Show R A A 1 OR su annexation ang discussed MA MANY NY FAVORING IT resolutions passed by the san sail francisco chamber of commerce SAN SAM fra caico jan 31 A special meeting sf of the san francisco chamber of commerce Cora merca was waa held this afternoon to consider the q of the annexation ol of hawaii the following resolutions were adopted WHEREAS the the Cha chamber charabel raber of Comi commerce nerce of san francisco fran is co has baa been reliably informed of are a revolution 1 ution and the establishment lish ish ment of a provisional government I 1 in n the hawaiian 11 wailan islands and the defalto government is ia now reeking annexation to the united mates and WIT P the commercial comi al relations ioas now existing between the two countries are close aud and important hawaii having become one ot ol the most valuable commercial centers in the pacific ocean with a 13 promise of greatly increased value to the american interests of the united status states and its pacific coast commercial interests demands that no n 0 european power shall obtain power over tho the hawaiian islands to ta our detriment tri ment and WHEREAS the present conditions there involve the probability of a disaster to the lives and property of american citizens therefore there ore be it P resolved esol ved that the chamber of commerce halls hails with satisfaction the friendly offer made by the hawaiian government to cedo cede tle the islands to the united states and urges upon the united states government prompt a acceptance cep tanea of the proposed cession thus at once contain ing peaceable and honorable possession insuring surina in a stable government go vern ment crotee protection of life and property and too the pr preponderating ej ponde rating influence of the united unit states in the growing commerce of the pacific ocean res 0 ived that our gove nine nt is urged to promptly augment the naval forces of the united states at the has wailan islands pending the disturbed political conditions there existing DISCUSSED BY THE CABINET W washington jan 31 the discus discuss sion ottlie of the hawaiian question atthe at the cabinet meeting today was informal land and there being nothing before the body for its consideration no action taken the matter of the reception of the commissioners mission ners erm of tho the provisional government of hawaii concerns only the brer president aident and secretary of state with whom this business must b bo 0 transacted the commissioners commissi boners onera of course will be received courteously and their proposition listened to wita sympathy but the recommendation that may be made them will have to be determined later it may bo ba said that there will be no action upon the matter it cannot be dig disposed posed of in a day or a there will be no message mess asre to congress from the president until after the have been heard and then only it is sur su misad in case a favorable fava rable re commendation upon their proposition preposition shall have been decided upon BY congressmen washington jan 1 31 1 in congress the situation continues to be ba privately discussed by members mr harmer rep buican member of the for foreign eian affairs com committee rait tee said today 1 I approve of tho the oteis already taken by representatives of the united states ai at honolulu as it has baa prevented the government of great britian balitian from Rs as a arote protectorate c orate ovar the islands which would ba have ite resulted in absolute possession in the near fu future wre which i f to avoid we were to the proposition for annexation at once I 1 would favor it our government sh should lock to its own interests first which great brita britain jr never fails to do no european power should be allowed to seize hawaii at any time especially while there are representatives begging at our door for annexation another representative said today annex the islands hiland 9 constitute them a t territory errit ory and reciprocal trade will double within twenty years let the british lion once set t its paws upon the group and honolulu would soon become one ot the most important stron of areat Brit ians power great britain will undoubtedly a joint boint arrangement ran gement ment for the govern government me of 0 the islands but we want none of 0 that no entangling alliances we wa have had bad en enough 0 ugh of that business at the S bambas MORS congressman harter democrat s of ohio is radically opposed to annexation saying today the whole is a job iob intended to benefit a few sul beear ar planters who are anxious to the 2 cents cenis a pound bounty paid by the united united states on native products we will knock that bounty out shortly and hear bear no ni more ore about annexation READY HEADY TO SAIL MARE MAKE ISLAND cal jan 31 the united state stales steamers ranger and adicus adieus are now lying in the s stream m st steam e a in up having all the compliment of me men stores and ammunition aboard andi and ready ready to proceed to sea and are ara waiting orders from washington the I 1 monterey arrived this morning abild and will b be ready to go in commission coT commission mission in awod two adya dya men ilea are swarming armine sw on her to push ionah her to ta completion the old monitor I 1 comanche is being pushed to completion and will be ready for im mediate use inside of one week A full fall force of men are working on her when the monterey a arrived rived here her supplies and ammunition were ready for her and were at once put on board boar there thera WELS no crew craw fo her however ver as all the aval available laUle men ware re aure quiren to m man an the adams and ranker ranger both the latter vessels are ready to sail a at a moments notice the supposition is that the adams will sail at once and the tha raner banser ser leave a day 0 two later in conjunction with the tha boston and alliance they could put a force foice of 1000 men ashore and these basked backed b gaclia gat lini guns would make a formidable showing uncle cade sims shir ships special to TUB philadelphia feb 1 I the indiana the first of the coast line fino battle ships the construction of which was ordered by act of congress passed in june 1890 and which it is expected expect ed will down the most moat powerful veisel afloat is rapidly approaching completion at the cramp shipyard and will be ready for iaun launching ebing in a few weeks it has oriO orm inelly nally been intended intend od to have the cor ceremony emony performed during the present week but the extremely cod weather that has prevailed has interfered r e d materially with the proe roea that had been counted upon no definite date has yet been fixed for the tha la launching off hut but the event will be attended with considerable ceremony YOKE feb 1 1 the iho special united states squadron commanded by bv 1 rear tear A admiral bancroft gher gherardi adi is ia due t to 0 arrive at the barbados barbadee today having left montevideo on the of last month the squadron consists of the cruisers san francisco baltimore charlestown Charles town and yorktown 11 A at t barbadoes Barba doea the rear admiral will find awaiting him instructions to sail at once onca direct for campdon roads va and there to await the arrival of the various foreign squadrons that are to take part in the columbian naval review another clabus OIL 01 statehood hood jan 31 Special to the tribunes Tri bunel another canons of the republican senators has been called for tomorrow morning to discuss the adais aton of the the territories the tha advocates of immediate admission are not satis patia fied with the republican bladt of bf th the last caucus and been wo working hard to secure a chanze change of results |