Show nm wn the of the fluid sold BT OUE paeden statistics gathered from men in the business ahat with a saloon keeper for some time past there has been considerable discussion as to the amount of liquor sold in provo city the following statistics arc the result ot careful inquiry among the liquor dealers oatlie city and those who are somewhat familiar with the liquor business there are eleven saloons in the city and two drug stores licensed to sell liquor the annual sales of the saloons range about seven thousand to sixteen thousand dollars giving an average of and a total of the sale of liquor of the two licensed drug stores will reach and of the unlicensed drug tores 1500 giving a grand total of liquor sold in provo city of EXPENSES the expenses of the saloons aie heavy of the eleven saloons in tha city nine pay A license of per quarter or 1201 per annum making the other two saloons each pay an annual license of 1000 making a total saloon license of the two drug stores each pay a license of per quarter or per annum giving a total of 1200 which added to the saloon license makes a grand total of paid in 1 licenses lic erses the saloon rents range from 25 to per month giving au average of 75 and a total of per month or per year As a rule lie services of tobar tenders are required in running a saloon the pi krietor etor or one of the proprietors geneia ly fills the place of one and another is ired at a salary at an average of 6 allowing per moi t lr the proprietor we have for the eleven saloons of the city a total salary ac cout of 1760 per month or per annum then there are a number of minor expenses such as sugar lemons ight and fuel ice government license etc which will amount in the aagre gate to 50 per month for each saloon for the eleven and a grand cotal of per annum the amount it costs the bar to treat and what Is lost through bad customers would be biffi cult to ascertain but it must be no inconsiderable sum the expenses of the wholesale liquor are comparatively small especially so as the wholesale branch of the liquor business is always connected with alie dm business the sum of 30 per month in addition to the license will perhaps cover the expense this would result in an annual total of this gives a sum total of expenses per annum of 52 with the quantity of inestimable saloon expenses to be added the profits of the saloon business are illy large they have been estimated at per cent on the original cost of he article the saloon sales amounting to would therefore bield a profit of subtracting from this sum the saloon expenses amounting amo to leaves a net profit of the profits of the wholesale liquor business are not eo large they have been estimated at 50 cent the cital drag store sales of liquor were estimated at the profit on this amount at 50 per cent would be subtracting tr from this the approximated expense amounting to 1920 leaves a net profit of adding this to the saloon profit of ve have a net profit on whisky business of the past several months have been very quiet in the saloon business and some of the saloons have scarcely cleared SALOONS PER CAPITA in salt lake city there are about seventy falcons Fa loons or one saloon for every seven hundred inhabitants placing the population of provo at inhabitants we have one saloon for every five hundred inhabitants it must be borne in mind however eliat the saloons in provo do a very small business compared with those of salt lake CHAT WITH A BALOON keepen business was not rushing for n few minutes and one of genia saloonkeepers saloon keepers consented to chat with ug lor a few minutes 1 its a mistaken idea he said that many people fall into of supposing that the liquor business is all profit philp we had no license to pay of course it was a pudding but 1200 a year is quite a salary nf itself expenses are BO doe gone high besides the license we have and fuel sugar lemons government licenses and a whole lot of other little expenses bar keepers get daty or sixty dollars a month be sides what they borrow I 1 always told any of my bar tenders that if they leave time to go biome for supper or antal 0 o jo to th th itaf or some thing of that binl the till and I 1 expect they helped maybe to a great deal that I 1 knew nothing about and then there are a great many bad debts in the business these bummers and loafers will work in on you occasionally the expenses of treating are too A crowd comes in and drinks are ordered and set yourself in bartender says some fellow maybe you dont feel like drinking but ou laye to do it and then of course vou have to set up the cigars for the crowd I 1 can generally size a fellow up a poon as ho comas in at the door I 1 can generally tell he wants beer soda or whisky and you soon get 0 o know the fellow who alwang rills hi glass to the rim no matter what aize glass you give him we haval a class for lucli fallows here the various kinds of alises an fn the saloon were placed on the berand their capacity illustrated with water more bspry is ald than of any other berage in the summer it is nearly all beer soda or in the winter more whisky is sold here a number of customers entered and tre retired gods to nun kimi aaa thousands w ho have been ared ly th celebrated oregon kidney tea tr t smoot co |