the thinge yoa to know in an'entertaininf ' ol will give you all the news ij community; its prove a pleasure; it f" than full value eked for it and Ml: bony lighten a in going vi on the hr life Ethel Clark I r kne ontil in Clark 1) From motor 1 ho mo, The car ag For a hurry, f |