Show excitement buns high at pyne maidens Mai bens daniff store over system builder aa everybody is using it for catarrh of the stomach dyspepsia and to build up the system it certainly posses wonderful when all so well olit A take it before breakfast the preat appetizer tonic and liver regulator in usa for more than 50 years in england positive specific for liver complaint bad in the mouth oil arising ia ihei morning dull pains in the head and back of the eyes tired feeling dizziness dizzine sa lancor symptoms of liver remedy dr Uund elion bouic believes con sharpens the appetite and tunca up the entire get the genuine from your druggist for 1 and take accordine to directions druff cje ana atin binl ment u I 1 j certain cure for chronic sore salt head old tores fever sores it ill prairie scratches bore tipples it ii soothing hundreds beba ared by if ater enthat filled it input in sand SO cent for bale t e i i 0 sprine medicine Dr Gunns improved biver pills on of their mild action are especially adapted for correcting ss impure blood tired brain and aching aad they act promptly on the liver and kidneys djuve ont ail impurities from find malaria f romieu a sy are ap only ft try them this spring bold at 5 centa a box by i w i S t if A steam and r gas fitter ame W ly ani rillas atlays ON HAND bath tulis basins liias eawh SPRINKLER GARDEN HOSE etc houses fitted up in the most approved savle wilh steam gas hot and cold water Orders promptly attended to ME A P 0 bor 16 CENTER ST PROVO sacramento restaurant HO 69 st will boen saturday january slat SICE CLASS MEALS call and see us on terms IEE boyl proprietor Is the place to go to when you want pine glassware elegant lamps CROCKERY FAMILY HARDWARE LAWN CHAIRS STOVES INCLUDING ALBUMS ETC the fair HALF BLOCK NORTH OF FIRST i NATIONAL BANK THE MILL LUMBER YARD are completely equipped with all kinds of building malarial lowest prices and prompt attention to orders WE MAKE A speciality OF boorse Boors 1 sash iia our establishment is run with the latest and most improved machinery and everything in the building line can be furnished on the most satisfactory terms 3 W MICKEL prop provo UTAH leading wilsons Wil sons law office liture cna wholesale and dealers in furniture of all kinds bedroom suits 22 and up wards parlor suits and upholstery at bargain A marriages lace cw c w j curtains portieres eres backs ac frices to suit all 1 i weare naw in our new quarters 15 7 seventh UTAH TM 1 SUCCESSOR TO BROS BUTCHERS EAST f f cash paid for fat calves EXCELSIOR BAKERY f c x CAKES A linb LOT OF CASK ORNAMENTS AT pcs AND r in connection biln our battery we liate AKO DINING v s ayr and porter house stas always on band A FOR LADIES it theatre city HE j j 4 S jp n i K t i ia ilij xi provos watch this space A allm 01 ft first rational iati onal bank PROVO GITT UTAH I 1 i paid in cambal f surplus J L 0 SMOOT c T R VICE W C ASSISTANT basham T 1 S S JONES I 1 JPHN a ghaham Gl AHAM at wailter B pice JTB JOHNSON afe deposit vanalta absolutely fire proof kents 3 to ler DEPOSITS PAYABLE ON DEMAND collections SENT US RECEIVE PROMPT ATTEN 1 ln i AND REMITTED AT LOWEST RATES correspondents C i NATIONAL pasa ZM francisco 1 pacino bm salt lake city bin 5 acquainted with the facer arii i 34 TAriL w we are already the cheap 1 l s that est place in town wil appreciate and avail them the opportunity we are offering for the next 80 DAYS c of oar stock at 15 per cent discount to reduce and exko roam for our spring goods now on the desm road 15 per cent of every i toh hing you buy for the next 30 t S t days february ast 1st t I 1 1891 80 ts t s a f l 1 fe s i S LU ho 14 arnon block C THE CHEAPEST i j J AT g dry goods groceries ladies gents furnishing Purnis hing boods s AND SH OES T are selling off our stock of AT y andr BE 4 PROVO |