Show FESTIVE gay dressings in view of tho pub lib for prizes the wild scene witnessed ut tonsorial elal paris A tremendous one of the ioa j before twenty seven looking glasses juat twenty seven disheveled kaulens ma taft by thea familial s griped wrappers of thai hair dressers i saloon surrounded ams pms bandeaux and but why expose the secrets of the toilet enough tp say ahat airway there necessary to the of a fashionable coiffure B hind each stood a figaro expectant tail comb in hand his snowy shirt front and resplendent studs carefully protected by a silken kerchief now executing valse the preliminary strains of the band now combing the tresses before him to the same accompaniment this odd scene says a paris letter in the new york sun was at the ball of the society of Progress ih Hairdressing and it was the outset 0 prize competition the signal is given with lightning fingers fee competitors proceed to work in a trice fringes that lately straight assume a puffy appearance the spectator can not fail to note the careful powdering of the models faces for the electric light iq trying and observe hoy speedily a twist here a curl there and half a dozen pins add to feminine charms it is an very serious tha subjects are of gravity bilows and auguste and jaques and hippolyte indulge only in the facial contortions peculiar to their their young cadies and professional promenade to the musie with palpitating tating hearts gentlemen the the pockets cries he president with here a final fingering of the friezes frizzes friz zes and a farewell adjust ment of feathers and flowers the competitors peti tors whisk off the wrappers and the twenty seven ball gowned young ladies all the glory of then elaborate coiffures coif fures gentlemen of theary th eury will you do your is the stentorian command it sounds as if they were trying a murder case agthe solemnity of the momen tl there is no conversation the music ceases the excitement of the festive figaroa is alone manifested in their elevated eyebrows uplifted shoulders and fierce mustache ends working like the antennas of the lobster the prize 1 only to him who shall obtain seven rotes but alas and alas no one gains this number no 23 gets six iso IS o 1 gets three the remaining four are frittered fritt ered away between other competitors again and again the i gentlemen of the iura coyour duty and just as twenty three to hare grasped the golden cross ol 01 honor a wild crowd seizes hold of a diminutive blacio bearded individual with a lomb tai protruding from his pocket uplift him shoulder high and is realized is after all the lucky man lunch just before retiring they were both pictures of health the lady did not look over twenty five though she never hesitated to say that she was years id and the husband looked at least ten years younger than be really was They were ath d kotees to the laws of health years they have allowed interfere with the regularity of sleeping an fri fr i ing hours almost the midnight hom was cho senor retiring because it al lowed them evenings at the theater and 1 an hour or so at even the most fashions fashio nl yie receptions when alone in their home they never indulged in an earlie hour because then it unfitted them for of which they were very |