Show M 1 WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 1 1893 DIRECTORS john E booth president john henry finith vica president geo sutherland therland Ba graham J 0 john W turner turner 0 D glazier Glaz Gla ziar J it boshard SECRETARY AND TREASURER J M jen jensen sen john johnc 0 graham manader Ma naser entered at the at provo as second clasa clas matter smatter TERMS OF subscription BY MAIL POSTAGE PREPAID daily edition ono one parts of a year vear per month SO 80 semi bemi year in advance 2 50 TO KITY CITY subscribers dail daily y delivered sunday genday excepted so go cents cants per month g address tue ENQUIRER co provo city utah whore delivery is ia irregular please make complaint at the office or through telephone no 27 13 kept on file a THIS PAPER wlate 0 dakes advertising advert vert ver laing agency 61 ana 65 0 merchants ax chaa dhanee e san haa francisco cal anere contracts and rt isina can be made for or IL 11 it should ba m in every house J B clay st sharps burg pa says he be will nt nit be without dr kings new discovery for bousum tion coughs and bolds that i it t cured hia is wife who was threatened with W th pneumonia after an att attack ack of ila la grippe when various other I 1 remedies emedies and several physicians had bad done her no good robert beiber of Cook sport pa claims dr kings new discovery asas has done him more goo than anything any thin le he avei used for 1 lune u na trouble nothing like it try it free trial boules bottles at evne maidens Mai bens druz drug stori stor larg bottled bott lea 50 ats and had nut not slept tor for years mr A jackson an old resident of rusk ask usk texas and manager of the nag ent new lintel hotel at rush informs inform li us he a had not at night for years except in in short naps owing owin to ince incessant siant couching ile he was advised when very very much run down to try ballards horehound syr syrup he was immediately relieved 0 llis his 70 cough ugh and his rest linn improved roved to such a degree that he be could sleep soundly all ail night mr hr jackson 1 I regard ballards horehound syrup superior to any cough syrup on tap market and its freedom from and no constipation after I 1 using it for this reason alone I 1 con elder eider it the best cough syrup in the world for children lly ily lungs lunga are arc no now I 1 st stronger r nger than they have wen boon for vean years 1 thia r his syrup is very soothing to fo the broat and lungs sold by smoot di dur ui co I 1 TERRIBLE many from it today theary the cry of misfortune ia nev nevi i r heard beard wit without bouta a responsive ni nf lymp s my biln from those who lear hear it ati who have lind had la winch len abi lhnn in ath chrtt constant tired worn out oat tee fee log ing sleeplessness dull lia adache I 1 d hymeria hy seria etc have own olen prayed r aved for relief and aro are out eining it from F 0 dr miles restorative lil 31 lew enyart macy ind says sayar your Nervi u has anred me of prostration tra tion it is just what ment said it was two bottles of cured mo ma of ick eick E headache head acne chas wilber palmyra N Y sold on a gua guarantee ranted by bv pyne alaiff AIa iben n call for or the doctori Doc torB book now new nn ng facts free 5 I 1 m i I 1 I 1 I 1 t D I 1 I 1 I 1 A i I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 fe for r infants and children castoral Ca a is i eavell cowen adapted to children that colic Consa r recommend it za 3 superiors to any y prescription sour stomach diarrhoea eructation sown aown to me IL A anca IL D kill yilli gives sleep and i ill so oxford st SL brooklyn N Y I 1 without evio iiii injurious medication the use tonaH BO universal salMA aa for several years yean I 1 have rece its merits so well wel known that it seems ir a w yi ia do your castoria castona and shall ahall alhaj a conti contini nut ot of supererogation to endorse it IL fe few aret aretha do so