Show 11 office hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m A JL curtails Curt aill ff A PC PHY aan I 1 office palace residence i 1 block south sauth farat ward Mee meeting house cstreet Ks treet nesi tience telephone no 45 office aulce alo 0 23 28 PROVO UTAH I 1 drs H J richards Rich aids AND F Y WJ aylor r physicians arf and surgeons ogles at their resi residence denee the former residence of dr pike N fans s a a G 3 street ath und tild ath r m UTAH ur A 1 1 tl F F FREED F P F REED BROI BRO dentists dentise have all modern instruments for the practice 0 of operative ana prosthetic DENTISTRY artificial CROWNS AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY fit all ail work guaranteed guarante guaran teea eai Roa Ita aiNa amlo 10 bank building Bui ldina provo alf J I 1 I 1 dentist electric gas gaa administered when aben de alred teeth extracted by it without pain all kinds kinda of dental work in the best and latest stylee all work from his date will be guaranteed according to agreement or the money will be refunded rooms no 2 and 4 bank building Buil diu provo city utah KINK KING WOODS iea I 1 V viea lit office in national bank of comerce PROVO UTAH I 1 F I 1 J W K N U RIVE YA Y A AT I 1 LA TP TF 11 and 12 first Nat Bank build ing PROVO CITY UTAH DON G C JOHNSON ATTORNEY AT lorney AT LAW office at city hall SPRING springville VI LLE OTAH KILLIAM D 11 HOUTZ E INC attorney s at a law 5 and 7 firs national bank building PROVO CITY UTA R 1 la 17 booth E A A labooth BOOTH WILSON I 1 LA TV and land office abuts 0 23 N J street CITY UTAH N S ill U AND ATT ATTORNEYS AT LAW AW bank Bail Buil diug dlug PROVO CITY UTAH E E DUDLEY attorney at law room 9 bank building PROVO CITY UTAH AG A G sutherland attorney at law office in gates snow block opposite court house PROVO CITY UTAH e A E C 11 I 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW criminal law a specialty aiom riom 3 union block provo city U utah tah R H G va asa architect and superintendents superintendent office no 1 TJ union nion block provo S SAM AM ww gadnai r k m W m EM PROVO OTAH irabor F and aad ith streets BUILDER 4 AD A D 10 01 T I 1 0 RAG xai f r i we are prepared to receive orders I 1 ir make contra contracts eta for buildings of all ail descriptions estimates far famished dished ort en ap application I 1 Ile atlon we ave have the facilities for manufacturing the best and me most st durable qua qualities cities of BUICK in any required quantities 1 samuael Sat attel liddiard Uil diard co I a N arrovo UTAH 0 E K T hon honest ketche 0 K X many of ane pioneers pion eera ot oregon and washington have cheerfully testified to the wonderful 1 curative properties of the celebrated oregon kidney tea purely vegetable and pleasant to the taste and can te tabea by the youngest child or most delicate woman 0 K T is a never failing remedy for pains in the back and loins non retention of urine scalding or burning sensation while orina urinating tIng docous discharges a and nil au ad ki kidney aney tron trouble bler of either sex bex 1 at all sta 6 HER HEK FACE HER HEK FORTUNE a commonly said of lanious beauties she who us uses as with artistic artisti c taste wis doms doma famous robertine has fortu fortune ile in the possession of a complexion comp lemiun to which nothing but the blush blash of the rose or the fra siness of the lily can la be compared this reparations reparation ia is just what it is claimed to be the most delightful toilet article and only perfect beautifier known read tha testimonials from amous among artists celebrated chemists and prominent itile I 1 A burs care cara itching piles are known by moisture moi stara like perspiration causing intonte itching when warm this form as well as aa blind bleeding Ble edins and protruding yield at once to dr Bosan kofl kos pile remedy which sets acts directly on alo p irta effected absorbs tumors tamora ablaya itching and L ff acts a permanent perman ont cure cur druggists or mail cir circa colare lare free dr bosanko arch st phia pa sold