Show competitive tielve games especially intercollegiate t ter collegiate iu in which many elements 13 ants combine to carry the excitement to the highest degree are dangerous not lot only in the final filial decisive struggle ruggie est st ruggle hut but in the tl e long preliminary training center county pa has a natural curi cari osty in the shape of a 20 acre pond wl which aich appeared in a L single night on ground never known to be covered with water before the area of the coal vein discovered at fairhaven haven wash is estimated at acres and believed to contain about 10 tons of coal una 1 7 wo we notice that the united states legation is ia doing duty as aa a dentists office and consul gme generals rals court this ul nt doubt is another good stroke of business which kirs kills two bilda with one stone BUS bul what it if the white house were let 07 out a in part to A publican the th e american legation ih national property and ought not to be converted into drug stores or dentists offices office 1 A W canso me ox of he fitness of things or the dignity of detho flag Ls ia evidently at the te gation siam freo ilip press mrs doggherty Don gherty willow widow of the latt daniel dougherty has leased her philadelphia residence idenie and with her family will pass the winter in mexico colonel it C pate of st loais lewis la is about to 10 inaugurate winter rac ng in the city of mexico on an extensive scale he has obtained all needed cone fissions through gh president diu diaz |