Show FACTS stable to rent THOMSON FOB BALE pure bred durham bull thomson FOK SALE imported shire stallion thomson FOR SALE pure bred jersey bull thomson WHEN want raisins call at boshardy shards Bo arah oysters ane season at the enterprise WA GON and buggy business for sale THOMSON cleanliness promptness and cheap nass at layon want a good square meal eo to the restaurant dinners 25 cents dinners at excelsior knestaut rant are superior to aay in town con si dering the price only beeswax wanted at dunn coa notice the display of badis kid gloves ai the provo east co op j ladies fine kid gloves all color foster patent for 1 per pair at the Easi coop co op stil Heads the grocery trade of call and eee bior yourselves arby laundry 0 salt lake J evans has the agency for ehg cele berated troy steam laundry salt lake city bundles left monday will be sent and returned free of charges satisfaction offices aad R G express office in howe haftl ilio cry eiore agent wanted A good canvasser and agent for sew ng machines organs and giahos wanted immediately apply to provo book stationery 30 GEO manager WILL close our line of striped and plain seer suckers at four yards for 25 cents call early and escure this bargain co important to Ladies know ye the citizens of provo city that the time of year has come when something must be done by each and empry store keeper and he feels it his datuto make some special efforts to please his customers with something new and where as the firm of jas thomson aco is a new firm they have decided to do something quite novel by cutting the prices of all of their goods to nearly cost dexta earl ia every variety and at low down figures at BROS co J street bids for the erection of a fire department building for city will be received by the undersigner undersigned under signed on or before monday february ag 1891 afa p m for plans and specifications call on R G watkins architect at his domce at the territorial asylum building aa materials must be furnished by the contractors the city council reserves the richt to eject any or all bids not considered advantageous to the city E 0 henrichsen chairman corn on public grounds and cita property |