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Show : MUST WIN TODAY, ; IS UTAH'S SHOUT; ; HOPES RUN HIGH: Remarkable Revival of School Spirit Result of ; Stirring Address at Assembly; Californians ; Arrive With Squad ofEighteen Determined Deter-mined Warriors; Immense Crowd Expected to Witness Struggle. WE AKE told that Leonidas ' fired a baud of 3C0 Spartans to such a pitch of enthusiasm that thev hurled themselves into the mountain pass at Thermopylae ' and held back a million Persians, giving giv-ing their lives to save ancient Greece. Three time? as manv students of the . L'nivertdty of Utah M-raii to their fept ; vest vd ay following a. fi-T- address by ; Mathoniah Thomas and declared v.dtu ali the fervor of the convert that no I auric-ill ties, no matter how formidable, . could deprive the Crimson of vktorv ; against thp University o Sontoern California Cal-ifornia today. The eleven tanned bov? - who will be thrown irjM the brpach ; merely ground their teeth and sfi!-'i rothing. The moBt remarkable revival of ?nirit has seized the student bodv at the star institution. Like, a motionl-a forest of pine: in a calm before a grorm. th.-;-have watched in comparative silent tbeir ereat gridiron machine " pa--through brilliant victories nnd heart , .' breaking defeats, ehowinp little ot th I " entbuiam or dejertK-n whi'-h u.-ir-tl1;.-1 characterize the 'fortunes or mhtor- . tuce3 of a great university. Bit yesterday the storm brok and, ' lashed "them into a fury of excitement and enthusiasm. Their yelis '.'an:e forth . iu ercat roar; whieh bro.;bt the lir-t genuine smile of ;i pprP'-iar ion to the lipj of their yell re;-vr, Dan Hunter. Fired With Loyalty. ' ' Real universities contain men and : TromeD who-e blood n;n-i red tn their vein?, " paid Mr. Thomar. " fool.hall ram can b- no bttr and no v.-or.- than the student bodv trrn b I b , Ea-'h is a pa.rt, of the othr, and e of the world th'Dk that a school w;tb , a aood tram uan cri 1 h i n tr . ' Thi as the kvnote of Mr. Thornn' ad-dres, ad-dres, and before h-3 h'd f'oi-h'-d p'rv : sMidrt had riidH t;-.at rh- -orld ould e '-onvirT-ed of th v-orrb of thy L"ni'eri,' of Utah. Thp t-tii'lent body aiid the footr-all '('jad firtnly believe that tliv will ttid todav, ,-:r rb'-v do not ijnderrre th ef- , fors which must be exr-nd.d. ' ' Thp fan ha? the training and t:io plava,'' n j' f r,i. h fir;rrfli. ' ' T h r or v t r . j r y tna i-. uf'-r- to v. in i- tiie proper f i sr t' ' n 2 Hpri . ' ' St, on" who hft- a t i hn football men at uork -:-i':bt Thai tl' ,io th'-'ir fhnre. and rhp no- -r 'i : r at the s-'hool iuiii v es tin! t t h" - t ,'.' n r a do their parr. 1 u te opinion tne " L ' ' ?i;pporrei" iror hniL' mor nee led Utah .-auuot Thp California team arri- c-d in Lake ye-rrday H!'r-rni:, :-u-t 'v.tp met m the -'tinn t-- i i.-ii-. ih university. Th wv .t n''-.,i-r town in :it; t nrn r : I3 a " I H i : 1 1 ; workout at i ' ' rr. in i u 2 - ! ; -; I . Californians in Shape. Coach K-orh i'lno h;i- t-rn.'ir pir-t -en mn -with him, and n -.-ti-i thar he will use as macv of t-"e a1 po:-i-ble in order to have hi? nt .re t-jru in ood cond it ion lor t ho -tie v. 1 : a 1 h-1 Mori-c-ipv eleven at ,o- ,n nT 1 rh m r.cd'iv. It v. a 1 on a our. t o' t -r.t .y.i'rf that the f a!i:'"rn-a n:ana vTfuni t ri-d to ca:i'-.d th ''U:e -w-it'ij 1 nh. T '.". only man on -;n- -,..!) 0 is nor in the r-;-:. of - orO' r,or. ': - kt. O'l "."t'.--t - .'T;.l ff. w-; a ? an inrjiM r-an-i. 1: wo-jr-1. -will p:i.y in l.m i.-.Te. r."-'.r' .-s C-anrain 11 vrT rd h n rf o'fd fo ' e 1 n re-'i. b'Jt this is ;o t"'' un- :"o :n jd. The California nr-n Mi nM vt f3"f n!:h! v.(f-i'..-r .h-v.'- rr "-.'.-I play nc-'t ni. .lort v-il! f ro.-.an v ttrH:t I t'-e rt'o't, b':t 'Vr-tii. tt,- .ri.'w- ki'-kr, wiij n'a y at lT.r ;. r,.( rt 'if !'.: X'-.i-ren h,is rot tr-(o ;tnv rf-ia''- n- nouri-'--rrj-n t. h.;t jf !- rro" -1 ''! t ,r ro-nny Br"kon T.-t plav Ward' rnifi '"iv. H" ha "of n p:.T'",inr In i"-ttiori i"-ttiori d'lrin? th" p:if. f-v d-ivt wnd t.t- bVi ot. n r&r. '"! " 1 ' n ; r 1 : ': f --!" a!-fys plava-i f-iTnark. .VI f o,-r I "U" rf'?'i,ars h:iv ro-.'-'r-'J 1'i'iro 1 11 j J'jr:? '.'-j will ''( !n f I- ':rc;i. '.(. 1 TI- sra-?.' "-i:l -ar a' .1 rr,-, :- Th officia' t;:I! h- fTnrv -m:''-. rfcr. ; a P-i )-n. 'irr'r i'f. T"itM ar, f rl':?"?; .tn"-hl, bf;id ;;n'' 'i ;in Thr , rT t. 4: ! , Vhi, r-'--' T Vox. IS !' ,T- !;. r-. I ' p 1 r 1 . t Man:i. ?! lar c'vo i--:, 1 M-.nJ,;i. fr,e. 1 ; , Marks, 7 rar P.if '-:ui-r, , f '-irrv. -'- rt Trvv' t j J'i',r". H r Co.,.); 1. h M;,'lf r? (,,. 4 i ,Toff!'V. t ,h rt c;;,,..,,.r ,7 !,! f-'-t'.-i'1- 1. .Ti '. . M i;.ir. 'j j . r-a:v.r. '., O'.-fly .". Nix "S, F;n- rtah --i-d :r.. Pi'!... r-:,hn..n 17. .i . : r IV I'.iiry r. M.,rr ak:.i |