by pney malben maiben A sound liver malkeh macef a well man inan are you yon bilious constipated or troubled with jaundice sick headache bad taste antho in the mouth foul breath coated tongue dyspepsia indigestion hot dry skin pam pain in the back and between the shoulders chills and feyer ac if you have any ot of those these your Y ur liveris liver is out of order and blood bloo d is slowly being poisoned because your liver does not act disorder of the liver I ISE IKE KE will cure any stomach Sto macli or bowels bobele it has haa no equal as a liver medicine price 75 cents wd sold by smoot druz oo CO Buc buckless klens arnica balve the beat salve salva m in the world for auts ats f d hirisi bruises Blui ses s sores ulcers salt rheum fr afi i 1 3 atter ater chapped baldg ads Chil chilblains chilblain blair 18 corni conn and all skin eruptions and positively ively cures curea piles or no pay required it is 13 guaranteed to tc give pf af perfect act or money refunded pries price 25 cants per buz ifor sale bale by pyne maibec THE MORNING COCKTAIL raken baken before breakfast cheats a false n jurious i appetite A wine wineglass 1 a 3 M ful 1 of dr henleys Hen leys dandelion edlio tunic taken before meals strengthens the digestive organs and enables you yon t relish a hearty meat without imury to WISDOMS VIOLET CREAM thy the most moat preparation in the world for softening and whitening the hands and face it is not only a sub alinte for but in every respect super aarto glycerine gly cering cold cream vasel vaseline lne and liko like arv it liver Coni complaint plaint Billious Billiou ness the chiet symptoms ot this disease are depression of points foul foal coated tongue bad tasting mc mauth uth disagree able breath dry skin with clothes and en eruptions sallow com comp lection tiou and yel low biow eyes tired aching shoulders dull ull bainn pain in right side faintness diz dizziness i ness and irregular bowels this complaint in all of its forms can be readily cured cared by taking dr ganns improved liver pills as directed and a lingering spell of fi sickness will often be warded off by their use sold at 25 cents a box bos by ilyne maiben FAIR WOMEN 0 all bright beautiful and facin atin women are m mado ado nore more charl xing by the the artistic me of wisdoms fam gainons DUB eo bertane it enlivens the most creyi ifor beancy by adding freshness punta brilliancy to the santa clara S dak dab noy 25 91 LIGHTY des moines iowa DEAR sia while in denver last fall I 1 I 1 bought a box of Kr krausel Krau auses ees headache capsules Cap eules which rii dai in ine good gcoy I 1 am aca 0 t h ifft ibes I 1 can find none in the arn stores stored nere bere what will you sel aae haf e s for yours braly r ly J tl 11 STETCHER for sale by drui co mr albert favorite ol of Ar arkansas kanEas city kan wishes to rive give our readers th the benefit 0 of f his experience with colds he besaya says 1 I contracted a cold early last oprina that settled on my mv lanes and had hardly recovered from it when I 1 caught another which hung on all summer and left me with a hacking couch which I 1 thought I 1 never would get rid of I 1 had used chamberlains cough remedy emedy some loursteen lour tour teen years ago with much success and concluded to try it again when I 1 had got through with ore oce bottle mv cough had left me and aad I 1 have not suffered with a cough or cold since I 1 have recommended it to others and landfall all speak well of it 50 cent bottles battles for sale by pyne maiben miles milea nerve and liver pills fills act on a new principle regnIa regulating ting the liver stomach and bowels through the nerves A new discovery dr mi miles les pills spee dilly cure biliousness bad teste te ite torpid liver piles constipation unequaled for men women children smallest mildest surest sorest 1 50 doses 25 cents sam plea free at evne haibert joseph V dry dary of warsaw hilll HI was troubled with rheumatism and ana tried a number of different remedies but gayb none of them seemed to do him any