Show 0 priesthood the regular monthly meeting of the priesthood of utah stake will he be held in the priesthood room provo city on saturday february 4 1893 at ten a xa A 0 SMOOT president DAVID JOHN enward PARTRIDGE Coun counselors counsell selo rain pain sel self r lix inflicted if feted this to is supposed tobe to tia an age ol of enlightenment yet the hall half civilized persistence with which hosts ol of people keel beep dosing themselves en g small mall occasion argues a blind credulity of the dark a ages ps constipation has baa a myriad or of alleged curatives cura tives phiea in a mangelus Baas mange sous ous dose merely evacuate the bowels this operation being preceded prec ded by pain and followed by weakness the latter an effect ot of their excessive violent action rody pody I 1 ghylin aloes gamboge embodied in the fo form I 1 of 1 I all Is calomel these are among the th c vio violent medica medicaments ments for which should be substituted Ho stomach bitters the linest fenest most genial laxative extant never and resembling in Us its action an eff effort ort of nature in her bap happiest mood this benign and thorough medicine is also an antidote to malaria malarga and rheumatism gives strength to i th the system stem renders digestions perfect and ates tl the e kidneys kidney s and bladder er T baht T IS approaching we are desirous of Cle clearing chearino arino out certain classes of goods in our dry goods department to make room for our spring stock combination suits su I 1 its childre underwear ui i soiling in out mit at reduced prices EXAMINE NIE OUR GOODS AND PUCES it will pay you yon to do 10 so CO 0 r J bayr BB Yr HAS MEDICINE FAILED TO CURE YOU VOU 7 PR no BELT TOP 0 OUY sper mator T kight emla eions parts part F forgetful mm 6 D ness cd nin f ig ot I 1 id ideas e 4 A ayd DyB rj laino e IL ilk back k kl adney and bladder jam complaint tia tand the anany evils eils rel tir L secret habit in youth or pa elonite C ts in yb xa will end a cure electric elt thousands thou 0 sanda do e every tear after all known nea ant 4 ether th n g I 1 fm failed X ea 11 LYE HAVE AOE OR WILL abl which 1 ia 1 n nerve lorce s th alie element n thai was braind th the n d tit to eure BE dr banden electrio belt rit filete ri t medical ga battery amr su sas bama used d of the S physicians though e t tho the forkl gi ang 0 aba othine eo ahi which c h at once pene 1 11 th tha entera 6 E badr and currtis in a above 0 1 am the current is m bent nt di direct 4 to L I 1 affected I 1 instantly causing a healthy glow lum ri agn so that decad ed benefits ara from the tha first wetting add a positive IW IT strength to th the 0 system rubout weakening k aing theto the stomach h by d brnca 6 0 our belts ind and benic lilB lemo advice will wall cure every eata or money Y 1 re td funded we warrant our beitl to gm give the true cur reata t of electricity which hia en can t be felt i immediately M n rm or we forfeit we guam guarantee nias mr patent F improved fleckno G y t to ENLARGE gag V on OK UNDE bi PED ORGANS OROA or no pey every and d old end df for oar 00 P C palt ELE craid CO skinner block DENYER COL STOCKs STOCK right to the point the stock of winter clothing hats and furnishing goods now on exhibition 13 is bigger better and brighter than ever before and equal in variety and extent to td the combi combined nad stocks of any three houses bouses in provo no other local house ever did ever aver will or ever can sell the same sterling steling goods at the same low prices we make we broke down high prices three years ago and now have cut them down lower and lower year after year as our oar purchasing power increased until we cati can go 0 no lower m we e are sh showing owing every E style of overcoats and suits sars that is wora vora on tho the two continents made from the fabrics of all the celebrated looms of ef the earth many of which are exclusive weaves and patterns that can be had at no other establishment here he reVisit visit our salesroom Broom and see if we cant do some business with you yon PROVOS LARGEST CLOTHIERS 1 3 C OTHIE 0 WITTER prove F grocery w ey go coo everything in tha E n i ll 11 E constantly in stock we want your trade aai and d will wil wel J R BOSHARD 9 manager 4 14 I 1 st wow C 7 5 K 0 0 pa ff I 1 I 1 JE 4 CES OF DRESS 58 PATTERNS PATTER ass ZIA 11 s APRON IL I 1 NODS 3 AND 4 YARDS S FOR FOB 25 I 1 1 1 B B ATI VAN afi i U K CO cf AL 1 r IVI I 1 I 1 HAPPY HOME MAD ni tt A suits atri ia 3 aal for k I 1 ow T bea beat t if save yourself thess these troubles and annoyances by bj buying the OLD OID OI D RELm BL halny HAPPY a T nu nunie HOME NIE YE r a n d P 0 0 COOP co OP CLOT CLOTHING IENG DEP department R nn of all wool a guaranteed clothing Z 5 our guarantee reads every garment that does not satisfactory factory wear can be returned and your money will bo be provo cites refunded spend your money judiciously by buying reliable hablo re X singletons SINGLETON I 1 managers manager goods good of cf our appointed agents 9 |