as 16 ti t has i lav hay produced prod aced becea benela 4 i int intelligent ellig gert families who do not keel casto bastow al rill results within e ey easy y re reach each edwrd F M U D CAs DD new wy york k city ty ilia wot 14 street and aad tah ave ate uto tate pastor bloomingdale Bloomin igola ig gdala dla ch abura new aorl city tax camus coarr Cony AMT 77 sanz mw YORK yom i gates casla capital I 1 tur 1 ZIONS fa y SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO I 1 salt I aa balse 1 ce city Cr WILFORD WOODRUFF GEORGE Q CANN 02 resident vice GEORGE 11 CANNON cashier Ci CiL shier woodruff lorenzo snow and oldest ga satineg ainza george Q cannon francis M lyman I 1 bank in utah joseph joaeph F smith heber hber T 1 grant we 0 desire your bour accounts anthon H Lun dAngus M cannon we py pay 5 per gent cent ingemi inter T G webber IT B clawson on deposits jainel jack george reynolds write writa for TG TG hardy THE M F BESS NEW YORK 30 has a larger daily circulation than an any y other republican newspaper in america daily sunday V Lup day weekly tho the aggressive Re republican journal of the metropolis tho founded december let 1887 k circulation ova aa nih copies A DAILY DAIL th c remarkable ir success in new york THE IS A cheapness cheap news vulgar sensations sensa tiona and trash find no place in the columns of THE PRESS THE PRESS harthe has ohp brightest edl edi page in now new york it sparkles with points THE PRESS SUNDAY EDITION is is it a splendid paper covering every current topic of nf interest THE PRESS WEEKLY EDITION contains all the good things of the dail and kandav AS AN advertising MEDIUM THE ME PRESS hm hai no superior in new york THE PRESS within the reach of all the best and cheapest newspaper in america daily and sunday one year I 1 1 G months daily only one year 1 four months 1 sunday one year year vv weekly press one year send end or THE PRESS circular 1 ami les lea free agento wanted every were frere liberal Commiss commissions Commissi ios address Addre Add rs reg ts park row 1 I now new york L 0 M fl 1 U R S I 1 R I 1 why send kaat east lor for your fruita ad ornament enfa a when you yon can get them here at nearly half ot of arents agents prices FACOS and better stock guaranteed LAND GARDENING DUN after any plan also plans and esti mutes mates made and stock furnished a reasonable Fi figures 1200 EV ever ar greens on en hand of different hi im 1000 roses 47 kinds orders hi w T ever small let mo me price them the for or YU yon designs of every description mado made on abor notice everything in tho the florist line call and see eee west ad street address P 0 box 39 provo ei ci I 1 utah county savings saving bank the attention ibn of those desiring to open aings a jin gs accounts is called to the utan uta county savings bank which allows a I 1 i interest n on deposits at the rate at 5 per sent ent per er annum cori pounded quarterly alon y to loan on approved rea arsa estate security CAPITAL Ar ITAL SURPLUS DIRECTORS A 0 SHOOT pres 2 BA chiant V prea W 0 GEORGE JO jolls I 1 x 13 WI wn en w IT 1 cash cashley lei EXCELSIOR WERY I 1 1 FRESH BREAD CAKES S PIES ET ETC t i A PINE FINE LOT OY or CAKE AT AI LIVING I 1 OUR aim pra UT in connection with our bakery we hava a nice oozy loncia AND fresh oysters and porte howe house always on hand A FINE P PLACE bace FOR LADIE LADI E opposite theatre provo CRY city H E oste loh prop P PATENT A T E N r S irais ana reissues re ju issues se secured ered trade afek a istead and all other patent caus in me ilio sut orace office and ami before tho the cowls prom palf 3 ai I 1 carefully pals buted J apon receipt if tel or cl cf to in gon ou I 1 anae carbral examination and adise vs as lt i the tree iree of c charge with walh my in y offices dirc directly cily across from the patent OZIce and biln being 1 in ID personal attendant atten dane daue here it la a apparent that I 1 taye have