good but finally he got hold of one that x speedily cured him he was much ceased with it and felt sure th that at others similarly afflicted would like to know what the remedy ivas wai that cured himl him he states for the benefit of the public that it is called chamberlains rain pain balm for sale hv by pyne lyne maiben S ID J le lff jr 1 ir T RE A jl a new and ana complete pom Treat treatment consisting at suppositories ointment in capsules capsule also la in box sad and pills fills a positive cure care for external internal bund or bleeding itching Chio chronic ute recent or hereditary piles lies an add id many other diseases and female weaknesses it la is saws always s a great benefit to the generia ilia ahe first discovery ora ofa medical cure with the knife un nn aderine derine an operation ren re ne ata he this remedy has never yeen been known to fall au 1 per box 8 bior 95 5 sent b 7 wa why suffer buffer from ahta terrible 14 dig jesse ahn a written guarantee Is positively elven given with 6 bolex to refund the money it not cured send stamp GUMP for free sample guar antee A C smith co wholesale and retail druggists sole realor utah salt lake city das law w h 1 a la i r C I 1 ar afy I 1 y Y 11 j I 1 X I 1 A I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 r I 1 t I 1 you can au run through T the from the first column bolum n of the first pat page c to the last col column limit of the last and you can search for the handsomest offers that ever found their way into print but have a hard time matching our lino ot of furnishing goods notions linens hobery and household novelties also in m matching ahching 0 our prices nobody can blame you for bein being a trifle su suspicious spie ious when you you come across the word bargain in in an advertisement I 1 charity covers a multitude of sins and barbins Bar bargains C mins tire are more than apt tolover to cover V a multitude of frauds but these C goods we are off offering erinc L are bar bargains 0 ains just the same a genuine legitimate n out aud and out bargain of the most un questionable kind run eun through the papers then come and see our goods and prices and you will find you can not equal them yours for trade atie taff aft ASH DM NUT an S centra street provo with a full supply of FRESH SMOKED AND SALT MEATS SAUSAGE AND LARD free delivery to all parts of the city THE CASH MARKET first class in every respect cach paid for beef mutton maton pork perk and iund calves philip mp Spec tot aft diw pa 0 C ENTRE CENTRE ST PROVO FRENCH FEMALE PILLS Can cotton root and pennyroyal THE the test W ai neat rellan arzil bay la tta ecru Ne french ice fe jale ine pills have bava been aw sold eold tor for over twenty ased hython alcids ot of ladies who 1 I lice have given testimonials testimonial i that they are unexcelled as specific monthly medicine for tor immediata immediate relief ot of painful Pain tul and I 1 1 irregular gular wense menses female We alme etc price 1200 a box irith fun full directions direct iona aiex yo wo substitutes OK 09 spurious SPir spuR BIOUS rous rm nATioNs co mica for sale bv smoot druz co I 1 71 7 i i f k scientific american I 1 im I 1 9 I 1 agency for I 1 imp I 1 HT I 1 I 1 F ll 11 I 1 W 1 CAVEATS I 1 z TRADE faacks k PATENTS copyrights COPY etc for information rind fres free handbook write ante to 3 mui 1 u N li c cosil 0 1 I D R 0 A DWAY yoe osk lt r 0 oldest d e s t b n u f for 0 r decann e n g parc parents m A america M ca every patent bateni taken out oui by us ua is brought belora before the public by a notice given tree free of at charge in the afir k 0 ea IA larrest cirenia tion of any scientific paper in the tha world splendidly illustrated no io intellisano intel antt lisant man be wit out it lv S coo a year tear ILI six rn audre S s au ai A CO ru masu 3 3 stil 1 broadway Ero adway new yort city TO CHICAGO I 1 have bare been studying the time tables dea I 1 and I 1 find the only proper way to get to chicago is via the rio grande and colorado t I 1 midland we can leave provo monday