Article Title |
Advertisements, Notices, and Articles |
Type |
advertisement |
Date |
1893-02-01 |
Paper |
Provo Daily Enquirer |
Language |
eng |
City |
Provo |
County |
Utah |
Page |
4 |
Creator |
Loose, Charles Edwin, 1853-1929; King, William B.; McCauslin, Jesse B., 1860-1909 |
OCR Text |
Show DAILY JOHN 0 maninges Ma faz Ex Quinna telephone number is ia 27 local mention in this column 30 cents per line each insertion advertisements and changes enst be to office not later ihan 10 a m t to 0 secure inser on oa sana day WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 1 1893 provo mail bervice MAILS LEAVE U UV V sall rait lake closed pouch ai 7 15 a m U P going goina south 9 la 15 a m K afi G c y loing east 1 a 31 m KG R 0 W going north norm a am in U UP P going goine north Norl ti S 40 p m falana and ogden east 1020 pm balina and ogden west e p pm m MAILS U P fron aroa salt like lake 9 m 13 BOW G W the west a n M it GW thelast 3 9 05 a ra ogden from rom west ia 10 1 44 l aji salina and 0 jen irom from east p TO ni L closed ad pou pouce e ri from salt lake 6 30 p m tl P mail irom from south pm OFFICE HOURS the general delivery stamp a and n d registry windows open at 8 a in and a n d close at P pm m the money order window opens at 9 in and closes at 4 p in on sunday the general delivery and stamp windows are open brwn armm 12 M ato 1 to I 1 p m Post postmaster mastey I 1 I 1 I 1 1 0 K a pat a P R 44 5 1 1 1 I 1 L 0 ff L MO I 1 P a C z 1 I 1 11 1 1 I 1 I 1 u amk g k lia i n g koft r ow d P r 0 is the only pure cream of tartar PO powder poder der no Atu ammonia monia ni na AIL alum n used in millions of homes 40 40 years th standard I 1 I 1 A person consults his hia best beat interests by having a box of HEA DitHE CAP CAPSULES SULES at band taken as directed will prevent or stop any kind of headache no matter what the tha cause causa in fact if your tour skull was cracked it would pain the frequency of tho the attacks will dimin diminish and by taking the capsules at the approach of a headache you will n ever have another boc per box for sale by smoot drug co territorial notes A compromise has been effected be tween the chalk creek coal mining jo co and the employees and the me men n kiil resume work the wages due the men will be paid und and in ia tho the fu fujiura tu retho tho menta will wil be made weekly the construction of a coal road from salt lake to coalville Co alville seems to bean be an assured fact this means cheap coal for the capital A MARRIAGE license hai been issued to george gears W hone of benjamin and elya elva bellows of lake shore electric bitters titre rs thid thia remedy is becoming so eo well so ao popular as aa to need no special 3 pec lal inu mention tiou all who lave bave used el electric liitt era ring pins the tiame name song son I 1 of draike i 1 purer medicine oine docs not exist e T and it i ix eua ranted ti 0 do ail ai that is is claimed electric I bittera itte ra will ivill emp ip il 0 dupaw z of the liver ond and kidneys W will 11 demoye pimples boils salt sal t rheum and other affections affect inEs canned by impure blo blood od will drive malaria from tl tun bysted and prevent as ai well as cure ail MA ai teviat trial fevers f vers for 1 ordure cure of headache constipation anil and indigestion try electric satisfaction auar money price sects and 10 1 00 3 per bottle at pyne A maidens drugstore 5 children cry for pitchers castoria when baby was sick we gave her castoria when she was a child she cried tor for castoria when she became miss she clung to castoria when she had children she gave them ethem Ca castoria storla bcd riding hood 11 the tha pleasing opera red riding hood will bo be given at the provo house friday evening feb 10 by the best musical talent of provo city venice pike and fred graham are in the feadin ie leading adin role supported po arted by may mav zabriskie ida jones emma johnwill roberts and a chorus of seventy five voices among the attractions of red riding hood is the appearance of a rea real i wolf skin akin expressed especially from denver for this noted occasion twenty five little eirls between 6 and 9 will d dancil a nee in the blue bell chorus which w will ill be a sight alone worth the price of admission misa aliss amy pike in lord fontleroy costume will ride a handsome little rony which ralph irvine irvina has haa kindly offer offered e d to lend the opera odera is under the management if mrs H 3 Turn turner erand and miss edith bpck aror proceeds eeds will go toward paying for t tie the baptist organ 25 cents and 50 cents cenis Chi children biren in first circle 10 cents THE NOBLE ART OF SELF DE 11 set forth by an authority self defense is instinctive persons who find themselves afflicted with heart disease as manifested by its many symptoms palpitation short breath irregular pulse pain in side or shoulder r smothering fainting or dropsy etc natura naturally ltv desire a defense