Show administrators SATE OF ESTATE j j notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of an the probate couri pi bait lake conny utah knude january 1891 in ah desiate B a miller deceased itie undersigner undersigned will sell ac private ale u the iby court on wednesday ane mh bayol february la at barroom alln 15 a i west second salt 4 alse conui y interest estate ul ahe eald deceased S af the rf ullo and nie resi ahat tae sid estate baa by operation of law or otherwise squared squired otaw tan orio fand deceased in and to all that certain olland situate la lutali county etab territory ad and bounded as lol lows to att i 1 l 1 an one hal interest in and to a browm sooae quarry etuale ua la said U tah bounty and knowd a the builders and ladan defied in nullie by ibe lock tons by nave adred feet in by six hundred abet a niesi nUl red sand stone lode 1 ox deposit bearing sand atone dinc and described on lue kroun daa to wit ro rs i ab bs projecting outcrop and monument on about lafr A mile tank on i the df SS pork canon and about elx miles druia the mouth of the on the leti hand going ap the aaen and said Jo catora in faud nutice stated thai they claimed fourteen bun dred leet anif southerly dire clia acdore hundred feet in a northerly direction and madu maz i i c r terms and conditions of sale cash ten percent of the purchase price to ba bald on day of sale bance on unArm tion ot caleb bids bo in aalt may be left at or mailed to the aid place or delivered to personally annj ume before the said day bf bau dated january assli 3 lu if i f baell i j |