dw at 9 25 am arrive at denver tuesday y at SW a m and chicago Wednes wednesday diLy la 15 1 5 p m I 1 I 1 just think of it only two night 0 on n the road I 1 wigfall with all the scenery thrown in i 1 cool mountain canyons no dust doat i I 1 no heat elegant fiuman sleepers Slee pera empty empting meals and polite employees now be carofalo I 1 1 I 1 I 1 see bee that our tickets read rio bio grande and colorado midland call on oa braley I 1 ticket agent for the tha R 0 na I 1 I 1 I 1 11 1911 79 7 9 I 1 I 1 A I 1 I 1 ax k I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 r 1 A 1 r I 1 I 1 1 I 1 vi lurK k 21 1 V I 1 i RUM 1 I 11 0 U q to 9 ci C i qa F t r 4 wark 1 w I 1 j OMA L I 1 I 1 I 1 i U I 1 do 1 rovey DIZ V 1 i 1 f T a i k z i I 1 el 1 aidi ETTE C 1 1 i I 1 it 11 eel 41 az i i 1 f I 1 i Y 0 A P Z I 1 J I 1 I 1 1 AI 4 1 lz I 1 1 X I 1 91 na P aldow biow I 1 kea 3 lefore la re 1 t I 1 I 1 ii pi I 1 OTIC finx W faa R banka CO cv 1 1 TE so 4 R S st t L IA 0 L I 1 8 0 a 0 na 5 37 AND X 19 adolp corivian cori Nian ic AND ath manufacturers OF S steam team and horse power and well driving machine steam boilers engines llull kinds of 01 rass and aron caas TINGS largest stock of pipes and fittings ZD in fiovo gas water ind and steam plumbing promptly attended to estimates given iven on all kinds of iron work 1 I correspond Corre spon d with us and get figures CHAS W supt bupt nevit DISCO ERY in compounding a solution a part was as fcc accent dently ly s spilled ive on abe hand and ado on washing afterward it was disco discovered v er that the hair was completely removed y we e at once put this wonderful preparation on the market and so 0 o great nas has been the demand that we e are now 1 I 1 it throughout we the world und under erthe abe name ot queens queenan anti clairine 0 0 IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN CAM USE IT r X ry the half hair over and apply the mixture for a few minutes and the hair disappears as it II by magic without the slightest pain or injury when applied or ever at alt erward it f unlike unitize any other oiher brer preparation ration ever u aeed fra tor a alte purpose thousand of LADIES who ho have been annoyed with hair on their FACE NECK and attest its merits 4 GENTLEMEN who donot do not appreciates beard or hairon hair on their neck find a priceless boon in queens antl anti clairine which does away es with shaving by rende rire its future growth an utter otter impo impossibility securer sibolt price of 0 queens fl 1 per bottle sent in safety mailing boxes postage poa tAffe paid by us securely sealed irom from observation send bend money or stamps by letter with full address written plainly correspondence pon dence strictly confide atil this advertisement Is honest and straight forward in every word it contains ns we nye invite you to doal dal d al with us ns and you yon will find everything as ri pre ted cut this out and send today to day address QUEEN CHEMICAL CO race street cincinnati 0 you can r eaister your letter at any rot post office to insure its safe delivery we will pay for any case 01 failure an r aar or slightest injury to any ant purchaser livery every bottle guaranteed Q D SPEC 1116 II 11 T to idi ladief wh and d tell 11 amoul their friends frienda 25 bottles of queen antl nelll w we irta we present with a SILK BILK DRESS 15 yori best beat silk bilk extra large laina lai na bottle and am baille 1 I bofto ot buc to from tent sent with order good salary or cr com iu laz to ta 1 B sarsaparilla has no equal stands alone as the BLOOD PURIFIER SR and uie ap for rheumatism YO MO sarsaparilla PARILLA now sold is tso eo fully en by Physic physicians Phy ans and druggists complete formula printed on each bottle ask for BROWNS browna sarsaparilla and andlee use boother no other BROWNS blackberry AHO GINGER 1 a deed to be the best rained or diarrhoea Dissent cry and al ah bowel complaint it contains the aati active ve medicinal virtues of jamaica gin za crerand blackberry roots combined with axa matics malang it an |