against what may terminate fatally for this thia express purpose no remedy has hag e ever approached pro ached pr dr miles new heart cure care sold by pyne maiben on a guarantee mrs 0 F V perkins perking of northwood la ia says dr miles new heart cure saved paved her life she suffered from palpitation and heart would frequently y beat as high as a minute was not expected to live new heart cure cured her 5 wo I 1 7 highest of all in leavening poyer power latest U S goat report rt baki 0 ng po wea NA PUM I 1 A hae bae old man mr jas wilson of ellens allens Sp springe ringo ill who is over 60 year vears of age says BO s 1 I bare babin in my time wed tr ed a great many medicines somo come of excellent quality i but never before did I 1 find any that eliat would so go completely complete lv do all that is is claimed for i it t as a chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhea remedy it is truly a wonderful medicine for sale bv evne maiben n tobacco users smile sometimes when told that tobacco hurts burts them their wives wires never do because shattered nerves weak ores eves chronic catarrh and lost manhood man hood tells the story if your husband uses tobacco you vou want bi him m to quit post yourself a about bou t xo No fo ba c the wonderful erfal harmless guaranteed to bacco habit ewe cure by bv for our little book titled dont tobacco spit and smoke your life away IP mailed free drug drugstores stores gefter generally ally s sell ell noto no to bac THE STERLING REMEDY CO indiana mineral springs indiana A S sprained P rained ankle this is a common oc occurrence currance occur ranco and one that will lay people up ordinarily 6 to 8 w weeks yet we will guarantee ballards Bal larda snow liniment to cure any case of sprained ankle in I 1 to 3 days it if opp applied id le at once and to immediately relieve all pain snow liniment will cure any old sore on man or beast it will heal all wounds and cures sprains bums scalds bruises sore throat sore chest lame back corns bunions for rheumatism lumbano Lum Lumb baso asro neuralgia Contra contracted cled muscles Muscle sit it has no equal do not allow any other white liniments to be put coffon off on you vou for snow li liniment nim ent there is is no other like it ask for ballards BaU ards snow Lini liniment meni sold by sm I 1 undisputed authority the united st states abed says tact onions area are a stimulant diuretic and expectorant they increase the appetite and promote digestion 11 the juice made into syrup has a specific action on tho throat i lungs and air passages all it not only cures coughs mid colds croup and consumption but its stimulating effect and builds up the afterward As P fr tonic and restorative it has no ino equal vve tye solicit a arril erlann in the moat moa chronic and stubborn c cases e price 50 ce cente fite sold by pyne maiben re d ben ra U advertisements n this column I 1 tent cent per word each day kythe bythe month 10 per line except marriage notices birth notices 50 cents cent death announcements free obituary comments 10 cents per line no advertisement taken foi less than 25 cents miscellaneous US AlEE MEETINGS TINGS he patriotic order sons ol oi america ameet the meet every thursday night those desiring to join the order please make application to any member of the order JQ C E LOOSE loome past president koiv is your time the ainslie lumber company must sell their entire provo stock of lumber add ot ther other building material within the next sixty days without regard to griec prices w yew now is your opportunity to get the best bargains in lumber ever obtained in provo W B KING receiver U 11 II BEAN local agent prevo oct 22 1882 L lost ost or stolen large black thoroughbred newfoundland dog answers ka to the name of clovis wears an extra heavy collar I 1 with padlock the owner john 31 wilson will handsomely reward anyone returning the dog or gi gluing ing anfor mation as aa to his whereabouts 1 t wanted WANTED boex to exchange hane 11 a modern rests dence and corser corner lot in salt palt lake city for provo property apply at V i office t HAVERCAMP dark clark will loan vou money at 10 per cent per annum or 01 will furnish you an abstract of title to your farm or home on shortest notice office in first national bank building 1 provo utah 4 for sale cheap for cash five acres ottery of very land in bulk or in lots located in the east fields i unde rUnion ditch A good chance for working men to set get a home at bed rock prices for further particulars ulars enquire of E M dugdale 0 R J Da dugdale gdale provo city am m vor for sale 4 sa acres city property situated between first and second et streets county road with one four roomed and one 2 roomed houses will sell for cash bash or exchange for good farming land south apply to J B love provo c ity city d s w SAVE JAVE you a title to your home se burean abstract from havercamp dark clark without delay for delays are dangerous