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Show ON THE SUMMIT OF MONT BLANC the carriage gun Hii Umt fi Stlts,1 Hr ,2ir.ru were carr,"d wl" U11 "N, FK- larn l carronad. MINKS AND n a The carronad After remaining tile a quarter of century, the old Oileutal mine, now known ns the Monarch, lu Gold Is the scene of ao Mountains, Nt-tlxlty, The latest from the Clifton district, l'eep Cieek, Is that ore Is being mined lu the I.ucy I property that carries 50 to 73 per cent bismuth and close to $100 In gold per ton, The Judas leasing company, at Pearl. Idaho, has struck some very Hill free milling gold ore and are hauling about fifty tons to tho Luster mill to make a mill run. The Itmny smelter at the Jtmay mine, at Giand Encampment, Wyo., will be blown In about September 10, This plant, the second of Its kind In the state, Is owned by Wisconsin capitalists. The rarkor Mountain Mining company, whose property Is near Mackay, Idaho, last week received and Installed a new crusher. A lot of high grade ore Is In sight and the property looks better with every foot of work. The repoit comes from C'hafcy, Neto vada, that capital Is beginning take notice" of the opiortunltles thereabouts; while strikes of new pay shoots in the older and pay velus In the younger prospects occur with remarkable regularity. At the new gold silver camp of National, near the Idaho Hue In Humboldt county, Nevada, a ledge has been opened In which at thirty-fivfeet depth is an elght-lucstreak which gives values. It U claimed, as blsh as $87,000 a ton. That tho equipment for the Ixdl Mines companys smelter, which Is being built In Denver, Is almost complete and will be shipped soon. Is the worj which comes from Dr. C. I. Bmt, who Is directing the company's operations front Reno. Pig lead holds firm around 4.60c. It is the opinion of both producers and consumers that no decided change will take place for about a month. Then an advance to something like 4.75c Is looked for, says a New York metal market authority. That the Mendha mine, which con- let-lui- ,t boi-- havtiue A f its v It wa claimed, and ih truih. that the Kiiiaalilug ton ,,r is pomider carronade a, Hhort ,ane a n ,ac ,P"",U,, r' " 1"' veaH.m took lu name f.ora the town of Carron, Fiance, wav quit) aa much of an advance in ordnance In thone daya aa la the rifled shot of today over tne aolld round allot of 40 yem ago. In Capt. Ilogg report of thl. action I had the of fl,t Wt f lh' N" ,W rtual K,"" l battle a1 "ItH HtUllr H .IH'J born, vv "a oi.. , cM-T)-r-vv-r tniiliM J. . i - iOaeter i y ! ,' , j t Nori . t , ; t , , .a.' ,)v j 'Sr ' . ibot tV ttii Mlt1 upaih( ft,. I kt a,1 m a Tx!, or pan for ty1 1 IL rr Ssi,s t fn Crt I u 'iota, law. ihr nbaii kerfs ilk itLr ska-- , haal ;rotf! b if if KV bat if llr-- ! !9 t rer o( B tracts it t, tdf 'k ut el 5! alitor it la1 tecf .m It apimar that the sharp wan bound on a voyage to Jamaica, but had scarcely proceeded beyond sight of the Irlah coast wlu-- she was attacked by a hostile craft -- whether an American or Fienchman Capt Hogg wan unable' to btatt. He reported. ' "On the 17th (Match. 1779), being Vj t little to the westward of Tulker, a o' it I eutler privateer ! the Sharp; ahe fni i dogged up till the lMh at night, when he attempted to board us. I hailed her with a bioadslde, which made her crew cry out In a most horrible man-her- . but did not understand what she . , r' said. She Immediately sheered off a . and 1 saw no more of her." Six days after this encounter, or on March 24, whllo the Sharp was standing off from the Old Head of Kins-datCapt Hogg discovered n sail ahead of him steering westward. About two o'clock In the afternoon ths stranger (which afterward proved to be the Skyrocket) by her superiority of sailing managed to galu the weath-ergag- e of the Sharp, and then, workTit town and villages of tha Alpine districta in Switzerland are crowded .it now with climbere of all nations, who elect to spend their holiday time ing her way to an advantageous position of the Sharp's quarter, wore ship nth conquest of the mountain peaka. The climbing season Is In full swing md has already been attended, unfortunately, by the usual crop of serious and crowding on all sail came up with In our Illustration a group of French mountaineers are shown the Scotchman at little after iccider.ts. four landing by the Janssen observatory, on the summit of Mont Blanc. m. The all the year round, and the observatory itself is built p. Down rountam is to this time neither craft had m s foundation of snow, deep borings having failed to disclose any rock. showed colors. When Capt. Bogga