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Show i Wr ALTER SMITH, who disappcH'.cd yesterday when faulty complaint was dismissed. " ft Js I i i ' i 'It- k- O . . 'X DEFEMHRT ESCAPES" DUHIHG BRIEF'UPSE- Walter Sniith Leaves Courtroom Court-room as New Complaint Is Being Signed. Walter HmU h, '' year? of a.e, j -ro printer of a dothe cleaning establishment establish-ment on Main street. li.-tenel yesterday m orn i n g in the court of J 1 1 ?'t ice ol t h e Pracp b. M. Maninean, Jr.. to a complaint com-plaint charging him Smith) with perjury. per-jury. Fir alo listened to the argument of hi eo-iippj, M. ii. Wa.blonp.'. asking ror a ruiji;?: u ot the coiiipihint on T Lit ground that i' h?. i b-'en ?.voru to by L-illinn H. .reitb. his wife, who could not- lega i !y ch:i rye ner huM-Li i.d v. nh y. lelony. Sni ith m!u listened to the iiliu ; - ut Justice MnrriiK-an grunting t!i nn.it j on for a. (iitmipsu!. a ii i in the tnirly :-onds :-onds ot his newiv-saiued iienoin, wnile the euurt wa sv.?::n:.g L't-tecriu j. ii. Sender to another ;tn.i similar co'n.lnit eharjiing iamith with prrjury us i.c;or--, slippe.i out ot ihe door nit-j Um-nnd Um-nnd before court oi'l'icor.-, and an;'. :n- rea ii.ed it . w; -.nif dov n the Ir. : I, down the ele u ': , j.r''-Ttni:i . .1 y p.i'u t l.e street at any .at-' out ol When it dav !: , upon As-i.-ia'ji onn-ty onn-ty Attoiney W ilson AicCarTy tnal ;uint was trone, J ''.-t'.'.'ti-.r S'-a'er was uu-c.y started m ?r-y r.-h of t h' no .v irr,: from jiM b-n, lie ret n rued in a :-h:i t time, saying that h- couid not t uid h tra-e ot him and tb;st the i.o'w wrni'd have the trnir.s matched. A; a tat-hour tat-hour lat idiit Smith wa.-"nil num bered antot'. the missing. The ariair yrn one of the -trance?; and most uncApe'-ted incideur-. that i,n taken juace in a city court of jnMcr ir many month, ami waj snoje.-t oi mm b discussion a-id I'nmn.cnt around the courtroom during the day. Smith v, as out n:i bnp.l, but that bond became automatically annulled when t!e I'om ia i ri t at;:iint him ,t- ili.-missed. o that his; former sureti"- r:i n in no wise be he'd res -.:) sifde. N'o one expected him to d-par' in tlte b's-- 'ban tine mi. ute oi.' time, required to i r nnd pwar to the newcompiaint. He Mmplv .-aw his o-portunity a " d 1 1 1 a 1 " n -e of it to dlrsjpl-eyr completely. - Assistant 'ounty Attorney M ' arty surprised and nonjd.ise.. Vnt ex-pressed ex-pressed the belief that Smith '.'.mild not be able to get very fnr a'-va before he -wa captnred. The per mry 'ha re against Smith f,rft,a out ni' a .iivoree -nit .djich he filed a'jain-t his wife, rdlian ,. Smith. OH ('fctober 'J 1 . l'i tlitr, wi ijd.'i i ot he r,r that he had brrn a re ident ot lah for a pei-jod ot more than one year prior to the --0 m nvri cement of the (ton. Mr:-. Smith base.) b.r allegation of rTinry on her sworn ;.t at ejjint, that Smith did n"1 ei.me to Salt, I.ake from Mitehell. S. D.. until April of thr- year. On Xo'.'pnd.er t she sv.ore to the complaint com-plaint eha reiu her husband with the crime of perjury, and the propped in:-1 had '.-pterda v were I hp outgrowth ot that char-e. |