and learn the condition of your title offida F first arst national bank Provo utah ds HERS HERE IT IS the popular route east via rio eio grande western and colorado midland madlan d all ail ways ticket office no main treet salt lake only two nights on oa 6 0 chicado Chic Chi aeo cazo for exchange will exchange a rasi residence dence in salt lake city new newhouse house housa modern improvements first class in eyers respect for provo city property H H SMITH office 2 doors north first national bank some again ladies and gentlemen julius Jen jansens jensens sens jewelry sto reia the place to get 3 ou on r christmas presents my goods spee z for themselves I 1 am here bere to stay whether silver is high or lowit low it cuts no figure with me no one can undersell MO me let them offer you vou ever so 80 much per cent off I 1 have got to live and so eo have others but bet if I 1 have to sell at cost twill I 1 will do it and succeed from me you can buy diamond rings they are baud handsome and perfect and a big stock to from I 1 dont need to howl to sell my goods veople people know they are reliable and not cheap but sold cheap JULIUS JULIU JENSEN JEN SEN JEWELER lost I ost A pair dair of opera glasses at the opera house or between there and residence opposite D to silas alfreds AI Al reds first ward T the he finder will bo be rewarded by leaving hem at J W deals 0 va G Q a aft 19 provos provo 3 S wholesale i c and nd retail grocers groce 0 1 1 i AGENTS FOR fol I 1 i TOAS OX in utah county send in your orders order for the let iet coil coal oil in utah T CJ L fi U li OAL gate lump ac lt 4 stove iti C k ac nut P Y V I 1 lump ump anthracite 1050 I 1 50 cents per ton extra for Dr arvig vig I 1 1 1 leave orders at or orly by telephone to J 1 T PAP I 1 L ell provo o savino savings s bank satisfaction guaranteed 11 V i rf stubbs tubbs 8 agents esba ns ba fire insurance life i crusenberry BERRY KNOWLDEN accident 1 1 aident lt plate glass 4 GENERAL AGENTS live stock ic stamps and ar to seals collections made PROVO UTAH urah I 1 NOTICE notice is hereby given that the business in pi ovo fc emerly known as the colorado lumber company will be continued under the firm name of ainslie lumber company conc pany with H 11 II bean as manager WILLIAM 13 KING tf if receiver in r ta so headquarters FOB jekeli watches I 1 I 1 OF Z I 1 I 1 I 1 0 O c I 1 aa I 1 I 1 1 5 4 elv L 1 6 1 1 C 5 A I 1 1 I 1 W 60 1 I 1 ap I 1 I 1 1 il site upon imi ul pak a 11 I 1 the larg est and best provo diamonds set and loose to select from repairing in all its branches first class adrus jensen THE JEWELER CENTER ST PROVO mm GRAND OPENING of our fall and winter stock of mm cites hits H A I 1 donuts all of which will be sold cheap for cash cach we arry the largest and most complete complete stock of goods gooda to select from I 1 call early and male make your selections remember member Ee the th place corner of ath H street tp MRS H IV Y DAVIS first 11 i aul xul 1 1 oral 1 bla B I 1 PROVO CITY UTAH paid in capital 00 Sar surplus plus DIRECTORS A sim arr S S JONES VICE prisident PEE 11 H CLUFF JOHN 0 M W K R PIKE J JPE P R JOHNSON GEORGE TAYLOR NV IL dusenberry safe deposit vaults absolutely fire proof rents kents 3 to 15 per year receives deposits payable on demand collections sent us receive prom A attention and remitted at lowest rates new york national park bank san francisco pacific Bank Salt lake city dauerer national bank STUDENTS GUIDE x T TO BOOK KEEP ING penmanship SPECIMENS LEGAL BLANKS SKELTON 1 CO pro vo city utah I 1 you it laugh 1 1 to see your money go for our FALL AND WINTER BARGAINS we sell such mich good goods and sell them thein so cheap that BUYING BECOMES A PLEASURE SEE OUR 0 CTR NEW LINE OF rl 11 11 I 1 pi I 1 I 1 A P I 1 PI aft A 1 I I 1 I 1 A 1 ba la a A I 1 I 1 A A 1 ani ua a t 3 it 0 our ur shoe Dopart department ment is doing an immense bu business our dress goods and trimmings an delight b all our full and elegant line of wraps is a W wonder G 11 ap cr our line t af ia esq fi M in bilk ilk cotton and IN r ool is lt tender ill success cess IL V aped ni 0 0 ii E I 1 aj M i I 1 r V q 4 f 1 ff 0 L 11 N Q 0 0 vi 0 U it A L r G ua 4 4 GOTO THE 1 A N W fm 4 91 RI U a 1 all im M 11 W III lib 1 1 U ill I 1 E caf J r rb V WA 9 where 11 QUO R and are permanently cured by t h new kew improved and M I 1 D slam as V N U i ED perfect restoration n to health li assured the remedy b being e ing entirely vegetable it po possesses assesses decided advantages over any in y other the institute is a branch of the american remedy co I 1 nad a a recently E incorporated company with W ith fk a capital stock of 10 1 0 reed smoot president W 11 dusenberry jolin 0 GI graham abiam secretary john joba R B elvell treasurer dr rj 11 simmons I 1 L U king and L 4 oems 1 12 la 12 3 an and 1 I A 4 EXCELSIOR BLOCK PROVO UTAH I 1 I 1 4 DR 1 af 1 director r I 1 |
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