Show at fiock this afternoon LIFE BECAME EXTINCT scenes at the death bed he passed 1 peacefully froni this world fob 14 special death has como at last this alvernoon alter noon it ten minutes to two general boul left earthly remains the family were all at the death bed during his dying moments aad death came very peacefully general sharman spent the greater portion of the night in sleep and seemed to be very ea aily at 3 aulock p in gameral diio nua edwiu and 1 I think hiie general lias pasted the crisis in hia he hid fourteen four tean houra restful repose and before this lie biad not had two honra of quiet time one diio is entirely free and the other filled with mucous ia no indication of pneumonia and the action of the heart and stomach is good the general ig weak and still in 1 critical condition out ho chances for his recovery aie nood the doctors also thought at that tim the conditions condit ians were very but when the general awoke chii morning the glands of his throat were much swollen and he had rown perceptible weaker at 10 the family were summoned to the bedside and at 12 an official bulletin was issued baying that general could a few moments more A carpe crowd waa congregated on the street and when death was announced noun ced many were pieced although they were expecting the end at nt |