Show legra LEGAI L NOTICE territory of utah I 1 utah county j r sa ir ii the probate court in find and for said county inthe ID the matt matter erot ol 01 the state estate l ot of zebedee t catrin deceased order to show cause why izaer of sale of real leal estate should not be made joba G coltrin the aa of the state of zebedee cotten deceased bating baing filed his petition herein praying braying for an order t f sale bale oi 01 real estate the real esta estate te of said decedent for the purpose therein set forth it is 19 therefore ordered by the probate judge of said cobit chui t that all persons interested in the estate of said deceased a 9 appear bo be fore the said probate courton saturday the ath day of af march arch 1893 at 10 OClO cir in tue lue forenoon ore noon of 0 said day at the court I 1 oom loom ot of said probate court at the court house in provo prove city county of utah to show cause why an AH order should not be granted to tai the e said jihn G coltrin to sell so BO much of th the real estate of the saia zebedee coltrin de ceased as should be ne casary and that a copy of this order be p u blishel bli sheI at least once a week for four week in the enquirer a nelsn newspaper al r prid primed led an and d published in said utah aou county V territory Tein errit tory ory of ut utah all JD JONES probate judge dated provo city january 28 mo 1833 territory of utah I 1 county of utah is 1 a I 1 I 1 ii V L halliday clerk of the probate court la in and tor for utah county territory of uth hereby certify that the foregoing is a full true and correct copy of the original order to show cause causeway why order of sale of real beal estate crould not be made in the estate of zebedee coltrin coltran deceased and now on file and ot of record in my office witness my hand and the seal of said court conr HEAL at my office in provo city this day of jan A D 1893 V il HALLIDAY clerk of tae the probate court utah county ff UT T legal notice territory of utah county of utah I 1 as SR in the probate court in and for said county order direct directing inz notice ol of application for guardianship in the matter of the etal e tal and guardian 51 phlp ot LOUB flouis Art arther arthera herC C violet atwalter Ai Walter 0 albert t and otto barit ini minors nors peter alamson the stepfather step sten father of the above EL b ove U named s m d minors th children ildren of f frank dirk having in g 0 on n the lath day ot of tan jan 1893 made application ili cation by petition to the probate aude aud e of said county for the appointment of peter damson adamson A as the ithe guardian ot of the persons and estates of said sad minors itts it Is hereby ordered and directed that notice of said application he be given to all parties concerned by publication tor for two weeks jn in the dany daily enquirer and by positing sti ng notices notice at least 10 days bea before ore the day ay of jan A D I 1 1893 requiring said parties to appear before said sald judge at the probate court room the court house in provo city ln in said bald Coun county on said dalof jan u low at 10 am a m then ithen and there to show cause if any they have why the said bild peter adam boa should not be appointed the guardian of the persons and estates ot of said minors louis birk arther C p birk baric violet A birk wilier walter blik birk albert birk and otto birk dated jan 1893 JOSEPH D ES protho probate judge territory ol of atall I 1 I 1 nW so C county ny of 0 utah 1 I V L 1 halliday Halll day clerk ot of the probate daurt court in anil and for fo rUiah Utah county territory of utah hereby certify that the foregoing is a lull true and correct copy ot of the or erigina igina lna I 1 order notice or of application lor for of of louis aurther arth violet A walter albert and otto birk minors and now on file and ot record in my office aune witness 8 my band 1 and and the se seal at SEAL or of said id courtat court at my office in provo ci City t athis thia lelh dayo jan tJan A D 1893 V I 1 erk ot of tha probate court utah ulan couney county UT legat legal botica I 1 atah county in the probate court in and an 1 tor for raid a I 1 d county a I 1 the matter ot of ilia us estate of thomnas jarman df dp ceased order to show how cause why order of sale of rent real iii ate should hould not be maae W a myton creditor ol of the detale of thomas jarman jaiman ee ceased baing lif iDs filed bled his petition herein praying for an orar of il sale ol of a part of the real estate ot of said decedent for the purpose therein iset fet forth forta it is therefore ordered by tha th probate J juab u alb of said court that all ail persons interested ti the state of said deceased appear before said bald probate court ou on saturday the jtb day dayot of february 1 1893 at io 10 in the f lorenzoa loren foa of said aay at court room of said 3 court at the court house in proad city utah to snow show cause why an ordel not be er granted anted to the adminta to sell seii eo much ut ot the real estate ol of thenaid the si ajl thomas jarman decea decease sedas diw sl donld be necessary and th ata u a apy copeci L order oe po limbed at let lean once a week lor for four weeks v kii successively successive iv in the print zd arid aad published tn in said utah count territory Tern tory ut f utah J D JONES probate judge dated dee dec territory of utah tahl county Coant yot of utah iss s I 1 V L halladay Halll HaIll day dy clerk ot of the probate co irti