Show keep t upper lip thero there has something gone eona wrong my brave boy it appears F for or I 1 see eee your proud struggle lo to keep keen back the th tears that is light when you cinq cannot give trouble triable the slip then bear it still keeping A stiff upper lip i VI though you cannot escape digap disappointment ent and care the next best beat thing to do Is to learn how to 10 bear if when for lifes prize youre running you trip get up start again abam i keep a 0 stiff upp upper er lip ill 1 lot let your hands and conscience be honest and clean scorn to touch or to think of the thing that is mean but hold on to the pure pare and the right with firm grip and though hard be the task keep a stiff upper lip through childhood through h manh manbo oJ through life to the end gele bravely and stand by your colors my friend al only yield when you must never give up the ahio but bat fizet on to the 7 i ast asi with artiff upper lip selected deec |