Show ST valentines DAY the roses red the violets blue sugar is sweet and so are you oh those bappe days of childhood they will never bo forgotten joyous business letters may have been received telling of great financial gains love letters may have been sent from a beloved sweetheart sweet heart tenderly worded in loves sweetest language bat all fail to bring that joy that one experienced upon receiving the first little valentine of conr childhood and who has not received one there is something romantic in thinking on ST valentines day of the scenes of childhood what lovely faces what bright smiled haunt our memory on such an occasion we remember some of the dearest friends in life and are lost in astonishment at how widely over bargans of life have separated on the troubled sea of existence bome have glided smoothly on to wealth and fame others have sunk in the whirlpool of poverty and vice on the surface we have left marked more or less plainly the course of our boat but mhd greater portion of our lives is below the rippling surface and is not visible to the eyes of mortal man in other words we all live a dual life one for the public the other within ourselves we think thoughts the tongue cannot utter and alas some do that they dare not tell but in looking back how proud we must feel when our boat has taken a straight course and we know that underneath the surface there is nothing we are ashamed of under such circumstances a glance at ones past career is a pleas uro and on a day like this it is well to devote a few moments thought to the scenes of childhood to recall some of our first valentines yalen tines |