Show the offertory the offertory occasional occa occasionally siona uy yields its humors I 1 can see no fuu fun myself in dropping into the plate buttons or peppermint drops or gilded farthings far things but these and other such like votive offerings occasionally como come our way on ore one occasion a mild abild hint was wag given to a dirty looking verger when a small coto coin was carefully wrapped up in a bit of paper ilsc inscribed bribed fora bath for a prominent church 0 official cuil on another occasion when the officiating batin g clergyman had been somewhat bungling through tigh a dif ficula litany a similar piece of paper was marked for a clinging lesson for the curate after a somewhat rambling disc discourse ourse from one of my colleagues who shall of course bo be nameless the church warden told me that a man at the bottom of the church when ho he offered hini him the plate took out a sixpence and looked at it rue rua ft llly ab ahot ha ewt 4 idt X U V max majk rl y ou ahal lh daf it old fellow burits but its a deal more than that sermon was worth Co coradill rahill Ma magazine azine |