balled and asked: What ahlp la that and where do you hall from? the answer was; "Front America," upon which the American unfurled his flag and delivered a broadside. The Skyrocket then displayed the "13 stripes" and returned the Are smartly." ISHT NEVER BEFORE RECORDED been brought to light by the discovery According to Capt. Bogga report, In the library archives of Edinburgh, the battle BROUGHT TO LIGHT. pasted four glasses" or Scotland, of a copy of a letter from two hours, when the privateer the commander of the Scotch craft to thought proper to sheer off, crowding his employers. listorian Maclay Learns of Naval Acon all sail. Hogg says that he gave The name of the Scotian boat was chase, but was soon left astern." tion Occurring in 1779 in Which the Sharp, Capt. Archlbalt Ilogg, Yankee It appears from this same record Were Defeated by owned by merchants In Glasgow, while that, previous to the Skyrockets 8cotch Vessel. the name of the Yankee craft was Skywith the Sharp, the former had New York. Edward Stanton Mao-iv- , rocket, Capt Burke, a brig, mounting captured the. British merchantman author of the History of the 16 guns and manned by more than 120 Betsy, Capt. McArthur. The Betsy was nlted States Navy and American men an armament and complement from Clydfe, bound for Oporto, when 'rivateere d announces that he that made the Skyrocket more formid- she was overtakeen by the Yankee In the archives In Edln-jrgable than many of the regular Amer- and captured. Scotland, the record of a naval ican warships In those days. The Capt McArthur was a prlsonei ition In which an American ship d Sharp, according to the letter of Capt aboard the Skyrocket w hen that craft that was never mentioned In any Hogg, was armed with 14 carriage fought the Sharp. Subsequently mertcan history. was released, and arivlng at besides guns, six of them The combat was between the six swivels. Greenock, reported that the weight askee privateer Skyrocket and the The only note there is of the Sky- of the Sharp's metal, together with rotch vessel Sharp, and occurred in rocket In American records is the the quickness of firing, particularly of Tf. Mr. Maclay's story of the action bare mention of her name in Em- the carronades, threw the privateer's iilows: mons Statistical History of the United people Into the utmost astonishment; A sea fight between an 'American States N&vy, which was published In and that the execution on board the id a Scotch armed privateer waa such that they would vessel, which 1860 ferns never before to have been Hut the most Important feature of have struck to the Sharp had she in American annals bas just the Scotian's armament was that six been able to come up with them. 'jiv-- i tOffij Of if - pm-se- 1 f k k4T 1 J snow-cappe- d LOST SEA BATTLE. to-tlo- n recent-discovere- - kOB- - Smith io pas- Kft narrc a .hie ti to Ti i fig--e- r whi literal bet o' d on.': BEES DELAY THE HOME OF CARDINAL GIBBONS MAIL. tit oa Carrier in Indiana Has uous Experience. iral iffi of ol a Stren- ray it tCl Logansport, Tie Ind. William Slagle, rtfk mail carrier of route No. 34, out this city, was attacked by a swarm ' agry bees while covering bis route, 4 was so badly stung that when be turned to the post office fellow em-)y- e were unable to recognize him. ded to fury by the sting of the csry bees, Slagles horse ran away, '4 tbe United States mail was scatty along the roadway for two ble- The bees settled about the flee-'- ? ft their stingers Into Slagle and tbe . i it tidarr a a in pt ! tfc" Is ect bad 1 ;ral ' I rate ei aarrt. horse, if tOO it S at itluil and they made merry. Jab-i- f aa effort to bat the bees from head Slagle dropped the ot, and the horse In swaying the t rig from one aide of tbe road tfta other, dumped out the mail. fleeing animal finally the bees, and slowed down walk. First assuring himself 11 the bees had gone, Slagle turned animal about and drove back and f4 up the scattered letters and ier pieces of As the result mall. attack he la In pretty bad lace and out-itanc- d ourtb frcB a carei ill ! million. retin rpott en'j itdfr bcH: tbf J town WHERE NOBODY DIES. Undertakers Move Out In Despair nd Doctors Turn to Plow. jarver, Mass. This town Is now as the undertakers' despair, 4 there arfi those who actually the town pump is a veritable Wain of youth, which the Carver ,'Ple have all to themselves. All of because of the health phenomenal 0rd of the Two 2,500 population. f ago Carver stood about on a rlth other Massachusetts towns of ttne size. . Then came a marked be-th- Iff ft'1 (belt iboitl llofl cf asst1 till i riBe. hut 10 deaths yere