super sup eror ar ta la prompt tic bortne more two c pros prosecution e cution ol of a applications lor for pate nan 41 loi or stac u all business entrust kd to nir my I 1 carem are in the possible pos sibia time l lil S ATland exclusive gi nto patens addic ad vie ond and special request J R LITTELL jauet caus r 1 4 9 ut dimce ak PROVO SHA SHAMBLE MULE i TIM SUCCESSOR TO FARRER BROS BROES B LP T 0 L n 11 E R W n EA BAST ST S T or OF POST postoffice OFFICE FIGE cash paid fop I 1 m fat calves galvos ef E X 0 S E IE L B S ea I 1 S 0 cf P BOYL ha EMU or oro BOO B O o O ut ah aji dealer la in I 1 acir ci c ii a r arnd seed I PAID FOR FOJ WHEAT a 1 t ajr I 1 manager PROVO MARKET AFTiC AF LER I 1 1 1 j sr I 1 caul gauis wheat per bushel 65 75 0 ts per ex t barley per cwt cat ICO GE GENERAL jeral PARM FAEM PRODUCTS PItO DUCTS po potatoes taic e e per husli bushel el 50 65 cabbage per cwt cat beans white per lb ib 4 5 DRIED FRUITS apples pr per lb ib 7 peaches par ib 6 7 apricots per ib 7 8 POULTRY Chic chicken kent diessel per lb ib 10 12 turkeys dressed per ib 15 17 ducks tame 25 ac K ducko dressed per der ib 10 12 1 DAIRY PRODUCTS butter per lb 25 eggs per doz 25 30 cheese home made per 1 b 1234 12 20 H hay ay lucern per ton 5 00 MEATS beef live weight perci k 5 ib i w 2 34 beef dressed per i ib b by 6 veal dressed per lb ib 6 hams home cured per ib 14 16 bacon home cured cared per lb ib 16 10 12 14 miscellaneous honey per lb ib 6 sugar per cwt cat A HAN OFFER A popular illustrated rom home 0 and h na homans womans publication offered free to our subscribers tim THE EN QUIREn has arrangements by which we offer FREE to our readers a years subscription to wo MANKIND the popular mouth month ly journal published at Spring fie d will GIVE a years subscription i to WOMANKIND to each of our leaders paying a years subscription to THE enquirer in ii advance and to all new subscribers paying in advance WOMANKIND will find a joyous welcome in overy every b it Is 13 bright j aal 1 i interesting inte r its houpo household hold hints and suggestions aro are invaluable and it alio aleo contains a large amount of news about women in general its fashion department is ia complete and profusely illustrated it has a bright and entertaining corps of contributors and the paper is edited with care end and ability its childrens department makes WOMANKIND a favorite with the young and in fact it contains much which will interest evely of every household in its sixteen largo large handsomely illustrated paves pages vo do not delay delav in twe accepting epting this offer it will COST YOU to get a ful eals edja subscription to WOMANKIND F 6 su lan a n F beeer bee e eu bat Q office daa a I 1 THE I 1 I 1 lb I 1 of salt uke lake city at eGardo th house As a matter wf of justice to our selves and to tb the tha reputation of dr leslie E Kee leys world famed remedies for liquor opium and tobacco we warn the public that those these remedies are used need by no institution of any kind in the territory of utah excy excepting mig only the iceley E celey ansti tute of salt lake city all others claim claiming inq to use dr Kee leys remedies or formulae are frauds and impostors since januar january y last we e have made nearly SOO I 1 cures r and nd these men are among the people of today as living evidences of the unspeakable value of this treatment we gud guarantee rantee the genuine keeley treatment as administered at this institute to b be e perfectly 1 v ll harmless armleSS arrangements for treatment may be made with our representative mr C or with sa K MORRIS na 0 I 1 manager gardo Gardol house loub I 1 a salt ladd I 1 t I 1 I 1 ek E k n g 10 v I 1 icv I 1 i n b MILL 0 f I 1 I 1 Z manufacturers OF ai sash doors Moul dings frames all loads kinds of building materia I 1 I 1 i finis finishing tung work as a specialty diecha I 1 ity J 11 I 1 jt caloss VA lOSs OS af A 9 M joaie fco I 1 