Show NEWS S U IlIARY It is reported tint tho armored cruiser crui-ser Amman being built by tho Orland dockyard Leghorn Is Intended for tho Japanese government 0 j Governor Fort has determined to lake a hand In the Investigation ot the mysterious shooting of Charles B Roberts Jr at Atlantic City N J It Is reported from Johnstown Pa that tho Harriman Interests have closed a contract with the Cambria company for 500 steel gondola cars William J Bryan will wrlto each week until election a letter to bo sent to every prlclnct Democratic club p tho country giving advice and suggestion sug-gestion as to the line of campaign A detachment of 105 United States marines the last of tho contingent sent to tho Isthmus of Panama to preserve order In the recent elections returned from tho isthmus last week Dr Frederick T Hustln ono ot the most famous surgeons in the west was shot and killed as ho was on times jolnt time-s of entering his homo In Omaha There Is not a single clue to tho murderer mur-derer John C Czolgosz a brother of President Pres-ident McKInleys assassin has been sentenced to the work house In Sharon Shar-on Pa The police claim that he Is Insane and his caso will be Investigated Investi-gated Lilly Wheatly was shot and killed by Mrs Walter Allen wife of the proprietor pro-prietor of the St Charles hotel In Wichita Falls Texas Miss Wheatly was In a carriage with Mr Allen when the shooting occurred As a result of the largest accumulation accumu-lation of idle funds in Philadelphia banks since 1904 the rato for demand loans was marked down by leading l financial institutions of the city last week from H > A to 3 Per cent Engineer J F Miller and Fireman Dunning were killed and Brakeman Ashley was seriously Injured by tho explosion of a freight engine on tho Santa Fo road at Kndrow Colo The three men lived In Raton N M That what appears to he apithy among tho voters of tho country is merely contentment with tho present administration of affairs by tho Re Mibllcan party Is the contention of former Senator John M Tlnuston of Nebraska Gov A B Cummins In his message to the special session of the legislature legisla-ture convened at Des MoInes Iowa urged the Importance of amending tho primary law so as to permit Republicans Republi-cans to make a nomination for senator sena-tor this fall I Four heirs of the late Hugh Mc Curdy of Coriuina Mich who left his 110000 J estate to tho Masonic Orphans Or-phans homo at Grand Rapids Mich filed notice of a suit to break tho will Mr McCurdy left his widow only an annuity of 800 a year Eight claims aggregatHg 10311 against the bankrupt estate of Harry K Thaw were flied with Referee In Uankruptcy William H Blair late Friday Sept 4 The largest was that of Josiah Copley Thaw a brother which was for 8040 Governor Hanly of Indiana has Is I rued call for an extra session of the legislature to meet September 18 Tho county local option law and a plan to give the governor extra power to deal with nightriders In southern Indiana will be considered Succumbing to the deadly fumes of burning pitch and bakum deep down In tine forepeak of the British bark Puritan as she lay at anchor In President Roads four seamen were suffocated and a fifth was partly overcome over-come before he was rescued by mates After being out seven hours the San Francisco Jury which tried James Troadwell for prejury In connection with tho examination by the grand jury Into tho affairs of the suspended California Safe Deposit and Trust company tn returned verdict of acquit Traffic east of Winnipeg on tho Canadian Ca-nadian Pacific Is completely cut off owing to the burning of a long bridge all tho Schrletzer section cast of Fort William by a brush fire All trains are going around via tho Soo Line through St Paul for tho next few days Baron Oura Japanese minister of commerce In a statement mado pub Ho from Toklo said that the post ponement of the International expos ltlon scheduled to open In Toklo i In 1912 Is unavoidable because the mattor has assumed such largo I iriIODSi pro No arrests In the Roberts shooting case are likely for at least two or three days according to a statement I given out by tho chief of police of Atlantic City N J Roberts has ro heated his belief that tho shooting vas not tine result of an attempted hfl tSUJI Dock Watson of Hlllsboro Texas hot a young man named Carl Horn sad Miss Ethel Rsal ol > ho operator for Southwestern TIephono com sunny and then tUrned his pistol hlmsolf on Doth men died almost In stantly Miss Edsal Is believed 10 bo fatally wounded The Automobile las mado Its announcement Club of America against speeding acordlnr tu a resolution massed by the board oC time Corm oC governors In special notice to Its I hers calling mom attention to the nUl11bor great oC sorlous und fatal that have accidents recently occurrld Suit to recover lamia granled the Oregon California Railroad tlcome pany now com Controlled h y the ern Pnclfic ° South com pan men at over and val 40000000 at Portland by special wall begun the attorney assistant to tailed Stales Jencrlll on hohnlC of the govornment |