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Show I NOTICE OF" SPECIAL STOCK H OLD-J OLD-J ERS' MEETING. ; Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Mendha-Nevada Mining company, a corporation cor-poration under the laws of Utah, is here-. here-. by called, to be held at the office of th j company, room No. 435 Atlas block. Salt. Lake City, Utah, on Saturday. .Innp 10th, 1 TO ft. at 2 o'clock p. m.. for the. purpose. I of vrttincr to segregate the Hamburg and , the Mendlia-east, and the easterly petitions pet-itions of the Mendha and tho Army lode claims from the balance of tlit; company's holdings, and incorporate th same as a sppnratc company. Alfo for iho purpose of c-lectinK a hoard nf directors of tlie Mendha -Nevada Mining company and such other business as may be regularly preenlM. T. J. OSBORNE. President Mendha-Nevada Mining company. com-pany. I Dated May 22. 1016. b3576 |