reported, these were over 60 years of This ypnr, however, In the last ntha the climax has been cbod when not one single death has ' ttb' i tbt and urred 'year r W latf bis ten- of ago there were six under-and four physicians In the town, undertakers have dwindled away the other day the last one more W1" fleld9' AU but lo nr the physicians have gone and farming on the side. two do DIFFERENT NAME8. I understand," "Well," demanded the man who waa said the old time having his fortune told, "what do you friend, that you are gettin right exsee? clusive." Y'ou are married, said the lady Mr. "Well," answered Cumrox, who waa examining his palm. thats what mother aa the girls call "Yes. But I knew that before I It" came here. What do you call It?" "You have always had to fight your "Plain 'lonesome.'" Washington way ahead. That is, you have pro- Star. You. have gressed by hard wotk. never been favored much by luck. POOR FIDO. Very true. Still, that Isnt exactly what I came here to find out Can't you tell me something about the future?" , Yes. You are going to live long. Your life line Is very strong. And here I see something very lmixirtant something that will encourage you. Your salary Is going to be Increased." "Good. That's the kind of news I want You're sure of It, are you?" Yes. You will get It before long." "And Is there anything to indicate about how muca It will be Increased?" "It will be much larger than It Is now. I,et me see. Yes. It will be tributed i nearly $1,000,000 to the as large as your wife tries to make Plocho districts production la the her friends think it Is at presenL" old days, will produce a great deal He could ask no more. With a feelmore than that In future, is the opining of courage In bis breast he handed ion of experts who have lately been out two dollars and went away to the Investigating the property,1 triumph that awaited him. Chicago For the purpose of making a study Record Herald. of the conditions In the coal regions Very Likely. of Wyoming, W, It Bancroft, Patience I hear a Chicago minister and general manager, and is giving away trading stamps with J. M. Davis, general superintendent, each couple he marries. of the Oregon Short Line, last week Patrice I suppose a lot of women went to the scene of tbe strike. out there are Just getting married to Gerald This dog knows as much It Is understood that Goldfield Conget the stamps? Yonkers Statesman. as I do. t solidated Interests have secured a Geraldine How modest you are! foothold In the Seven Troughs disSOAKING IN PROSPECT, ANYWAY. Most people brag about their dogs. trict and the foundation Is laid for one of the biggest leasing enterprises Chicago Dally News. In the history of the country by the Time's Changes. acquirement of the Black, Campbell Whlffers Ah! How de do! Well, and Swlcapper lease on the Wild out with It old man. What success? Bull. Advices from the Marshall Lake You said you were going back to your native town to bunt up your first love, district of Idaho show much activity there. The Goodenongh company Is from whom you parted years ago level and runthe airy, fairy Lillian you raved working on thd 150-fovein of ore that ning on a four-foo- t about you know. Did you find her? $80 a ton, and will soon InBlitters (sadly) She's draw- averages fifteen-stama mill, while tbe ing $20 a week as the champion fat stall woman of a dime museum. New York Mount Marshall Is working about forty men. Weekly. For the purpose of receiving tbe final payment of $16,500 for the He Deserved It 1 tell you, Bald the pert young as- ranch he sold the Federal Ely Copsistant, "the editor Isn't In, and I'm per company several months since, not going to tell you again. If you Albert HeuBser of Ely was In Salt have anything for him you can leave Lake last week. The payment completes the sum of $50,000 which the (It with me." ranch with Its fine water rights "Very well," said the caller, taking him. off his coat. I came in to give him a brought A deal bas Just been closed wheregood, sound thrashing, but Ill give It by George Havercamp of Provo has Five dollars for a to you Instead." Guest What! transferred 30,000 shares of stock In room here at Mudhurst-on-the-IIog- s for tbe Lilly Mining company and all of A NEW WRINKLE. a single night. No. Ill go back to his Interests In the Silver King, New York first Golden Horseshoe, and other claims Hotel Proprietor But It Is raining in the East Tlntlc district to the hard. Youll get wet. Eureka Lilly Mining company. The Guest Well, which la worse; go to consideration Is $50,000. New York and get wet or stay here News of a big strike In the Hole