Show Loves Mustache More Than Fiancee Plttsburg Because he loved his mustache moro than ho loved his fiancee fi-ancee John Sphllllng of Slmrpsburg has h sacrificed all chances of immediate immedi-ate return to marital bliss Since the death of his wife all applicants appli-cants for the position of Mrs John Sphllllng have decreed that the mustache mus-tache must go because of tho attention atten-tion ho lavished upon the facial adornment adorn-ment John always balked until ho found a blonde from Chicago To her ho promised the mustache would come off But ho faltered when once away from the magic presence and forgetting for-getting tho fnco and remembering tho mustache wandered Into a saloon Then It was all off with John Tin blondes presence departed and Joh became enraged and chased his clil dron with a revolver for which hI must on wpr in court I i I |