Show fiort line the M milwaukee and st paula RAILWAY T Is tb only ime steam beatch and electric lighted trains daily and omaha composed of sleeping Slee pine r 1 DINING CARS INTHE WORLD fiihr oliss any further information as orates fare etc will be cheerfully furnished fur nisheL by if traveling agent Salt Lii dumber GO wr js at calef ditale i JL j t y kt u A ajl A naadir nap hi I 1 v 7 y y gorner of tl gardmer smith i wholesale and retail confectionery confectioners ers imick bank corner i t i H n t a L t agy i in i T v T ts rl i i i est GOOB GO OB t bcd L T ar daily u f ww shipments of goods v r i rhey ever to their Cue tomera with latest sty les andrest and best t 53 i vt f jl anu d n rl doldy 1 ft iian ayi Brillian teens bandyke Yan dyke braids silk velvety velvets Vel vets la 10 aadla i jt t 0 e ni great vane ly 0 f L ts r 1 9 C f i fj J yc y carload arrived ajia t ra f i T f A J r i i i SM arc lic L tt lj 1 f l lam la m li A 3 7 J t s sl r T rae c ab eba down to alving figures A 4 i n alt T 1 0 15 T i ii abc i quart i lob f el t a A jwj retsil aei JE rii t oi for yur school filc go i F I 1 ji ali v 1 S L co t r j I 1 1 kasro nr axt ji l TT ii 0 s y we the 1 carry 1 mthm l cju riat agents for domestic sewing machine facea rd organs JE ianos ac an elegant line of WALLPAPER a hr ato boo 13 hion blocks s aej ry c i fa ari r alami ml aMi fj browning Brot neri sa f SALT CITY UTAH 2461 allne lc ks iI Cutt lery ka fi seia tta waterproof boots and sheea 11 sies andee aber em at priced in al JA mf VV yva va agenda bothe the bast riding made Sp ortin goods cir oe al 11 faricia fa al tb ti U 9 ri a c iett 1 i t a u ii j 3 r w ejk th a giua yi uA dl r t y dealers fin li gine etcy t bosted tolson aad to be what we represent them I 1 ii ft Plate arid sheet aorl ai fhi 11 uia afta i 1 ric adf t sa mr with 3 i i r i proved t estea ESt fA act brass and alron fittings sadami MI i aa 1 j S at 1 on i ICU t e WORK FENCING CRESTING 1 1 tinb eife i ife 1 albo on teri hort j sa s1 r i si I 1 fcc t A a ic j td TS 2 sl i f taa i tibet ap iii ba r agh office n con co 1 i i rei dealema dr GENERAL u pity T hiu af bordeo peoro m cooperative co operative stores 1 j i f foox iff try S 0 M I 1 ta tn salt lake city kaedbe oga provo and a 1 Pro TUlon prodan Tl aware 1 steveb toola drock leather Dr oCT finding 51 0 f t 1 j I 1 1 T JUI J UI aalt rio g 1 io 3 i 1 5 EG dayis haa removed hip bof t J j on center adhere s he lisnow prepared i to dora fiT rl ij f r f f 0 aft TIIT roofing call and get prices b ef ore t ni jerky 4 ja A 4 javie i provo west coot CO ot will sell their entire stock consisting of alie very bet tr i r IT f i ca jn 1 following lines ii i j i notions ladies ands Gents furnishing andi Children Shoes Slippers and mens boots shoes abid prices guaranteed to be at leasta per cent less than at an in the city to save money is the prevailing mahu fore m the interest ef economy and conr per nal re advantage call upon us and r we will save you money I 1 9 clotil j m ani bissig toie t 1 PL shang DONE ON TH SHORTEST NOTICE OP STAIRS STAIR RAILING t BALUSTERS EWEL POSTS BRACKETS and all kinds of WORK RETAIL 1 DOORS MOUX DINGS LATH SHINGLES SASH WEIGHTS CORD LOCKS HINGES and all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL CEMENT CHIMNEY FLUES PORTLAND CEMENT PU TER OF plasterers CENTER 1 caio H lec le c f aiss aaili celebrated combination alt and wire fence everything make and sell is dowid tap bed rock prices 0 o 0 office factory and yar la opposite the U P and Kio Grande depots prove W K fl sapt fehil is is N E A west end meat main which will be opened one door east of parley Hind marahs grocery store on thursday october 16 1890 with a choice supply of free delivery to any part of town ED KI prop utah county savings bank the attention of those desiring to open savings accounts is called to the county savings baals which allows interest on deposits at the rate at 5 per cent per annum compounded quarterly mony booan tooan on approved real estate security its officers are ad follows A 0 SMOOT president T K cn blab vice president w H cashier c A assistant cashier A 08 MOOT J C GRAHAM T K GEOEGE TT JH pk TER B the undersigner undersigned under signed have in connection connect ioa with their business opened a firel claas W aai ATTHE AT THE UNION PACIFIC DEPOT LEHI and can furnish of conveyances vey ances night horses and Mares for sale at reasonable prices cam agea carrying passengers connect with all trains on the union pacific and eio grande western people cooperative co operative institution GENERAL lehi of STEAM fiad HOBE POWER WELL DRIVING CHINERY i A second fiand say mill bath mill anda an d 20 inca leffell turbine wheel for sale cheape we carry the larges of pipa P BI NiGA attended to half west coop co op P 0 O provo sui FOUN BRY AND M C lf a asi byis lisas ll |