Show Jf I A SIMPLE SAFEGUARD IN PAINT BlJYI 0 Everybody should know holY and easy It 13 to avoid S IIII all rtll in buying paint materials unc tl j There many socalled white leads rt > market which contain S On chalk i barytos and other cheat adUlt 11 j Unless the property owner raQ I vantage of tho simple mean lake tectlon afforded him by rellnble 0 Pr lead manufacturers he 1IhIt of Rotting an inferior and runs gre l rhk white lead adulte te4 It is to protect the nalntt against fraud and palnth1l1l National that t Lead Company the makers of genuine Pure larg m While place their famous Dutch nor Pai Lea n-or trademark on every keg or product an absolute guarantee VT at Ita t purity and quality Anyone wh01lI11ti to make a practical test of white uats i and who wants a valuable lead about painting should sddress free vk tionul Lead Company WooLr Bldg Now York and ask for equipment test |