Show city and county cottings jottings Jot tings CUTLERY ben R eldreda Eldr edg cutters and spectacles students supplies and white sewing machines at gray co ST valentines day SCHOOL party tonight to night at the opera house booth ia a student of german does your back ache oregon kidney tea will cure you FA grand school party in the opera house tonight to night BARGAINS on leather coats and vests at JONES gos WHY cant wo have water in at least every other ditch is the cry of burne ous citizens THE provo Marble Works co are moving to the old talmage building on ast center street THE grand musical festival next wednesday evening promises toc clipse all others history PROVO literary this eveliner eve niner at the usual time and place tho public is invited LOTTIE REDFIELD secy call and see the bargain counter that has been introduced at H B JONES co county and city surveyors ceNo 15 block leave order in drug store A L booth ALL the articles shown on our bargains counter are cheap and useful at S S JONES co LITTLE kate waa out yesterday steaming and thawing out the track and otherwise making preparations to run again A small pocket book was picked up last night near the district school house this purse contained 5 cents and a yard of ribbon THE funeral of the late mr christian will take place at the methodist church tomorrow sunday at 2 p in frendy invited TUB principal topic of conversation among our music loving people is the grand concert next wednesday Wednes dey evening west coop co op are making great preparations for opening up in their new store with a fine stock of dry goods ia april next ana nicholson dramatic company appear tonight at tho biyson opera house in their new and successful piece entitled comrades MANY complaints are bieard on account of the delay occasioned at the post office through lack of enough clerks the matter should be remedied THE provo street R 11 co must have acted upun the B Y A students proposition oro position they were steaming up again last night and are running today to day DES freemal burrows at hotel roberts every of eacle week will examine all pupils at private or public for errors of vision iree of charge MR J P SKELTON was taken deily ill after leaving bokon evening and was unconscious most of the night tho cause of his sudden is not known GOSPEL revival meetings continue at the methodist preaching to morrow at 11 a m and p m enrooth league at all are invited to any or all of the meetings G M JEFFERY pastor THE sun fire insurance company through its local agent geo A dasen berry has fully paid for all damage done to the hotel roberts at the recent lire which destroyed the barn on the west of the hotel J A fitzgerald was arraigned before commissioner hill yesterday for drawing a deadly weapon on es deputa marshal bennalt Ben nelt he wag bound over to await tha action ot the grand jarv in bonds of A to the KEE from el mora calain Calai 8 anxious to bec eec uro the address of a real estate man he has made his stake and is coming to aliis valley to locate on a good farm his head ia level SEVENTIES of this stake should 10 member their conference which is to ae held on sunday february next in this city the time for tha afternoon meeting is set for 2 the president of the seventies will be present THE attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of greatsinger Gre asinger co manufactures of positive and negative cough cure liniment etc to be found in this isano of the pyne maiben the wide amaie druggists of this city have secured the sole agency for the celebrated remedies for provo and from the cn otmous eales these remedies have all over the county bespeak of alie popularity of tl 0 same call at ayno maidens Mai bens for a trial bottle of the cough syrup or liniment and be convinced for yourselves A gentleman in union county mo who is too modest a man to have his name mentioned iu the newspapers was cured of rheumatism by chamberlains pain balm after trying other medicines and treatments for thirteen years 50 cent bottles for ald by smoot drug co ara fichman borrowe for diseases of the eye car nose throat lungs and chronic haye consented to have an auice at hotel roberts provo every monday of each week home auer back building salt lake |