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Show WIFE OF DRUGGIST DIES AT HOSPITAL! i iMrs. Lily E. Tnrton Van Dyke Had Resided in Salt Lake for About Sixteen Years. Mrs. Lily F,. Tnrton Van Dyke, wife of Charles Van Dyke, druggist, residing at LTiS South Si.xt h Last street, died ypstcrday afternoon at a local hospil al , following an operation for a ppeu-jiciti performed M on day. Se appeared to b. prcjg reusing favorably until Thursday, wh.;n the turn for the wore came. Mrs. Van 1'yke, who was ')) years ol age, was a nafie of Kansas. She wau in a rried to M r. Va n J yke in K a nas ( it v sixteen years ao. ;ouiing witii Imt husband shortly thereafter to Salt Lake, where they have since rPGided. Besides her husband, M is. Van Tyke is Kurvivc'1 bv their two daughters, rorrjthv ami Winnilred, ami two hitter:-. Mrs. Robert Van Dykr, )it husbniid be ing a brother of ( harleH Van Dyke and residing in Kansas ity. atid Mrs. Thomas Thom-as McMahon of Kllis. Kan. i'liucra 1 a rrang'Tiien t . will not be iuai until wonl is nveiveil frmu Mi. ! Van P'ke'w itfiM, who were noliljedl by tnlegraph of hei fudd"n d--ath. |