tid for utah county territory territory Terri torT ol of utah h hereby e reby certify mat the foregoing Is a full ful true tru e and correct copy of too the original craer to show cause order of sale of f real estate should not be made in the es estate t ate t t f thomas jarman dian deceased ana now on me file and of recerd in my omee office bitnes my hand and the seal of said probate court at my office in provo city this SEAL day of December A U D L HALLIDAY clerk of the probate court utah county V U T be lesal 1 I notice in the probate court in and for utah county territory of utah in the matter ot of the estate ot of joseph bateman deceased order appointing time and place for settlement of final account and to hear petition oz tor for distribution or oc reading ane and filing willnetha fill netha the petition of mary ma at RA R A bateman executrix ot of the estate ot joseph bateman deceased setting selling forth that she has herfindal her final account of her administration upon said estate in this court taht all the debts of ald said f estate have been f fully 1 paid a d and I 1 hat a portion of said estate re r finans a ua to 0 be divided the heirs of sall said deceased decea Fed and praying among other things feran fera order norder allowing said anal account a and u A of distribution or of the res idlis ot of said et estate ate the entitled it is ordered that all persons persona interested in the estate of odthe the said joseph bateman Ua teman dece deceases ses sea be a and appear bufore the probate court of ane county ot ulan sit at the court KOODA of at saw said court in the county court house on th the 6 cui th day 0 of 1833 1893 at 10 a m then arid and briare to show caisse cause why art an order allowing said filial account count and of button should not be niile or of the residue of ha wd d estate among amone the ana devises of the sald ball jore joseph ph ateman deceased according to law it is M further rt I 1 er oraf red that the C clerk lerk cause NU notices to C be posted im acee public places pi ices i in a butali county and aid ai d a copy ot of ibis order to be publik published hed in THE a newspaper new pruned wid circulated in ID utah county lour four weeks prior to said caid alth day ot of february I 1 ISO JD JONM probate cudse jated dated jan 1 territory ren atory of utan utah ss t county ot of utah I 1 V 1 L Uail Kiar liday clerk of the probate co court u in and tor utan ulan county counie territory of ruthh hereby certify that the foregoing lore going is a full true and correct copy of the original order le appointing time hod and place tor for settlement ol of final account arid ami to lear hear petition for distribution trib ution in the estate of balentin Bale mern decease dand daDd now on fhe and clr oi cord effice ff ice witness my hand and the w wal al of bald C ourt court it at my callee in chiy city this SEAL ath day ot of labuary january A D 1893 V L 1 halliday clerk of the probate court utah county UT LEGAI NOTICE in the probate court in and fot for utah county territory of utah in the matter mailer ot of the estate of job john n 13 fairbanks fair banks deceased dec order appointing time and place for or fie tle aae anent a t 0 final account and to hear petition for distribution on reading and filing tho petition of sarah fairbanks banks of the estate of joan B fairbanks deceased a bailing forth that she eha has nied filed her final account of her ber administration upon said estate in this cow court that all ail the debts have teen been lully fully paid and that a portion of said estate remains to be divided among the heirs of said deceased and praying aanon among jtb other er things foran for an order allowa allowing said final account acco int and ot of distribution ol of the residue ol of said bald estate among the persons it Is ordered entitled t at all persons interested in the estate ot of said john B fairbanks di i ceased he be ana appear before the probate court ol 01 the county of utah at the court room of said court in the county court liou house seon on the esth dakof day ot february 1893 at it II oci ocl ig i m then arid and there to show cause why an order allowing said float account and ot of distribution should not bo be made 0 of the residue of said estate esta leamons amon the heirs and d ev aises of the said john br 13 fairbanks FAirba aks deceased cea seil according to law it itis is further ordered that the clerk cause can 13 notices to be posted in three public places in n utah county and a copy of th anta is order to be published in the E a newspaper printed and circulated in utah man county tour four weeks successively prior to the said aid r irth day da ol of february 1893 J I 1 D JOSES JO ars probate judge dated jan territory r earl to ra of utah B county of f utah I 1 IVL halliday Halli dav clerk cleric of I 1 he probate courtin court in and for utah county Teri lory of utah hereby certify that t the he foregoing Is 13 a f I 1 1 t rue quid and correct CODY of the original order d e r appointing time and plage e 9 for settle bettle docent of final account and ana to hear petition for distribution in the estate of john B falt bahng deceased dei deco ased and now on file and of record la in ray my office witness ray my hand and the seal of said court SEAL at my omee office I 1 in a provo city athis 1601 day of january jannary A D 1893 V VL L HALLIDAY DAY clerk cleric of the probate court utah Count yUT |