F 19 m a the popular tailor Is makino making 6 suits to order cheaper than ever UNION BLOCK PROVO withers clart clar manufacturers ot of and dealean in alq rom furnishings ROBES WHIPS FURS CHAPS HARNESS TO 50 fine buggy harness a specially Stock mens saddles OF ALL KINDS REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE largest argest L stock south of salt lake by mail promptly attended to S TAR MEAT MAR MARKET KET E ys F 1 0 TEI t i li A I 1 HER or i harg basil THE ni kluft bute rc parl rk M 1 asi ani AND PORK FORK SAUSAGE vat calves and dressed dressea hogs wanted I 1 free delivery to fo any part of the city J E brov E T N NIT T U 7 sa s1 4 STORES I 1 I 1 main street I 1 salt lake city constantly arriving I 1 WINTER IP b 0 0 g S 1 I 1 among v which faich are blankets from froin upwards mens ARMS I 1 suits to 2000 I 1 mens overcoats from 8 to it men underwear bottom prices I 1 rabb s F I 1 s T felt e it I 1 boots 11 shoes etc ladi lad als 4 plush coats from 1200 to 2000 ladies New markets from 3 00 to 1000 ladies underwear from 25 ets to lav in alt all WI JS on G street between ath and ath north of perys blacksmith shop prices within L liying mt IE 0 I 1 washing and ironing from 40 acts to go 60 acts iver amr dozen families will sate save money by sending their washing to the i rome home laundry GOODS CALLED FOR foli AND dell RED MRS MARY provo aa I 1 I 1 a I 1 A ell I 1 0 A I 1 THE t a FAVORITE ROUTE 00 oo o 0 0 0 0 0 st louis oo 00 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 chicago and oo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 all Poin I 1 and southeast south east only ono one change ot cars which is ig made in the day time and in a union depot elegant Be reclining clining chair cars free to holders of greenlar train tickets for additional addition il information write to 0 all on I 1 y m V R F coall agent contra contracting ting abt morlan block salt loke lake C city ity I 1 utah E I 1 G P ag I 1 F J ull dil line 11 1 1 I 1 n I 1 II 11 I 1 M f IP ft 1 i h i i in q a aa au ria 1 U ag yg a E P I 1 a y 9 W ALL 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 vi alp al SG MUD AT LINT ONE A co C 0 I 1 I 1 A WARD R 11 STORE IJ 11 chines carries a full fall stock of fancy and staple G R 0 ur E R I 1 Y E I 1 S cash pa paid sd for fat calves WALTER aco V PROP I 1 1 nOL HOLDAWAY DAWAY BLOCK PROVO OR we line of the world ty iffla 1 THE 10 I 1 DENVER i I 1 AND na IRE I 1 RIO GRANDE RAILROAD THE ONLY DULY UHE LIKE THROUGH ISALT LAKE CITY cilly TO AHO KO ROM THE COAST THE POPULAR UNE TO SPRINGS AND LIEN AFEN THE MOST ROUTE TO trinidad zanta ganta fe and NEW hew main MAIL rg al it the principal towns and raining ninfa lg campa in colorado rado utah and new mexico THE TOURISTS FAVORITE UHE LINE TO ALL MOUNTAIN RESORTS all AH through trains equipped palace and tourist sleeping Slee pine cars far elegantly illustrated descriptive books aw V costa address BT A S RUCHES S L aeral 6 K KW kanuer W T GP Gen rulL lal r T DENVER COLORADO I 1 mi h e k N 1 var la Is the place placa to tj go to when you yon want yant fine glassware re legant gewant M lamps CROCKERY A V ily HARDWARE i LAWN LAW CHAIRS I 1 STOVES JENC LUDING M I 1 hift ALBUMS ETC the fair I 1 HALF NORTH OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK I 1 1 A 11 caa caveats ar aad trademarks trade 1 marks obtained and all 01 patent c ba business conducted for MODERATE MODERA FEES OUR 15 OPPOSITE U US S PATENT P E 10 omet and we can secure patent in acs ics less urns time th anan jhc thc remote no te from rom lV washington ashington seed cc M model e drawing or photo 0 wita tio tion n we a advise i if or not tree free ot of charge 1 arge our ee not due till patent is secured A PAMPHLET how to obtain pate patents with cost coa of 1 r same in the U S and foreign countries tails sent ac Il address dS 0 A 8 N D ae 0 OPP P P PATENT omer washington D C W l I 1 I 1 |