and get soaked? . Card claim In Black Horse district, has been received. The whole bottom Located at Last of tbe shaft at the depth of fifteen Drummer (settling bill In Eagle feet Is In ore, it Is said, which pans house. Hay field) Pardon my curiosmore gold than anything ever before what do but stuff you ity, sir, your opened In camp, which means a great beds with In this hotel? deal. Landlord (proudly) Best straw to The Moscow, in Beaver county, be had in this hull county, has twenty feet of Utah, Drummer Ah! That Is very Interore at the bottom of Its copper now I know where straw tbe esting. from the 400 level. Tho winze came from that broke the camel's winze Is down thirty feet and the ore back! Puck. A body has been widening rapidly, Is being run on the 600 level to drift Hla Job. catch It. What are you doing now that your Preparations have been made for wife Is away?" the resumption of the active work of In to all time my Putting trying development on the Jefferson Extenanswer her demands for more money." sion properties, adjoining the ground Detroit Free Press. of the Consolidated Jefferson Mining company, at the mouth of Little CotKNOWLEDGE. Myrtle Grace Is a girl of Ideas. tonwood. about sixteen miles from Natlca Yes; she put flypaper under Salt Lake. the sofa to catch her little brother. Seven feet of ore that breaks $70 a ton la what the present manager has opened up In the old Buster mine Strangers Now. There goes a man who once offered at Lida, Nevada, a mine that the forto make me Independently rich." mer management spent $50,000 In deBut he didn't appear to know you. veloping and equipping with a mill, At least he gave you no sign of recogand yet were unable to make It pay dividends. . nition." You see, I refused to buy the In the Great Western mine In Horn-silve- r, stock." Chicago Record Herald. Nev., has been opened twenty-eigh- t feet from the shaft, on the lowWaste of Cash. est level, a body of ore eight feet MIzerly My wife Is afflicted with a wide which Is said to give average values of $70 a ton. A streak of wasting disease. WIzem Wasting disease! high grade eighteen Inches wide runs MIzerly Yes; she has a bad case of up to $931 a ton. the shopping habit. Chicago Dally That the Buffalo Hump Is the greatNews. est mineralized district In Idaho, If not In the entire west, has always First Aisle to the Left. been the contention of the groat mass Teacher Johnny, 'where Is the Isle of mining men who have visited that Every dog has his day." "Yes, but its not every dog that of Man? section fro n time to time. A recent knows when hes having It" Chicago Johnny In the gent's furnlahln' de- strike in the Del Rio still further Journal partment Judge. strengthens this belief. e vice-preside- p high-grad- cuwrisMW Well-Know- r tit OPULENCE IN SIGHT. Half-Holida- ritual. s n MINIM day. and one wternatlon to ,n n Catholic Prelate at Baltimore, Md. KAISERS SON CHOPS WOOD. Prince Eltel Takea to Hard Work at Cura for Obesity. Berlin. Hard work is the proper cure for obesity, thinks Prince Eltel Friedrich, second son of the emperor, who Is threatened. sumAt present he Is staying at his near mer residence, Ingenhcira castle, morning from where Charlottenburg, most to night he engages In the strenuous labor. u11"081 He applies himself witt the felling, tree to gardening, assiduity wood, carpen-try- , cutting hedges, sawing sheds. and the building of potting rkmen other and The gardeners which conconnected with the estate, park on fairsized sists of a little obtain the banks of the Havel, la n res : the prince while leisure from them a full dence, aa he exacts in the day's work every day he has taken For several weeks past construction of the la part a leading one occasion s rl Jins school, and on we' during the great heat was gently remonstrated with by the princess for working so hard. Oh, he replied, "this kind of work Is a splendid cure for obesity, and continued his task as though he were a paid laborer. When not working In the grounds he and the princess set out for long rides on horseback, leaving the house before seven In the morning without a groom, and taking a light lunch with them, which they cat In the forest, and return to the castle Just In time to dress for the evening dinner. Sometimes they drive together In a dog cart with a tandem team and The princess picnic In the woods. takea her sketch book with her, and, as she Is a trained artist, she has made quite a collection of landscapes of her own work. On these occasions the prince, after his letmn, always applies himself for some hours to manual labor about the castle. e |