Show ON SOME FORGOTTEN POEMS I 1 deal dead rhymes exe are here that no man comes to rest read dead as the flowers that robed the maiden spring to wed MO ith summer when the betrea freed and an all the birds began to nest and sing if bome one plucked tho fewers and wd laid them by between the prim white pages that I 1 hold the crushed and faded leaves dim the eye and leave the yearning heart nn unc cheered heared and cold but sweeter flowers of rhyme amid tho the gloom and silent dust of all the silent shelves you keep your glory and your primal blooml and alvo if not for oth others rs for yourselves and when I 1 chance to opta open wide the behold your beauty breaks upon tho tha earth and ad all ail the splendor of a burled buried age Is born again with glad immortal birth and happy I 1 may hear the master hi hid hand d sweep down tho the lyre and wake each vibrant bora that swells with glory of a sweeter lauds land where lifo life was waa chopo and love alone was lord SO bo let itt tho the cover close the page grow gray amid the dust were no eyo eye comes to see my air heart ilore the song shall hold and sway away the poets amt a dream shall wake world tor for me W 3 J in harpers beauy |