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Show LAWLESS P01ML OF CITY MUST UfflL S Governor Spry Declares H 5 Will Rid State of the J Threat-makers. STAND IS DETERMINE . Chief Executive Says He ": l Will Call Out Militia if Necessary. J -1 y I. W. TV. agitators, undesirables oi " all kinds, law-breakers and those wfy 1 ' ' breathe defiance at law and order r',! be driven out of Utah. This, b effect was an ultimatum delivered Tetraj . by Governor William Spry, foil raring the execution of Joseph Hillstroru. Presence in the city and state of Ian- -ies elements, self-styled "rebels" r'ta threatened the life of him and or " state officials who were determined that - ' ' HUlstrom should take the punishment " -" prescribed by law for his crime, aid ' other demonstrations made by i r: i eIr- . -' ablfs launched, ineffectual: v; "to 1 . date justice, have thorougLy arcis - ' Governor tfpry. Xot only did the threat? fail to sxerrt ' the governor from his deterrr-ir-a:;-, u ' ; see justice served in the case of Kilt 1 Etrom. but they have brought from hb: i 1 declaration of war a war that wLii r ; ; .,' the state of every last "rebel." declared that if loai authorities did to! " -: do it. he would, if he had to ca!i on the militia. "The fi'ht has just be cnn,1 fa';'" Utah's governor. ''The rig hia of de cent citizens and taipavers are s-'jiif -to be p rnterted. If undesirable tiinfc ' thev are goinc to run this stare, threats " lives end punnc property and drv l and order, they are badly mistake--" Denounces Speech-Making. V.' The governor's jaws clicked wiui termination. He continued: I am gnir.i to see to it t-at t:p ( Ptate is entirely rid cf the law;-e'en.ent law;-e'en.ent that now infest it. Tier? are more of these undesirables ;i the city than I have ever ?e?rj before. be-fore. The rijht i6 goirz to continue con-tinue until every law-breaker, every rr.an who defies iaw ar,d orcpr. every ev-ery n.Rfi who i opposed to law a:i order is driven out of Utah. V-4 I iion't cure what they call then:-peive. then:-peive. Thtv Diay shout abojt i throtrlinc ct"iree spee-'h''' if tr"' wi'l. but I am goii g to e iik; : innammatory ttreet speakizg a .' ?tr 7 pd at once. Firebrand free: speecnos atainst law and dc - and ail other demon st rations ri lawsLerS rebe'.lion and revcuu- , - tion must be Mopped. War against trie 3aw5, unaerlr able element wia bjui a: or.e. 1 , . , s:.a!l tike the xatter up with pese orTicerg all over tlie state. I shal intorm the City officials of Sit Lake that it is their duty to env? them cut. Thev have $ot to c?I : -out. Their activities have to stop, li the proper otTifers co in stoTi them, 1 will gr-t a force here ;r Utah that will stop them. 1 wi'.: ' call out the ftaie militia if mvej- ( sary. r Will Not Hesitate. ' Tho governor added that he c. i tvi belirvo this would ceceiry. that he would resort to it as a e.a " ot clcnnsir.p the state only in 43 eij tremity. lie naio: I do not think there w;ll be ce.l j of ti,j;, hut if the situation dmsnis it I shail not hositsle to cili upoa tho rr.-htin or use anv other meara poiible. Fut I believe thst trie j eaco oincers ot tne srate wi.i ac i their duty. I am luiiiliir the os:h of :ny uM'ice, and i: sihmus to ir.e that tho oath of every other o:ti-c;i. o:ti-c;i. Mate or local, is just as bisd-irg. bisd-irg. e did our duty with Joseph Hi'l-Mro:u. Hi'l-Mro:u. and w-e expect to do it w.tV I his In wins coiloa gue, sympsthirer . and admirers. Life and pnnxviy. whether pubhc or private, is to be protected. tiovernor Spry gave out th;s niont yoterdnv afternoon at hi? o'tuv' in t lie capitol, which still was N- l jfurdi anirst dopradntions by ' st-oin synip;;hire- or attempt ss'" the goornor's l.te. Threats Are Made, Since Uillstrom was sentenced ornor Spry and other slate of lioi:1'? "vf j received hundreds of threatening if" ! Some of tho writers throatoncl -i'Stj to the ehief executive and his associate, i some threatened destruction oi prc;e:. meiudini; the boautiiul new stst "hcv.' As a precaution, nuin than a week si-" h!1 dooi-s iviiiij entrance to the csvn-r . o-opt t!ie one under the j;rar.d ftAJt, " wav t tho south approach were demand dem-and a watchman stationed at thst r to keep a surveillance tr(on all who eti torod tho building. Those Ur.U"j ft"5 stiil tliote. lay nd in;ht the binl.nrf is wad liod, iVspito the threats Governor Sv has c o i n o :i n A gone at the ca pit v usual. He :it h9 office xtfri and remained until early nftoioc" when be wont for a ride." W liM tho Hillstiom case nnd a ptvss of tine maltei, the toemor had been i-1" der a considerable strain for ever jweek, no be concluded yesterisv tv tw la few hours' rivroation and ret. . |